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Everything posted by kerley

  1. kerley

    x lite 3.JPG

    From the album: Kerley's Stuff

  2. kerley

    Xlite lever

    From the album: Kerley's Stuff

    For Sale
  3. i may be good for that if im not working
  4. well apart from it was raining at asda hey fletch??
  5. kerley

    stuff for sale.jpg

    From the album: Kerley's Stuff

    loads of things all for sale
  6. kerley


    that is crazzzzy high!
  7. Isnt it all about where the weight in your bike is as to how it feels? Say if you had heavier bars you wouldnt really notice it as much because your holding on to them and they are really close to where your pulling, but, if your forks are heavier you will feel it more because they are further from where your applying force. something to do with force x distance, moments etc????
  8. kerley


    i thought michelin comp 24's only came in 26". if they do come in 24" surely the 24" riders would be using them???
  9. kerley


    im doin pretty much the same as you im taking maths, further maths, physics and accounting. I really dont enjoy accounting and physics i can do but i still find reasonably hard and maths i just seem to be able to get on with, which is the main reason for me wanting to do maths. I have been looking at southampton and thats bout all. Loughborough is also an option but it all depends on my subject choice.
  10. kerley


    Right I have a long while before i actually start attending university, over 2 years infact, however, my school is starting the ucas forms and personal statements now as most people who arent taking a gap year will be going in just over a year. Anyway, basically for me any university is an option as the few subjects i would like to take are available at most uni's, so where have people been, going to or attending and what makes it good for you? Also what courses other than maths include mathmatical asspects? (sorry bout the massive amount of blabber im so confused bout uni's)
  11. kerley

    Et24 Updated

    cheers for all the comments guys. the grips i'm running are the big cheese hard and soft grips which are holding up really well and feel great. I am using a 90mm*10 degrees rise hope stem and its the best feeling bar/stem setup i have had for a while now (not that there was much competition) I am currently looking for a lower seatpost so if anyone knows of one then that would be brilliant. I'm not sure if i needed a bleed when i had the bore cap changed but i'm pretty certain that it would have needed to be bled, even if i didn't have the hosing changed at the same time. Ask Dave from Tartybikes as he did the work on it.
  12. kerley

    Et24 Updated

    Just thought i would update the pics of my bike. Thanks to tartybikes for sorting out my disc with the hosing and the borecap.
  13. kerley

    Bike pics

    et24, px, echo
  14. kerley

    ET24 2

    From the album: Bike pics

  15. kerley


    From the album: Bike pics

  16. kerley

    You Like?

    nice but would look even better with blue ZOO! stickers to match your bash and hubs.
  17. whats more ridiculous bout that rotor being 205 is that its probably on the bike with the shortest wheelbase on the forum!! i have just got my mono mini working recently after sending it to hope and they rebled it and gave me some new pads, and it would be great on a mod. The mono trial would be awesome, not that i have used one, but try and get your avid sorted without spending out on it too much.
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