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mr kenny

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Posts posted by mr kenny

  1. rob son

    just sketch a rough picture of what you want,then wait till you 18

    goto a good costom tatooist(like cutominc.co.uk, in glasgow or urban in edinburgh)

    then say you were recomended this place by kenny

    they will draw youy a proper pic and ink it on you

    bob's your uncle!

    oh i got a few sketches for my back and ass!!

  2. hey peoples

    i just thought i'd tell ytoua ll that i fixed my puter and back to postin sh1t up here!!!

    watson!!mint vid son


    mint bike

    hope to see you's all soon

  3. yeahh i hope he does one in Yorkshire... yorkshire never gets any thing good :(

    err me... i'm in yorkshire!!!

    Near does Scotland... FACT! it sucks :o :P

    Anyhooo, I think that's awesome that hes coming to the UK... hes a legend!!! :o


    err i used to live in scotland and i'll be up the first week in july!!!

    kenny! :D

  4. Err, excuse the rather blunt question, but what's on your back in your avatar picture - I can see the flesh tat on your shoulder/arm, but at my age I can't see the rest of it too well ...  :sick:"

    nah thets not me in my avatar!!

    it's a motocross rider called seth enslow...my all time hero!!!

    thats where i got the idea of torn flesh but mine is different.


  5. YAY!!!!

    As I said before that's fookin smart... anymore in mind Kenny?? :(

    yup big back piece runnin round my ribs and onto my toned!!! stumach

    ok it's a bit beery!!

    few things in mind, just gota get up and see maxwell,

    want a lego man on me aswell....but with a twist!!


    nadine i'll try get to hudds in't next 2 weeks that disc still in't pug!!

  6. hey ross...

    hope you ok

    god you been takin the good pills again??!lol

    i'm in edinburgh on sunday hook up there is a few of us....i think gordon is oot?

    eh granted it's a big gap at macdonalds for raliegh.... i wouldn't say huge though....

    see you sunday.


  7. mines is of seth enslow a mental motocross daredevil!

    iv'e alsways liked seth and his jumps since crusty one back in 94 got em all and all the other mx stuff even got a tat on my ritgh arm just like his!!!!

    kenny (Y)

    will get lettering on my back one day but chillin from inc at the mo!

  8. As good as people thought my video (TM1) was, Accomplish is still a good DVD expressing the street scene in Scotland - definately a lifestyle DVD worth buying if you've got 15 quid doing nothing.

    Expect a full review shortly on trialmedia.

    To the Brainchild family - Sorry it's taken so long! :">


    cheers jonny still owe you that pint at the bike show!!lol

    yeh the film is still goin strongi got some footage to put on the next one of the boy's down here in't leeds...mabey get some more


  9. :o god man how many negative f**kin folks are on this....so it took a little time...it's out now and been out for bout 9 months and you still bitchin...get a fookin life boy!we have done good from this film al so that chas is in austrailia for 9 months filmin there.....he bumped this to get my attention cause i'm an ignorant shit!!!i guesse he got my bloody attention!!!

    what have you done to promote the trials seen? :-

  10. Hendrix died 18/09/1970 in London.

    Q: In the Rammstein song "Du Hast", what are they singing about?


    you hate

    you hate me

    i ask you for why

    i ask you for why

    and you say nothing

    rough translation of the song i think!!

    Q:what is the name and kind of dog in back to the future?

  11. :P" just a quick check... it's wet in leeds at the moment.(fri nite)

    but we are still gonna be there if it's wet as mike(leedstrials with the luverly bike :"> )showed me some dry bits so i'm still gonna be there....

    the weather say's it'll be dry mabey spots of rain so show some heart!!!

    hope to see you's all in about 16 hours!!!

    oh i'm getting so exited pee is dripin out!!! :P" :D" :">

    kenny :P :-

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