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mr kenny

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Posts posted by mr kenny

  1. hey,

    is it a spacific headset for it??

    can you use the bumpyness to your advantage i.e bump it before a hop to get a spring outta the little bugger??

    i use sus forks on my jump bike and can hop silly higher than my ashton?

    i think i may have a bump when my ahston snap!!

  2. it says the sections will be a bit easyer than biu ones? normally they are harder at worl cup's. and seen as kenny cleaned the final at graz in the rain. i think it may need to be harder. lol.

    a note for the guys that wanna camp. i called 3 camp sites today and 2 were full so you gotta book now man! see you all there  fella's

    did i??

    i had a puncture that day! (Y) (Y)

    and if you don't see young ross with the pimp(cracked) zoo youll smell him!lol

  3. see i think that if i can be arsed doing the whole t shirt hoody thing that i'd lean on the contacts i know threw the trade and see where that gets me.....

    as for making money nah you do anytheing through the cycle industry you ain't gonna be rich it's more of a passion thing for te sport...ask any shop owner!!

    and what the fook is being ginger got to do with this you know i think that it's a pity that you can't spot ginger before the 22 week scan(longest time before an abortion) if you get what i mean. (Y)

    the only thing iv'e heard bout gingers is that they have really smelly genitailia!!!! (Y)"


  4. hey it is as the topic say's i have lots of ideas for designs something fresh and different from the other kinda stuff around

    it will be rider orientated

    i want to know if anyone has done or tryed this?

    if so how'd it go?

    and would you be interested in this kit i make?

    or do i need rider indorsment?(waynio!!)

    thought's please.

    oh and if you ain't got a proper point dont bother t-f kids!!!

  5. yeh a mini road trip sounds good, i think mabey a cheeky norhtern one to the land of the kenny!!!

    man cataloge poses!!!lol

    pissing on the tent!!

    "is that beer kenny's pouring??"

    i reply "well it is but it's passed threw my body!!""

    man phoning waynes work at like midnight and leaving a drunken message!!!!!

    good time, good times!

    cap "dicks cant speak....oh yes they can!!!"

  6. beer garden is good kenny!!!! i bloody hope to see you on friday night in bradford lad!!!!i have to catch up with you your like a big brother!!!!


    All the stuff that bucky did on the trip doesnt suprise me he is such a top lad and such a laugh i couldnt imagine spending a few days on a roadtrip with him and kenny i think i would laugh myself to death!!!!

    Take care everyone!!!and hopefully see you all soonio..........

    yeh man, i feel like iv'e been acepted into the yorkshire trials dr4eam thanks to mike,kev and tim introducing me to top people that i know will be top friends!!


    as for bucky...what a lad,i have allot of time and respect for that lad and i'm gratefull how nice he was to me after the "hey i'm kenny"

    buck replied with a big grin "what mr kenny?"

    you know me and waynio had the same conversation....i can't wait to see what sillyness will go on in bradford!

    i'll see you's on fri night i finnish at 8 so i'll race from dew's to bradford


  7. waynio saying beer garden as we werew heading into town centre,me hoping 180 and discussing said beer topic while riding fakie!!

    that was well funny,some peoples faces!!


    aw man kevs smelly ass farts!

    flashes massive tent and chris's mantion(big house?) in a bag with the plasma tele,double decker bus and what ever else we said during i spy with my touretts!!

  8. living the fooking dream.

    another jack young man???darsay!

    i spy with my little eye at 2 in't moning

    that twat speaking bout darts...

    playing with that nerf ball in a service station/sleeping place in pitch black. :P (Y)

    bucky doing some shit hot stuff,cap taking my beers and lolly's. :P"

    stan super duper smooth :D

    chris,mike,tim,james,lovecock,flash,carl,cap,kev,stan,bucky and myself coming on loads and loads,

    wayne in bristol,the guy just wouldn't stop!! :)

    i made some good mate and gonna keep in touch with them! :"> :">

    we all lived the dream

    bring on gbyb 06!

    k dawg :P

  9. that guy with the drink in his hand and the beard....god damb good looking if you ask me??

    notice that when carls asleep in the last one his ass in in the air,,,he shared a tent with mike!!!

    oh carl can grrrrroooooowwwlllll!!!


    still livin the dream and remembering good times!

    k dawg :) (Y)

  10. bench mark downhill track i suppose. iv never actually seen it myself. thats why it will be quite interesting to see over the weekend of the world cup and the competition.should be a good laugh


    should be a laugh i think i'm going!!!


  11. meeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhh!!!!

    the roadtrip was amazing!lived the dream,pissed on a tent,got cought by a copper with my cock out.

    man goood f**kin times.

    got much better on my bike from that cap and buck pushin me!

    made some good mates on't tour and i'm sure we'll all keep in touch.

    well every on that made it it was a f**kin pleasure and an honour to ride it and all i can think about is

    GBYB 06 the northern tour

    mr kenny (Y) :P :D

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