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Everything posted by extremedougie

  1. i tried thinking of it that way but it didn't work to well aha. Guess i should just keep practicing them and get better
  2. haha yeh i probably have lost the feel for them but just thought i'd post on here to see if anyone had any techniques to do it better
  3. Aha it is technique i used to be okay at side to backs but i stopped for a while and cant get back into it at all.
  4. hi guys I've been trying a couple new things lately when I'm out and eventually doing what I'm trying but the one thing I have been trying and not getting is side to backing. I can do it to a certain height but when it gets to about 3-4 Palets I cant do it properly and either lean to far back or to far forward. has any one got any techniques or tips that would help me nail the move? thanks.
  5. cheers man! i've been riding trials for about 8-9 months now haha hey!
  6. exactly! well said kieran but yeh i suppose i could have typed the name into google
  7. they look nice! how much are they?
  8. here is a quick video i filmed all in the one night at a place around the corner from mine... its very laid back riding and only me mucking around so nothing special but i thought i'd put it up anyway
  9. I am looking for a new helmet because my other one broke I like the fox helmets a lot... My friend recently got one and it looks so smart. Does anyone have any decent helmets in mind that are a good price? thanks.
  10. Is the 2011 hs33 good in your opinion? I nearly got it but mates talked me out of it.
  11. thanks i think my mate has them and they sound amazing and hold amazing!! They were one of the ones i had in mind
  12. pretty decent stuff where are them blue palets that he was on at the end liam?
  13. Hi guys At the moment i run neon green brake pads on the back and they were working really well but recently they haven't been working as well as they could so i think its time i got some new pads i have a few in mind but just wandered if anybody had any suggestions? p.s i have a smooth rim, not ground and i would like to spend about 15 to 20 pounds thanks.
  14. Hi there, i am just about to buy a booster off a friend but it is a little scratched and i want to change the colour to green. Therefor i am going to sand it down and spray it. What are the main things i want to be looking out for to make a good job of it? When i sand it am i just trying to get the original colour off or to get the scratches away?? thanks, Dougie.
  15. lmao... thanks for the help. I think i will just bail on him and leave him to quit trials and go back to a boring life of ps3 .
  16. Orite thanks guys. I think i will just stick to not kicking then just for when i get onto bigger stuff . Just wanted to make sure that i was doing it correct and stuuf .
  17. Oh hey kieran. :L thanks for that, tell me more when we go out (if we ever do). eh yeh darren is taking his time :/ i will need to phone him again.
  18. Hi again, my friend has all of a sudden stopped coming out and hasn't been out for about 2 weeks. whats a good way to get him back into trials again?? thanks.
  19. Hi guys, recently all my mates have been learning to switch so i thought i would give it a go. i switched 3 palets the other day but was just wandering if you can kick when you switch, is that allowed? i don't kick but i was wandering if it was allowed? many thanks, Dougie.
  20. Amazing video, the ice made it extra special the drifting looked amzing. Over all brilliant riding.
  21. yeh they are a bit dodgy, haha i clicked on 20" trials bikes and they had nothing! so they are a no go!
  22. Ok thanks.....what makes trials uk dodgy? thanks again.....
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