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Posts posted by Brisa

  1. You shouldn't really need to un lace the wheel. I drilled mine from the outside in towards the hub. Just mark out where you want to drill and punch the centre. Drill away, a hole saw is needed if you want large holes.

  2. Here's a convenient photo of the Base Hanger for comparison (N)


    The hanger on my TA26 was already bent when my frame arrived. It was a stoke of luck that I had both an old X-ile and and old X-tort frame which have exactly the same mech hanger. I did get a replacement one of these from Halfords a while ago, and I had to pay around £10 from memory, and had to wait a few days for it to come. When it breaks you hardlt want to have to wait so I remember thinking it was pretty rubbish really.

    I'd love to know the cheapest and quickest place to get a new mech hanger for a Base TA26 if anyone has the definative answer.


    The way you like to hear it... make it yourself lol Ive a solid steel one.

  3. I really like the pythoney one. But then its quite the same as other frames.

    The shiney cnc'd one was by far my favourite. The carbon one looks cool and will probably the new thing for trials frames but i suppose only time will tell.

    Dont suppose onza wanna give me (fat bloke) a proto bike to put some stress on?

  4. It took me ages with an electric vibratey sander thing once.... probably not worth the hassle.

    I found when i was trying a wire brush as a grind alternative it can smoothen a rim, if you have a long wire. just find a wirebrush at your hardware store, and put it in your drill and lightly rub away the grind you don't want.

    Sorry :blink:"

  5. I think the T-Mag is now finalised (if a date can be given for its arrival, then thats usually a sign the design is done)...

    However theres some other bits that arrived today, which we will get pics of for tomorrow...

    So, keep your eyes peeled :S

    Sounds promising.. Adam what would your opinions on Smart guys be? Im after new forks and its the smart guys or urbans... amy recommendations?

  6. The thing is people WERENT allowed to post feedback. We went though and had to delete it. What was good about the bike-pics thread? The fact you could scan through 10 pages of bike pics and bike pics only? Well now (if you use it) you have X pages of thumbnails of bikes, which you ARE ALLOWED TO COMMENT ON!! This makes it easier for us as we dont have to go through everything to keep it tidy, PLUS you get to comment on you 'kin bikes.

    About the subforum, it already is a fecking subforum!! Just click on it and post your picture. If you want to comment on a picture (which may I remind you, you werent allowed to do before) click the ******** comment button.

    Jeeez... its not a difficult concept.

    .... breath..

    Tom... you are not reading this properly. People who post thier bike in a thread do so to get feedback.... ok... got that part? I DID NOT SAY ABOUT COMMENTS IN THE BIKE PICS THREAD, Davetrials may have but me... NO!.

    The thing is Tom i understand it and the gallery is a good thing but NOBODY USES IT!!! Yes... incase you havn't caught up yet that actually means that no one gets feedback. I would use the gallery if more people did but one person will not make a difference. Its DEAD!!! Tell me im wrong, back it up and i will give up... but the truth is you cant.

  7. Have I ever started a moan on this forum before? No! I don't post useless bollox, in fact it pisses me off completely when people do. I seen that it was getting ridiculous that people couldn't post a picture of thier bike to recieve feedback etc as it has always happened. I found this one of the good parts of the forum because it was interesting to see peoples new bikes and no one can deny that, everyone on here has posted a picture of thier bike at one stage, including you Raub and im sure your liked all the glowing remarks that your sexy black Base attracted.

    Raub I personally think you are making up sentences to argue for the sake of it, trials nation is NOT trials forum, I come to trials forum every day, I don't go to trials nation, I don't like trials nation I like trials forum. I didn't start this for an argument I started it hoping I would get a response from people with authority on here and maybe show them what I and other members think after all WE are the people that use the forum.

  8. They obviously do give a shit if they made us the gallery... all im saying is its not working out and the closing of all the posts was boring me of the forum and im sure i wasn't alone as this topic shows!

  9. I dont see how clicking 'Bike Pics' --> 'Upload image' is any harder than using a seperate uploader and then pasting the code into a new reply..?!

    Davetrials, if we didnt delete comments in the bike pics thread your looking at about 100-200 pages of replies and 10 pages of pics, you can argue all you want that you prefer to wade through an unmoderated bike pics thread than look at a page with all the thumnails infront of you, but I wont believe you.

    Anyone can tell me that they can moderate it no problem, but I bet my anal virginity that you will get bored of it after you have done it once, again 6 hours later, again the next day etc etc. Being a moderator is not fun, ask.. a moderator.

    YOU were the ones arguing that you werent allowed to comment on bike pics, well now you can, its simply a case of hitting 'add reply' as you normally would for the picture you want to comment on... christ.. is it that hard? Give and take guys.. we (mods/admins) are the ones who have to sort through your crap day in day out.. why not make it a little easier for us?

    Rant over, and I dont even enforce this no bike pics rule.. (Y)

    PS: Yes, I agree the gallery isnt up to standard, which is why I bitch at the guy who writes it, but for your needs of clicking 'Bike Pics, Upload image' or Clicking 'Bike Pics, Click Thumbnail, Click Add Reply' I dont see what your winging about.

    Tom I fully understand where your coming from but it was the continous closure of bike pics threads when people were obviously wanting comments etc. As you say you don't enforce this. Im not saying that it wont be hard to moderate and i know you's guys are snowed under with "thatz kool man" posts and the only way i could think to solve that is if you let me access to that one thread for bike pics i will take care of it on my own.

    This was the users like myself and others that post on this thread can get the bike pics thread and also the you and the admin/mod's dont have to worry about sifting through shite daily.

    A little sub forum down below chit chat would be handy as people could then just have one little forum just for bke pics. Just like there is the FAQ to stop people asking the same stuff over and over

  10. People like feedback and people also like to comment and critisize other peoples rides. The only thing i used to go into site pics vids section for was the bike pics thread. The people who did use the bike pics thread are getting punished for other peoples actions, most of the "i got a newstink nugget on my tyre" posts were mostly by "just through the net newbies".

    As i said if someone is willing to stick up an old style uploader and allow a stickied bike pics thread/sub forum i will gladly keep an eye and moderate it. If it fails ill accept a big told you so.

    I didnt start this as a i want something to gripe about thread, i started it because i honestly reckon its what the majority of the user would like, especially those of us who were here before the change to gallery.

  11. About the being easier thing, it is true. Even people who are very computer literate will always take the easiest way. Like for instance, you probably only piss on me in my chair because its the closest to the door.

    I didnt start this to be a wanker, i have been on here ages and dont recall making any useless wankery posts but its just something i seen as an issue.

    About the moderating of the bike pics thread/uploader, im sure there are forum members who would take time to sieve through deleting useless posts and deleting any non-bike related uploads in the database.

    I myself would do it if i had the access, i am on here a good few hours of every day.

    If you want to take me up on that it will be on my head? I will take full reposnsability if it gets out of hand..

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