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Posts posted by neonneon

  1. Can you post a foto (from chainring to driven gear) then maybe you can get some help.

    Unless someone has had this problem and happens to read this then you might not get useful help.

    More details like your gearing set up may be of assistance to effect a remedy.


    I'll go get a photo now :)

    EDIT: I have no freewheel on at the moment... I forgot that :P

  2. Hello, I'm new to this forum so go easy ;)

    I ride a Neon, its lovely to ride and to look at. BUT.

    My chain is cutting my frame in half no matter what I do! and my 4 bolt mounts holes are far to shallow and has forced me to use spacers to tighten my magura! (but its still not as tight as i'd like..)

    My main concern is that my frame is being cut, does anyone else have the same issue?? I thought about wrapping my frame with something to slow down the cutting process.

    I used a small piece of metal, but the chain just cut through it...



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