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Posts posted by Jake.

  1. Are slick tyres any good?

    Edit: They don't seem to sell any on tartybikes... I assume they aren't, but I had a go on this guys mod who had slicks and it felt grippier than a tyre with tread

  2. I can hop on the rear wheel but not for long as it consumes alot of energy...

    When i started i did an endo then pulled it onto the back wheel, but I now do it by puttin my good foot at the 11oclock position on the cranks. Then I lean forward slightly then when i kick i lean backwards and before the bike goes under me I slam the rear brake on, after that i start hopping until i feel right to do a pedal kick.

    Hope that helped :)

  3. Ok first sensible answer.

    The guy who runs T-UK is a rich daddies boy and doesn't really care if his business goes down the shitter as his dad will bail him out, so he doesn't give a crap about customer service, he never answers the phone or replies to emails, so when he sends out the wrong parts, broken parts etc (which is quite common) there no way of getting in touch with him.

    There has probably been at least 20 topics made over the last 12 months or so with major problems, and many people who've also had troubles have posted within these topics. And that isn't counting all the people who've had problems who've kept silent.

    THANK YOU :)

  4. Like my eyebrow, And we were under the influence of alcohol. And he took me pinning him up against a wall & stuff the wrong way.

    Alcohol seriously messes peoples perspectives and thinking ahead up...

  5. Use the search function and it will become clear to you, young padawan.

    Meh, forgot about that... I have been awake for 17 hours today, doing trials, school and playing CoD WaW....

  6. My sister was born on the 13th of September so 13 is lucky for me, the only two bad things that happened today was it rained and my pedal hit my knee and cut it :lol:. But I learned how to pedal up and started off on 3 pillocks! Big achievement for me :D

    My mate thought it would be funny to launch a 10p at me from a distance of 3 - 4 meters away ( like so it was flat ), So I now have a cut about 1inch in length & 2-3mm deep. If I wasn't getting on my bus home minutes after it I would off dropped the pr*ck.. Now i've got to wait until Monday morning to get him back. He needs to learn to think before he act's, he has no idea to how close he could of come to blinding me in one eye.

    What the f**k? And you consider him your 'mate'!

    Where did you get cut? :o hope your ok!

    My tyre slipped on wet wood and I fell on my ass. It happens to me all the time though so I don't think friday the 13th had anything to do with it.

    Also the wind got really strong and blew me nearly 180* on my back wheel and when I went to put my foot down I shinned my pedals :(.

    Ouch, everything that happened to you happened to me.. Lols.

  7. Hi

    Im Max and i live in bristol. and im looking for a trials bike. im completely new to trials. and i was wondering if anyone could give me any hints on what trials bike to buy?

    to be honest i want a second hand bike. i only have £250 at the MOST to spend. thankyou.

    Just keep an eye out on the for sale forum, shouldn't take too long to get validated if your not doing anything wrong :P. I got my Zoo Python 04 for £200 which was a bargain, needed some work on it but very worth it! :)

    Once you get validated, pm me because I might have a bike for you (can't sell bikes on new members thread) :P

    hi im greg from bromyard,herefordshire. . . im 16 and have been riding for about 1 day lol im trying to by a da bomb trials bike off a mate so i can get into it

    im trying to contact a guy on here who has a onza tpro forsale but i cant contact him yet (N)

    i hope i get to know you all and maybe meet you alll one day

    many thanks


    Hey Greg, good luck getting a trials bike, hope to meet you one day too. :)

    P.s try to use capitals and punctuation.

    Hi my name is Jiten and I am very new to trails. I am very interested in it and I need some help on buying my first trails bike. I have had a go on some of my friends trails bikes, one of them has a Monty and one of them has a Woodman.


    Hey Jiten, what sort of help would you like with buying your first trials bike? (Help us to help you)

    Hey guys, new to the forum, im jon from Rochdale. Ive been riding for a few years now, but had a two year break with a bad foot breakage. Im looking to get myself a new ride, have got a 3mnth old big hit in candy apple red size small if anyone is interested in a trade, cant wait to get back up blackstone edge,


    Hey Jon, sorry to say but the new members section isn't for selling/trading... Must have sucked breaking your foot :(

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