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liam n

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Posts posted by liam n

  1. Thanks everyone !

    I am very jealous though as I can see lots of spots in this video which used to be my locals within 5 mins of my door and rode every weekend. Now Im here in the big smoke.

    thanks, that sucks, anytime your down here give us a shout and we'll go for a ride? :)

    Yes liam :)

    I see at 1:00 you found mine and James' secret riding place ha ;)

    Once we get some more things to play with and move around there,its going to become heaven :P

    yes, love that place, shame they never put the roof on would have made an amazing indoor place !

  2. The reviews on them are good, as long as it's well greased it will last a while, or long enough till I can afford a new one :)

    i'd look on ebay for FSA headset, bought mine for £15 new had it for 11 months and no trubble

  3. thanks everyone may have got it sorted now :)

    I'd imagine that converting them wont be doing the quality any good either - can you not use them in their native format?

    well after 3 or 4 hours this morning, i think i've found the settings and i think it's at it's native format, just got 40% of rendering left to doo so fingers crossed, thanks

    This camera films in 50i (interlaced) which is what those llines are. When you render it save it as HD 720 25p and it will blend these together.

    AHA! i didn't see your post, thanks....if this atm doesn't work ill try that next :)

  4. rigth, t'is my birthday got a camera panasonic lumix fz100 films in AVCHD . clips look fine on camera, and on computer BEFORE any editing/conversion. i then edit it on arcsoft media impressions converted it to mp4 and the resulting video is blurred around moving objects.see picture . can you help? what settings do I need to change?


  5. right i know there's a few that are good at cameras and stuff. Looking for a DSLR, good for pictures but also for videos (of bikes with no seat) and i'd like it to have time lapse phtotgraphy settings too. whata you recommend? and needs a frame rate of atleast 60 fps

  6. i understand this probably wouldn't work with a something so small

    but with my crank bolt....it was completely rounded and in the end couldn't get the bolt out. so went to ally welder and he welded a metal bar to the crank bolt and put a mole grip/pipe grip on it, and with lots of pressure managed to undo the crank bolt with out breaking threads...

    so a welder could possibly tac a metal bar on to the tap and you could unscrew it :)

  7. I'm 15,I think the T-shirt's rubbish. don't mind all the riders names but a few of them being bold sucks, the two fonts suck, the t-shirt make you look like your calling yourself a "trials legend" (because of the small "s") which makes you look like a willy. graphics,pictures would be better, Dan's idea is quite a beasty one.

    and i don't see the point of this?

    tarty T-shirts promote Tarty etc. is this to promote "trials" as a whole, in which case the T-shirt doesn't fit the prurpose and if that was to be your concept, the word "trials" with a picture/graphic would make more sense

    but good luck if you do start selling the T-shirt sir :)

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