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Posts posted by japslap

  1. like he said, i cleaned the ring drive on mine aprox 3 times in 7 years and it never skipped .

    (cleaning the ring drive isnt realy a full service)

    Yea agreed it is so easy it doesn't do justice calling it a service but.....

    "Beyond an occasional adjustment, the only maintenance necessary is cleaning, lubricating the RingDrive (see “The RingDrive”, pg. 12), and re-lubricating the bearings (see “Service of the bearings”, pg. 14). Riding conditions will determine how often to maintain your hubs. As a beginning guideline, your hubs should be maintained every 6-12 months in normal and dry conditions and every 3 months in wet or muddy conditions." (quoted from Chris king hub manual)

  2. the Echo front rim 40mm which I linked is double walled and seems to be alright using at rear.

    japslap: If I understand you correct, width on tyre is also important to consider in this case? Do you think the Echo Front rim 40mm + Big Betty 2.4 will do fine?


    I'm not sure on what size of tyre will fit on that exact frame, it was just that on my frame when I used those magura mounts at first the lugs rubbed on the tire because I had to set them at right angles because of the wide rim also I find sometimes that using a wide rim can plump a tire out a bit more than it would on a thinner rim as it has a wider base, but if your going to use a 40mm rim with a 2.4 tire it should be OK and the magura mounts should be OK as you won't need to set them as wide so the lugs that rest against the frame won't need to be a such a wide adjustment, good luck man everything set to work out OK,

    Also that rim you linked will be fine for a rear, it says it the additional information on the page.

  3. Can we try and keep on topic, thanks.

    best advice I can give is to buy a bleed kit and have a perfect bleed in 5 minutes, fast and clean (do it in your living room if you want) and perfectly bled brake time and time again

  4. japslap and Matt, thank you guys! Im not sure what lugs are. Im planning to buy a Zebdi, but I don´t know the width, yet.

    However, My 47mm rim is in bad shape. It just crossed my mind that I have to replace it anyway!

    Maybe a 40mm front rim will be good for rearwheel?


    I think this is the old style Magura Evolution Adaptor. Will this be good?


    That was the one I couldn't use as the lugs that press against the frame are a bit fatter than the others, So if I had used those with my 47mm rim on by frame that had 85mm width between the lugs it wouldn't do unless I put a thin tire on, even a Maxis Larson tire which was a 2.3 tire rubbed on it. Yea you could replace with a thinner rear rim, I was looking on Tarty the other day they don't have much there's a Alex rim but it's more traditional style rim with on holes etc, Onza did quite a thin rear called a ronnie at 39mm but haven't seen any in a while.

  5. I had to bleed my hope brakes a while back but decided to get one of the hope bleed kits (someone had a new one on ebay for £20) I was going to do it the same way they showed me on the web site and thought the bleed kit would just be extra things I needed to do it that way, but it turns out the system is completely different, it has different attachments for different hope levers to make a proper seal on the lever then you've gotta link the system up to an inner tube with 30 psi in it and it pressurizes the system and pushes the oil round the system and the air out, pull the lever a couple of time as the pressure pushes the oil through and it's sorted in 5 minutes. The pressure from the inner tube flushes all the air bubbles out and your done in no time, well worth the investment.

  6. Yea I use an echo half bashring on my echo lite mod. I can't see it bending only if you land in a wierd position then yea. I'd just rather land hard on that than my frame and crack it that's all. Any other opinions on this?



    I think those half bash guards are used for UCI where the bash is avoided anyway but just use your half bashring and don't worry about it! If it bends get a new one! life's to short - ride hard and worry about it later

  7. I think If your in a position to smash hard on like you said it you might be better without for the very reasons you've mentioned! But I've not much experience with bash plates, never had a problem and always got on fine by just using a bash ring. In saying that my bash rings have always been the complete ones that you don't need to turn around to suit your chocolate foot/forward foot but I shouldn't imagine that should effect strength to much anyway unless you land hard on it at an angle it might bend easier, but can't be sure maybe someone with more experience with those half bash rings could shed some light on it

  8. Well If you compare the axle to crown measurement/weight of some of the other forks from say tarty bikes (www.tartybikes.co.uk)that they sell for Trials bikes, it might give you more of an idea, I checked earlier and the highest axle to crown measurement was 420mm I think on some forks from ViZ, but I'm not sure about differences on weight extra, Its difficult for me to say as I've not used them personally on a trials bike! What frame are you building?

  9. I have Echo cnc rim brakes. :S

    What width are the lugs apart? I have a base ta26 similar kind of old frame style ( 85mm width), I have to use an echo on mine with a 47mm rim, but you've got use old worn pads or painfully (and wastefully) cut your pads down, I also had to use the Magura mounts with the Metal lug with the taper that goes into the mount and rests against the frame and not the plastic one which connects to the mount on the little zig zag attachment, other wise the plastic lugs at the position to give the most width of the mount will rub on your tire! I used a hope Trials disc for a while but was worried that going backwards and locking the brake to half cab round could rip my drop out off, so I changed round again

  10. Identiti Rebates

    well they've a axle to crown measurement of 425mm (short suspension adjusted) you could measure your forks you've got at the moment on your trials bike, they'll probably be around 410mm or a bit less (maybe but maybe not) this will give you an idea of how much extra it will lift your head tube, a higher head tube will affect your steering (depending on what frame your using and what the head tube angle is it could be worse (seem slower/less sharp) as a shorter axle to crown measurement should sharpen steering) and how easy it is to pull your front end up (should be easier)

    A good example would be http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=15675 which have a axle to crown measurement of 395mm (quite low)

    Or another would be http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=17745 which have 403mm a to c !

    Suppose alot of it will come down to frame type and personal preference, If you could try them out and get a feel for them that would give you a better idea, as all the numbers on the screen are one thing but trying them out you'll know better.

  11. I still think that there should be systems in place to look after people in your postition, I just feel as though it is entirely unfair that people take it for granted. And you have said that you will not be able to work untill you son starts full time eduction, which is like 7 years off work because you have been forced to be in that position then fair enough! I'm not saying "cut the benifits totally" at all I'm saying the distribution of benifits should be distributed more fairly, if you have worked and contributed then you should be intitled to more than £100 a week! Its people who sponge of the country that are taken money that can't be given back to you, the forces or to the schools that will educate your son. If you work out how much you have payed in taxes, and then work out how much the "uk owes" you then you shouldn't feel guilty about taking their in the slighest.

    Thats why I almost didn't post the reply because it easy to take it the wrong way.

    It's OK man I didn't take it the wrong way I totally see where your coming from, it is the people that don't want to work and that know the system and how to get away with it thay are the ones who wreak it for everyone, the trouble is policing the system, all you have to do is walk into my local social secuirty office at the dole line and you can pick out the ones that could have a job, but don't want one, god even the drug dealers are on the dole over here, but the problem is how the government can do something about it in today's society of equal rights, I mean a social security officer like you and me will have a fair idea by the look of someone if they're trying to get a job, but he/she can't say "because you look like this or that your not going to get what your entitled to", that would be unfair as it's personal opinion even though instincts are normally right, the person files a complaint and says he's being discriminated against, the officer gets sacked and the bum probably gets a pay out. But unfortunately society itself is evolving more than it needs in this respect, I fought for custody of my son in court, long story but his mother grew up in a religious cult, in my view that is reason enough for the courts to judge in my favour but in today's society that's seen as being racist against a religion. In the same way that technically, I as the father of my son should be treated equally for custody of my son against his mother, where as years ago a mother would always win a custody battle (unless she was seen as unfit) and a cult was a cult and not a religion! I think society is its own worst enemy treading on egg shells so as not to upset people for fear of being accused of discrimination!

  12. Cheers They where helpfull but there wasent realy any from a trials perspective, im Wondering how they would cope with trials as my friends willing to sell me some for 20?

    No I guess not, I just thought they might have been for a jump bike because those forks have a small suspension adjustment, by way of the axle to crown measurement, meaning they lift the front end up abit, which ones is your mate going to sell you?

  13. Hi there, some interesting reviews done by customers of chain reaction cycles that made me think differently when I was considering a new set of forks, they don't stock the DMR trialblade (1) but only the trialblade 2 which the reviews might be of some help as you'd imagine the second ones to be an improvement so any faults might be worse in the first issue, but I haven't tried any myself

    There selection of forks can be found here (http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Categories.aspx?CategoryID=611) just click on the fork and go down to the reviews, It'll only show a couple of reviews but just click read all reviews and it should come up with more, it's quite handy to see what other riders think having spent there money on them and tried them and might just avoid the dreaded after sale disappointment, lets face it there not cheap.

  14. In ways yes, in ways no. I do belive that those who work the hardest in the UK are those who are punished most. Were coming into a system where those who do f**k all are the ones who benfit most living in the UK. Like in the US if you don't work you don't eat fact, and I feel as if kids grew up knowing this their perspectives on work ethic and standards would rocket, in our current system those who get into trouble at school, maybe spend a bit of time in the pen come out and are "rewarded" with hostels.... whereas everyone else pays out the ass for where they live.

    Its taken for granted that you can do f**k all, get someone pregnant, get your council flat and live off of all the allowances. I belive that there should be some NHS in force, but that private helath care for all those employeed is the way forwards, I belive the only way that the UK can cut back on budget suggestions is to make darastic change, but this will never happen because no party is stupid enough to make the changes and upset all the people who live off of benifits. I think that education and all forces should be run by the government but I think that everything out is pretty minor because it doesn't affect hard working people day to day.

    This isn't some natzi'ish comment of "let all the poor people who don't have jobs die" it is a, if you give them a reason to work then they might f**king have to comment. However I say this on the internet its going to make me sound like a bit of a middle class douche, thats not the case both my parents work their f**king asses off in underpayed jobs to put us where we are atm.

    Just thought I'd add my view, because I seem to be one of those that some may consider to "can do f**k all, get someone pregnant, get your council flat and live off of all the allowances" I'm single parent so yes I can do f**k all, get a council flat and live of all the allowances but in my case I've worked for 12 years before and I've paid my taxes in that time and I'm now in a position that I can't work until my son starts full time education. So I'm afraid I'll not be getting a job just yet either, but lets not forget, that I'm not rolling in benefits, I get just over £100 a week for myself and my son! So while I can totally see your point about certain parts of society not working that could, Its easy to forget about the parts of society that can't work and need benefits especially having paid taxes and national insurance for years in case they need to fall back on a system like that. Also you don't need to be unemployed to receive benefits, I've paid taxes in my life which went towards your child benefit to help you and your parents even through your parents (as you put it) " work their f**king asses off in underpayed jobs".

    As for the fixed prices on alcohol units I think, like smoking if its costing the NHS more money to help (not just now but in the future (where we don't know how much it will cost the NHS because no-one knows how it will effect the young 20 something's when they are 60's that are binge drinking now)) people because heath issues caused by these issues in later life then why not, in the same way that people who work don't want to pay for people living off benefits, I'm sure the people who don't smoke or drink don't want to pay for people's illness later in life caused by binge drinking or lung cancer.

  15. That's not to good about the seat bit......I mean you'd have thought they could maybe have asked the diamond back sales rep <_<

    Yea the frame is in mint condition just took it out of the box to take that pic, a mixture of things stopping me building it over the years, I still use my MK1, I've a few others kicking about and a few other projects I'm working on, can't have them all built at once as I have to pay extra house insurance for every bike which is worth more than £250! So I figured if they're not built then they're not complete bikes if they get stolen I just claim for the parts :D I've managed to get most of the parts put to one side for it, most are new, but some like the Chris king and Fatty R's are used but in perfect condition anyway, the fatty R's just need a fresh coat of paint and lacquer to sort them out, was thinking black but having seen yours I'm thinking white now

  16. no...dot fluids can be Glycol-based (DOT 3, 4, 5.1) or Silicone-based (DOT 5)

    dont quote me on this, but im 90 and a bit % sure that hope use 5.1 in factory

    Your right, hope do use 5.1, I just bought a hope bleed kit and it had this in it http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...=sidebarContext which is 5.1 this is the same stuff hope use in the factory and the same stuff they supply with there own bleed kit.

  17. Cheers for the help guys, It has been officially forced on, I removed the seat then fitted the brake/mounts and booster then put the seat back on it again it does move the sides out a good bit but don't mind its a white seat, don't think I could do the same on on my MK1 as it is the silver with a red seat and when the red plastic gets weak it turns pink :( any idea if Tarty will be able to supply a spare seat considering there stocking the new Ashton?

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