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Posts posted by kevind

  1. I'll be there.

    Will bring my camera.

    Will be at your flat around 1pm or earlier if theres a brew on, (I will bring the choccie biccys) to pick up Aarons bike. His mate isint coming now but he will see if someone else will come along.

    Ross, Edinburgh? after all the slagging he does of the East coast. He needs his visa for Aberdeen and the two east lothian rounds.

  2. :lol: Nice. He needs a Robin style outfit for it. Hes got the build. ;)

    9am sounds good, Kev, cheers.

    Be in touch nearer the date, Guys are riding this weekend in Edinburgh I think. I am in Cumbernauld for a 4x4 event so wont be there, But Aaron and co are getting train in to meet Rab and Johny and co I think. Craigy quarrie next weekend prob Saturday all day. I need to get the practice in for the twin shock trials and there are tons of rocks to ride.

  3. Totally understandable Kev, you do seem like quite a busy man! It was just a query my dad wanted more information on and thats cleared things up a great deal. Obviously at my age there isnt alot i can volunteer to help out with that carries alot of responsiblity but if theres anything you can think of that would be useful, id be very happy to do my bit to ensure good running of the club and events so just give us a shout! :)


    Hi Dan,

    sorry bit of a ramble this morning. Lots of work to organise dont worry I will ask if I need.

  4. Might meet you in Stirling if thats the way your going, Kev?

    Anyone else thinking of camping at Blackwater?....Its another short pegger. Get it plugged in at a good angle and its fine though.

    Hi Ross,

    We had a your movies on my 8 foot screen last night with beer and pizza mucho good laugh. Can get it organised for another night if you want!

    Anyway discussed with Johny and Rab as he had mentioned you were up for it. Meet at Stirling and I will take all the bikes up and you can go in the Rab mobile as I have my two boys with me and no seats left in the van. Or any other combination. Aaron can go with Rab and you can come in the van so my two dont fight all the way up the road.

    Proposed time at Stirling services? 9am? This means Rab has to behave himself Friday night!

    Camping at Blackwater yer havin a laugh five star hotel for me. My boys will be sleeeping in the back of the van though!!! Only joking we are all organised to kip in the van in the car park up by the generation house or if its wet maybe a B and B.

  5. 'Nother question :giggle: so on the two day events are they treated as 'single' events or is the second day a continuation of the first?

    EDIT: my Dad has a query about the club. He has good knowledge of this stuff having being involved with various car clubs and motorsport, there needs to be club rules and guidelines to follow to keep the legitimecy of the club (not sure on spelling) and to ensure everyone is aware of how the club runs.

    Hi Dan,

    They will be two seperate events. It was already asked see above!!!

    Your Dad is correct. I have been involved with bike and motorsport clubs since I was a lad as well, holding a variety of posts.

    There is a club bank acount set up with three signatures. (me, my wife and Ian Archibald) My wife has said she will keep the books and reciepts (treasurer) unless someone else would like to volunteer? I will do event secretary unless someone else would like to volunteer? These posts should be voted in but as its brand new I just got on with it for this year

    The club is run under the bike trial federation umbrella and there guidelines ect but we need to ammend that with the scottish bike trial club headings. (cant remember the correct word for it)

    The club gets event insurance( riders and officials)for events through the amca bike trial insurance system and they also issue the club with event permits.

    I/we need to organise a club meeting to appoint posts and any other questions raised. But as no one has joined other than my two lads they have the say!

    Everybody is very spread out and the ride on the 5th of January in Glasgow was going to be a discuss the club type ride but never happened. So I just got on with it.

    I will call a AGM at the Saturday night of the last event before the prise giving where we can propose 2012 postings and club directions.

    If this is not a suitable solution for this year then please let me know (anyone reading this) and I will try to get any CLUB memebers problems resolved.

    This is not a moan already but I run my own business and have a family and have tried to start a club and organise a champoinship for riders in Scotland and hopefully run two fun events last year that everybody enjoyed with some help with set up. I dont ride but I need to keep the running of the club very simple as I dont have masses of time do paper work. I have a business that gives me that grief. I will get the bike trial federation policies and get them on the club website when someone does the web site for me for everybody to see. They know who I talking about!!!!!

    I did ask about disclosures as there are kids involved but was told it was a very grey area running a club.

    My wife is a teacher so is disclosed to the heighest level and I have been disclosed with the local council to help at my boys school. I think I am disclosed as a SRU coach as well. I know you need seperate disclosures for each thing you do but as kids are signed for by parent/gaurdian at events then it didnt seem to matter.

    I hope this answers your dads questions and as its brand new, I just hoped that it would start with a good turn out at the first event and we could all meet somewhere on Saturday night to have a beer and juice for the kids!! and discuss the club and get it sorted. I was going to put a note about this on the event entry anyway as it would save having a seperate day to meet.

    If there is anything else I have forgotten about then let me know and I will try to get it resolved. Any bigger meets I will post up here that have things to do with the club and not just a small group going out for a ride until the website is up and running.

  6. Might see about persuading my dad to go see the mototrials at fort william this year and do the comp too.

    Will there be day membership (or half £5 membership like tyke trials does) or would I have to pay £10 for years membership and the comp cost too?

    Hate a question you lot I just want a simple life!! Yeah one day membership as Tyke trial does sound perfect at a fiver.

  7. Still got to get a web page up and running but here are the dates for the 2011 Scottish champoinships. I will either post here or at biketrial federation with more details as I have them.

    Round 1 2 day 12th and 13th March Kinlochleven at the Mound

    Round 2 1 day 10th April Bob Mcgregor trials site near Glasgow

    Round 3 1 day 8th May East Lothian venue TBA

    Round 4 1/2 day 4/5th June Fort William (during world down hill and British trials champoinship) (Entries will be through Bike trial Federation as its mainly a British round) Scottish on Saturday but you can ride both days if you want!

    Round 5 1 day 30th July Fort William (during the world motorcycle trial)

    Round 6 20/21 1/2 day Aberdeen provisional

    Round 7 8/9th October 1/2 day indoor at Phantassie new venue if its ready. Awards night as well to all those who rode well.

    Enrty will be through biketrial@tiscali.co.uk entry fee to be set and will be payable before event. Club membership will be set at £10 this year to cover all the start up expensises. Membership forms available through above address in the next week. best six of seven scores will count for overall champoinship.

    If anyone else wants to run an event let me know.

    I will post out club membership forms to those em addresses I have already in the next week or so.

    See you all in eight weeks get practasing.

  8. Hi Gary,

    spoke with him a couple of days ago. How did he go with all the new shiny santa bits. need a date from you asap please. will try to get up some time soon for a long weekend. Really busy Jan but hopefully have some time in Feb. If you wana crash at ours Sunday night and have a couple of days its no prob.

  9. Points from a 47 year old dad.

    1 I was doing brakeless down Arthur seat in Edinburgh on a home built trials bike with some mates in1977ish. Nothings really that new! We didnt have helmets to buy far less trials bikes. We starfished ourselfs alot and ended up in hospital getting patched up.

    2 Having two kids. they are really impressionable of what the top guys are doing. (BIG POINT)

    3 I always make my two wear helmets when they are riding. What they do when I am not there is for them, as all I can do is ask that they do.

    4 This guy has an image and an identity to keep and thats his flat cap and the likes. Everyone should have the choice to do and be what they want as long as it doesnt affect others. He ,by doing videos ect to make money has a responsability to promote the sensible thing to do. ie wear a helmet. If he wants to ride like he does then so be it, if he starfishes him self then hospital food is a lot better than it used to be.

    5 I personally dont care what he does and if its fun to watch his vids then great.. I agree what others have said, that his sponsors should contract him to do the right thing.

    6 I hate health and money making in this country. It affects the work I do on a daily bases and I do let my kids jump out of trees and do somersaults on their trampoline, its the only way you learn the limits and dangers of what you do in life. Some arsehole telling us constantly what you can and cannot do because of H&S is going to kill this countries kids adventouris spirit and trials has this spirit in bucket loads.

    My opinion is, there are advances in what we know on a daily bases like wearing a helmet WILL save your life when you do crash, whether you choose to take that advice should be up to you. BUT if you do it in the public eye then you have a duty of care to the younger impressionable riders.

    Everybody can have there opionion and I take on board what others say and make my decisions in life based on that and what I believe is the right thing to do.

    Stick it to the man as Jack Black says but do do a Risk assesment and method statement and get it approved by some arsehole who has never stuck it to the man but has been to university and done a course on how to stick it to the man legally and not hurt yourself. Course written by a man who has never stuck it to the man and course approved by someone who used to work in some council department licking windows before he was promoted due to legislation written by some arsehole that everybody has equal rights to do any job before you do!

    Feel much better now and it still only 7am

    • Like 1
  10. Hi Gary

    Sorry cant do this weekend. lots of xmas things happening now

    Sorry we didnt get up this weekend as well. I would rather come up for a couple of days and get a room somewhere for a night. Rab couldnt even dig his car out, as the snow had turned to ice and is so deep down here. We went down to Port Seton but the snow is right down to high tide level and the tide was in. Every body else seems to be in hibernation now. Will be up soon as we can get a free weekend in the new year or holidays if weathers okay?

  11. Hi Colin,

    keep a look out for the scottish club to be started before end of year. Full round of comps and meets next year. sent you validation vote as well. rides and location section has scottish meets, but we are in snow land at the moment so dont know whats happening this weekend.! look at my photos on flkr under scottish trial for the couple we had this year.

  12. [Hi Gary,

    the roads are pretty bad down here but we will see. Need Ross to make a on call Glasgow. I dont know what the snow is like in Glasgow but we have the same as David here in east lothian. Fore cast this morning is the west is going to get it tonight! If we come can I bring my TY so I dont have to stand around all day?

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