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liam n

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Posts posted by liam n

  1. I'm building this website to help people maintain there bikes and learn trials.


    Maintenance tutorials page

    Riding Tutorials page

    New Facebook Page!!



    So Far:

    How to replace a split magura pipe/hose

    How to fit a freewheel

    How to fit Magura brake pad refills.

    How to top up a Magura rim brake

    How to remove a freewheel

    How to remove cranks

    How to Bleed a Magura ( Bath bleed method)

    Magura mount facing

    How to fit a Bottom Bracket

    • Like 3
  2. Hi,

    check out the "where to ride" page. http://www.trials-ex...ride/4569678727 ...

    it would be great if you could help us out and add some spots you know of! It should be simple enough to do.

    Just follow this link, https://www.google.c...ff7b89dfe&msa=0

    Log in to google then click "edit", start adding your spots. (I will update the main website map with these spots every week or so)
    Please let me know if there's any problems with this.

    Demo Team Page also added, if you know of any missing teams let me know!



    Please Like and Share



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  3. Yeah I did, but I didn't wan't people to put supposed to be "funny" comments which is just unnecessary.

    I've never said I where going to drill something? My main plan was to start with the tyres and wheels? Da hell..

    And what's your big ass problem with me?

    ignore unnecessary comments?

    I never said you said you were going to drill your frame, i'm just telling you not to, as some others mentioned it.

    haha, i don't have a problem with anyone? especially when i've only met them over the internet, that's pretty pathetic.you seem to be the one with the problem.

    As i previously said, do not take anything that people say over the internet seriously, most of the time tone of voice does not come across well in writing?

    Ive just priced up 3 barbed fittings, one shroud nut, vee posts and pedal spindles and its £119.00 :( Ouch.

    Be doing it over time me thinks hahaha

    that is an incredible price, you actually going to go for it? considering you can only just see the rainbow titanium colour on the heads of the bolts?

    Silly like you licking your face when you ride? :wink:

    No, silly like my head bobbing action.

  4. Are the last one supposed to be funny...?

    jesus if I wan't to light up my bike it's my decision isn't it? If I think it improve my riding, then fine it's my "problem" then wheter it does it or not.

    When asking a question on a forum expect controversial, differing opinions and answers. don't take people on the internet to seriously...

    if your going to save weight i vote for saving as much as possible, like 2 or 3 kg by buying new parts and it might actually make a difference, but rawing frames and drilling holes, is silly.

    • Like 2
  5. Can you not tell this was a joke? Faackin 'ell boi.

    I know how a forum works :L

    No, as it wasn't funny, i cannot tell whether you're joking.

    I'm glad you know how it works, most seem not to.

    I think all the ideas/ possible methods have been suggested haha.

    Cutting the nobbles off the tyres is a tiny difference, but everything adds up.

    Take Dan Cox (Dann2707). He made very small changes to his comp, lighter headset, cut down tread, lighter front tyre, drilled rim sidewalls, rawed frame (that was asthetics more than anything), opened up the headtube, removed his bash mounts, singlwalled his rear rim, lighter tubes.... hardly massive amounts of money, and just little bits shaved off here and there brought his bike down to 8.2 or something close. His riding seemed to rapidly improve following the changes.

    If you can do it on the cheap, why not!

    Dan, is definitely just pro. it's probably just the placebo effect where you believe it makes a difference, in which case you (meaning the person who started the topic) should convince yourself that skittles are performance enhancing drugs and can make you ride with a kg heavier bike.

  6. ^ doyou actually beleive that? (@ liam n) Tie a 2kg weight to your frame and go for a ride...

    Saving half a kilo wont improve your technique, but it will damn sure make it easier to get right.

    If weight didnt mater then why would companies make lighter parts? Why get carbon bars and superlight pedals when you could bang on cast iron forks and 3kgs worth of tyres?


    But saving like 200g ... Thats doing literally nothing i agree, it has to be a sizeable weight saved.

    he's not talking about extremes here his bikes going to weigh around 10 kg i reckon. he's going to make a saving of 500g tops. That will make no difference. and until your up to a suitable level of riding there's no need to start changing parts. it's not like he's riding an Old Czar or something that weighs 12kg.

    if you're going to start cutting 20grams off your tyres or saving 100 g on new cranks or buying a pair of carbon bars, fisrt buy some pixie boots and lycra, and maybe wear a pair of shorts over the lycra trousers at a push (excess weight n'all) or go on a diet.

    but if you want to go for it, get carbon bars, lightest forks, echo SL cranks (maybe Zhi drilled one), onza pro diamond rims back and front, take up dual mag. monty pro race tyres front and rear.

    Its Trials Forum though, nothings ever THAT straight forward ;)

    You ask a question on a forum to get feedback from a range of people, a discussion is need to come to a better conclusion other wise you'd always have a bias/one sided answer?

  7. hmmm... Wasting my time...? My bike doesn't even have a back brake since it started to leak and I'm not going to ride without one. And if I could shed like 500-700 grams of the bike, which I can, it would make a big difference. And you know it.

    then spend time fixing your brake instead of drilling holes in your frame? 500-700 grams will 100% make no difference to your riding, and i know it.

    cutting nobbles off your tyres will not help you hop higher, saving 500 grams off the front will not make you gap further. Until you're almost at the top of your game weight will make no difference what so ever

  8. There's definately natural talent in the sense that damon is strong. einstien is clever, Usain bolt was born with the ability to run fast.

    saying someone was born to ride trials or has true natural talent at trials, is wrong in my opinion, maybe somebody is naturally good at balance or timing, learning, strength. etc.

    if most of the riders on the forum were brought into and possibly even slightly pushed into the sport at a younger age then rode 8 years there would be a fair few at carthy's level.

    If you're stature etc. is very bad for sport, making you not very good at sport, of course you're not going to be a world class rider.

    I think most have the ability to be world class but they're not determined enough, not willing to work hard enough, haven't got the passion and most of all don't believe it is possible.

    It's all in the mind.

  9. Got magura rim brakes! It's the rear one, no booster on it. I'll get one then if it doesn't work il have to take a hammer too it! It's so loud it irritates the neighbours :/


    It's a good thing mike!, i wish my brakes would make some noise! lets you know they're working, generally quieter rim brakes don't hold nor bite that great.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm still highly confused, I'm gonna have a go at building a front wheel in a few weeks which is 32h so do I just follow the guide as it's written with the same gaps between spokes and stuff?

    yes. it's really quite simple when you get going.

    the most important bit is


    The rest is pretty self exlpanatory once you get going.

  11. According to posts in this thread, the current adds on this site support the site well.

    the idea of a subscription is to get more money. so why not just use more ads to get more money. You won't lose a load of people that don't want to pay and you won't have a few people being egotistical about how much dollah they've payed.

    there's no reason you can't use extra money from extra ads to do the same thing you were going to do with subscriptions/donation.

  12. Paralympics in 'being a seperate event' shocker. The F1 shows don't cover all the support races...

    that's like saying Match of the Day doesn't cover the lowest leagues of football.

    my point is why, can the Olympics claim it's for "everyone" when they clearly disregard all the Paralympians by making them outcasts of the Olympics, why does the biggest sporting event in the world (which biggest selling point is "bringing everyone together"), cut out the paralympics from the main event. The answer to this I'm guessing is that the olympics was created by the greeks with their "perfect human body and mind" set up and they want to keep it traditional. which is a load of rubbish.

    Paralympians put in the same effort and commitment as Olympians why don't they get the same recognition.

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  13. I also sincerely doubt that anywhere near as much thought went into the shit stain that was the 2012 logo. Sure there may well have been as many meetings held about it but I inagine the difference was that our logo was 'designed' by a bunch of speccy self righteous retards telling each other how wonderful each others blue sky thinking was while sucking on a mocha frapaccino or some cack.

    This makes me angry. those English chaps, put a lot of time and effort into there design I'd say "shit stain" is far from the mark. someone spent a lot of time on that "shit stain" and it really isn't fair to disregard such people, purely because on a personal level you prefer the Rio logo. you don't even know who designed our logo or whether they even like frapaccino.

    I like the Rio logo though, the 3 people are cool I like the Blue one most he seems nice.

    I think far to much money was/is put into the whole Olympics. they definitely should have let a few kids design the logo and used the existing stadiums. I also think the paralympics should be broadcast nationally as well, I also think the Paralympics should be a part of the Olympics, it's not fair. I don't like it.

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  14. when I got a limey as a semi replacement from rocknroll bikes. they told me to "put a bit of rubber on it"

    the only thing you can do is spend some dollah and buy a onza rear hub, which should bring the chain into the right spot. or a shorter BB

    this is a problem on all the limeys this is the same reason I sent mine back. you need a pretty specific set-up for it to work.

  15. if you want to get bigger and better faster obviously the latter, if you want to be more controlled yet take longer to get as big, the first.

    I've always pushed my abilities whether I'd have the move dialled or not, as i enjoy the feeling of accomplishment haha.

    but if you want to progress fast the simple answer is ride more.

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