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Posts posted by MiuSliS

  1. Maybe they should consider the climate and change the date of the k-days next time, besides I'm sure there are a lot less people than they had last year, since it's not in Buthiers. I'd say fail on event, but nice video to watch, really good job on edit, well made, goes with the song.

  2. Oh come on! We didn't want to cut the song in the middle so just took the beginning. Jeez, it's just for a laugh mate.

    Here is the full song if anyone wants to hear it.

    Yeah i know the song. Well use the song in next video, which is longer! :P

  3. ^_^ Adam Morewood! I'm not from UK, but i like this kid and hope to see him high in rankings even when he gets older. Well, Tarty teams looks really good, many top riders. Waiting for some vids, pics of these awesome people. :lol:
  4. 3:07, your arse?

    It's called style!!! B) But I don't get it either.

    Nice video there, shoull work on rear wheal hops, to get more control, but i guess that will come with time. Although, you really should learn to sidehop to the left, since you ride right foot forward. :-

  5. Nice pictures Sam! Looks like you've got a bit of an entourage!

    I'm a bit suprised to see you riding on creepy crawlers, thought you would still prefer the Try-alls or even tried Monty tyres

    Those were my exact same thoughs, when i saw Sam's bike check. But still you Sam are looking beast on that bike. Plus the last pic looks uber fun! ^_^

  6. Dont no if this will help but on the Tarty bikes website some of the kids bikes are normal 20's just with a smaller stem. So i was thinking you could buy a cheap 20 and put a small stem on it.

    Well, kids bikes usually have at least a bit different geo, but that idea might work and it's probably the cheapest.

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