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Posts posted by siyross

  1. i always wear a helmet. even if i am just going down the road after a gear set up. i wear a piss pot style for trials and a traditional mtb one for xc.

    Vetta and Giro make some decent ones. your best bet is to go to your local GOOD bike shop and have a look. DON'T buy one from Halfords or Argos or anywhere like that, they don't really know what they are selling. but always wear one, you are asking for trouble if you don't.

  2. I just twisted my fricken ankle sidehopping :S. Also, i have to rant: i sidehopped up 4 palets 5 times in a row, took a break, and now i cant do it any more, i tried like 30 times! Oh well i guess ill shut up =P

    I would take a break and have another go mate. I bet you will be able to do it then.

  3. Yesterday I finished building my Baracuda. upon trying some tricks out I found that i am rubbish. with a little practice I managed( by the end of the day) to do 4 back wheel hops and a side hop onto an 8 inch platform. i suppose not bad for someone who couldn't hop higher than an inch in the morning.

    Tell me, how long did it take you to perfect your technique and have you any tips for me please?

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