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Posts posted by alistair14

  1. Basically I'm wondering how many people ride (taps, gaps & sidehops) style.

    If you do, do you enter comps? If not, why not?

    Don't think this is a snotty post people, just really curious. I totally get tgs style as it's training for competitions?? But does it not get boring? Do you not hit a brick wall as far as what you can do with it? Excuse the pun.

    Obviously Im not a comp rider nor tgs or I wouldn't be asking dumb questions LOL!

    It's all i ride to be honest! I've entered 2/3 comps and i've come stone dead last ..natural isnt my thing due to the dodgy terrain!

    I've hit a few and its taken my a few months to get past a certain wall to get better and higher ..now im back to the start and trying to get back to my level!

  2. :UPDATE:

    Right! I'm now finally working so i wanna try and get a few new parts for the bike to make it ride and look a little better, things atm are alright but i wanna try go for something a little stronger and lighter(?)

    Been looking at the try-all carbons and the new urban forks ..any good?! I'm shit with finding good stuff anymore cause i havent changed this in monthss!

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