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Posts posted by Otacon

  1. If I have to spell out EVERY definition of every word I mean just because you can't/wont answer my questions we are going to be here all night

    you again seem to have an unhealthy interest in my love life

    No YOUR gonna be here all night, not me, i have a life, unlike you clearly

    and i dont have a massive interest in your love life, its pretty inactive from what many of told me, i just think its f**king hillarious your 27 and still a virign and yes ali, i know its true.

  2. So what you are saying is that my opinion is wrong?

    Nah, im stating that if you have a lack of belief in gravity, lack of gravity generally means you arnt gonna stay on the ground my friend, You know, study science. Im not applying i think your opinions wrong, you never stated your definition of gravity, you merely mentioned the word and as a joke to liven your moody 27 year old arse up, i said the only place your going is up, cause thats what lack of gravity causes.

    • Like 1
  3. cool sorry, I misread that.

    I have every right to question you, that's how I make decisions in life, I question things that are put to me and if they hold true then sweet, I'll buy/go/do the thing that was put to me, if they don't hold true, I'll give it a wide birth.

    Are you saying scientists can't question things, what makes you so great that you can't possibly be questioned?

    If you are so concerned about me having a girlfriend/making family plans for the future I'll send you updates of my future love life shall I?

    Feel free, ill send you the postet note yeah ? as much room as your gonna need (Y)

  4. I didn't know I still lived at my parents?

    You must have either missed my point or forgot to reply to it.

    Are you saying I don't have any right to question anyone? I presume you have kids judging by you response? I heard it's good to shake babies to make them shut up if they are crying, you can't question that because it's an opinion.

    I said living on your own/with parents.

    You dont have a right to question my opinion no, for the 17th time. Nah i dont have kids, difference though ali, im 20 bro and if you heard thats good, then cool, thats your opinion, take it in your stride, dont let anyone tell you your wrong buddy.

    Im bored, cya later

  5. You care / have too much time dude. :blink:

    You sir, are my new best friend :)

    I'm 27.

    So as I said in my post above, you would say that the people out there who believe the earth is flat, you would say their opinion is correct? How about Religion, some people's opinion that Jesus is the true saviour and is the son of God, by your logic they can't be wrong.

    What's with the rush of having a family? What's that actually got to do with anything?


    Religion is actually a matter of opinion, people use religion/turn to religion for different reason, why should you question someones faiths and beliefs ? In any scenario actually what makes you think your so f**king special as to question someone.

    The rush of having family, there isnt, i just know myself, yes ali i once loved trials, rode it for 8 years, that if i was still riding push bikes, living on my own/with parents, at the age of 27 with no girlfriend, id be very f**king concerned. You may see it as normal, thats fine, its your opinion, my opinion is that its f**king wierd, so another arguement here we come cause you cant accept my opinion ? Not accept that its right, just accept that i have one, oh wait no, cause my opinons wrong, ahh right gotcha (Y)

    Watch Danny Kearns - The Years :)

  6. An opinion can be wrong.

    You must not have great friends if they always try and put you down.

    wow, really ali, 28 years old and you cant even decipher that an opinion cant be wrong lol.

    You must live under a rock ali, You earn a living from bikes well done, i honestly have the utmost respect for you there, no sarcasm whatsoever, but it doesnt stop you from getting laid and living a normal life, seriously dude, your 28 years of age, times ticking, time to start thinking about kids and stuff bro. But obviously none of you will agree with that, cause you live in this fantasy bike world

    and oh yeah, thats MY OPINION.

    • Like 1
  7. Followed up with:

    Irony: noted.

    Your level of arrogance is pretty mind blowing. I don't really get how you can have a level of self confidence that high - "you have no right to question me", "don't bring me into this again", "I was sick at this trials lark", etc.

    If im not confident in myself, nobody else will be, all anybody does in life is try to put you down, so i stay strong and be selfconfident. I was sick at trials, no-one can deny that, at the time i rode, i was well above average. Not that it even matters, why are you picking things out from my signature ? How can some question YOUR opinion, an OPINION is impossiable to be wrong, its my view on something, i didnt say it was right or wrong, its my opinion, therfor, you have no right to question it. I politely asked not to be brought into a arguement over a bike forum about something completly insane ? Is that so wrong.

  8. Alright Ali, im wrong, whatever, i seriously dont care, if defending yourself so much over the internet means that much to you ill let you have it. I dont care, I expressed my opinion, un-educated or wrong, its my opinion, and you have no right to question it because everyone is entitled to an opinion.

    I just see it as a waste that you lot who get 10,000-20,000 views a video on your riding are wasting the opportunity to earn good money and i wanted to help.

    You win ali, enjoy man.

    • Like 1
  9. Wow, i just offerd you a postion on how to make more money out of something you love doing and you come back at me with yet again something else to further the arguement, im trying to be helpful yet you persist on trying to argue with me. If anybody wants info on how they can recieve money for making trials videos. Feel free to ask me and ill explain, especially if your a popular rider and get alot of views, it can become benificial to you and could help with your trials parts fund and stuff :)

  10. what's age got to do with anything? I don't know how old you are but you make internet videos of COD, not my cup of tea but whatever, no doubt if someone had a go at you on the internet about it you would feel the need to defend what you do.

    I happen to make a living from riding bikes and I also happen to get rather a lot of abuse from Ross, he'll probably say "its just joshing, take a chill pill" or something along those lines but why should I have to put up with it?

    It's also funny how the people who say this place has fallen apart are also the same people who usually cause the issues in the first place.

    Your life revolves around making CoD videos so you cant really judge lol.

    edit - ffs ali u beat me

    Im not gonna argue, cause it shows how little knowledge you have about the youtube community, if you lot were smart, youd start using it to your advantage, theres alot of money to be made from youtube and the amount of views trials riders get, 70% of you would get partnership and for every view on your video you get payed. Theres some people who make cod videos who earn what you earn in a year off 3 videos, may be sad, but it pays extremly well if you have a brain in your head. Whatever, yeah i make cod videos, but i also do other things, i am in no postion where i have to explain myself to you.

    Enjoy your arguing anyways, please dont get me involved in this any other way, i just wanted to say what i thought.

    Take care guys.


  11. This forum has seriously fallen apart...No disrespect to ali, but your liek a 28 year old bloke, arguing on a bike forum, really ? :\

    I cant believe theres a 7 page arguement, over a small little comment about someone riding a bike differently.

    Every topic i go into, arguement.

    Im not getting involved, I just wanna say to the mods and admins, this forum has fallen to bits.

    Shame :\


  12. HD is the resolution, remember - smooth motion (to the human eye) only needs to be 24+. It's when you want to warp it and do slo-mo stuff that filming with a higher FPS will make any difference

    Exactly, i was planning on using twixtor in after affects and stuff, but at 24fps, i think ill leave it out, will look awful :P

  13. Hey guys, some guys sent me some HD clips so i can have ago at editing some trials stuff, anyone know of any good render settings for sony vegas ? Whats the fps on HD video cameras ? Also do they record in 1280x720 or 1920x1080 ?

    I only have render settings for HD Call of duty clips, but the frame rate is 60fps and the there 1280x720 and i dont think its the same for HD video cameras.

    Any help would be great.

  14. Give it a rest. Stop being so simple. Can't you see that street riders are still appreciating this video, yet your persisting in your usual ignorant manner.

    Anyway...the video was certainly impressive. It's not my type of riding at all and the video seemed to come from the past, but you can't help but acknowledge the shear scale of the moves and the bravery involved. Was certainly an interesting watch.

    Actually, no you're not. In your Facebook profile under political views you write "speak English"...(i presume this is some comment on the state of immigration in this country and that you would probably be happier if Britain would be back British). Despite these quite strong views, you can't actually speak English yourself, so by your very own political views and admission, you are a complete non-identity, therefore not entitled to any form of opinion.

    That was my way of showing respect for a brilliant use of English and intelligence, something that no-one will ever compliment you on.

    You keep telling people to chill out, maybe you should stop being so ignorant, seeing as that's the cause of most people's annoyance. If you don't like something, constructively criticise, if you can't do that, just don't say anything. What you do, would be the equivalent of me posting "Dullard." after every single one of your posts. It's what I think, and in this case also pretty much guaranteed fact, but it doesn't help the situation.

    Here's my opinion, go f**king kill yourself.

    Due lot want get a grip and grow up ? Stop argueing over a forum, its achieving nothing, seriously, You truely believe your above this guy for using totally over the top english ? Ross man, your safe and stuff and yeah, you are entitled to your own opinion mate, but i think we can both establish that your not allowed it on here so i reckon its best leaving it out. and this other guy, jumping in backing this other guy up and he's only been around 5 minutes on this forum.

    Incase someone who knows the answer or neil missed it through all this shit, whats the name and artist of the song on this amazing video ?

    EDIT: Seriously guys, telling each other to go and kill yourself, bit steep that :\ be a different story if it happend, whether you know the guy or not :\

    EDIT 2: Monsieurmonkey or whatever your name is, you seriously have no business whatsoever in this topic, you havnt said a single thing about the riding or the video, which is the original purpose of viewing this topic, instead you find that little bit of something to troll on and cause an arguement over cause it must give your self confidence that extra little boost in making you feel better cause you get bullied in school by the year 7s, seriously, if youve got nothing constructive or nice to say to neil or about his video, keep your f**king nose out, i dont care who you are or how intelligent you think you are backing others up and expressing your big fancy words. Just get a grip and find something else to do with your life if your just gonna give people shit on here all the time. I dont wanna get involved, but i come on here now and again to watch neil and damon and some old friends and in every topic i go into theres some form of debate or arguement and its pathetic, i just wanna watch a video and read some nice comments people have left about the video, is that to much to ask ?

  15. Alright bitches and hoes with hairy toes :). Now i dunno how you guys roll, but do any of you happen to keep your clips after youve put them together into a video ? i wanna edit a trials video, but wanna use HD quality clips, if anyone has any that are HD and a decent standard of riding, could you put them into a .rar file and upload them to somewhere i could download the .rar file from and link me either in here or a private message, obviously whereever i upload your content to ill give you full credit and link you to the video.

    Appriciate it if you could help me guys =]

    EDIT : 15 Clips or more if possiable btw please :)

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