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Everything posted by Miffting

  1. Hi, Im about to buy a new 20" trials bike and the one ive seen has a Da Bomb frame and i really want to change it for something decent. What frames should i look at? Im a begginer but i dont want a "begginer" frame if you understand me. The rest of the bike is decent and has great pottentail. Please sesnd me some links, pictures and advice on what to look at. Thanks, Sam.
  2. Superb riding, really enjoyed that. Just keep practicing, the techniques looking good so keep it up
  3. Please leave a comment or a smiley face or something if you have ever ripped your trousers in your chain. I do it so much, really annoys me
  4. Hey Matt, nice to meet you. Sounds like you do some pretty cool stuff. I have a website that could really help your technique, a lot of trial riders use it. http://www.trashzen.com/ Happy riding man
  5. On the adamant frame, whack some gold rims on it, looks well nice.
  6. Hi Adam. Good to hear your getting back into it. What Bikes have you had previously?
  7. Hey. Please can you post some decent websites for trials, im interested in: Learning The Basics Buying Parts Videos and Pictures Thanks
  8. Confidence is a key point when learning. Make sure you follow through with everything and try not to pull out of things at the last minute, but dont try anything too hard for your ability. Work your way up slowly and get the techniques spot on. Good Luck
  9. You could try putting paint thinner (white spirit) on your sandpaper that sometimes does the trick.
  10. Hey Sam Here, im just starting and i wondered what sort of hights to start dropping off first, Plus please tell me about your highest drop offs and what they were off Cheers
  11. With the nitromors did you paint brush it on leave it for 5 - 10 minutes and then wipe it down or hose it down?
  12. I was just wondering what sort of thing people started riding on. Did you buy stock or build yourself or buy a second hand with all the parts? Cheers
  13. Thanks, that looks really usefull, ill be sure to have a good read.
  14. Sounds good Tom. Im just starting aswell, although im not building my own bike, going to start with something a little less valuable just incase it hits the floor alot. Good Luck.
  15. Thanks, sorry to get your hopes up by the way. So what are you riding?
  16. Hi im Sam, i have just started Trials. I have been going out with Ladd and Luke-O from the forum and having a go on their bikes. I live in St Ives Cambridgeshire and go to St Ivo school. I dont currently own a trials bike but i have seen one im interseted in buying. I first became interseted in trials biking when i saw my friends doing it about 6 months ago and have wanted to give it a go ever since. Apart from riding im also very interested in music, i play the drums and Im hopefully taking my grade 8 this year. I will be attending rides once i have been out on my bike a bit and when my confidence is up and i can do some bits on it. The bike im interested in buying is a 20" da bomb frame with onza and da bomb componants with Magura Hs33 brakes. If there is anyone who has some helpful tips for me or anybody loacally who would like to ride then please contact me. Thanks Sam Smith
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