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Posts posted by old'scoolfool

  1. just need a chain tensioner, pedals and handlebars (i pinched them off my giant) might be willing to sell it as i have a possible lead on a pace frame and wont have the room for another build

    crap quality pics taken on mobile will get better ones tomorrow







    • Like 3
  2. Hey guy.

    Thinking of getting a new brake booster/ clamps setup.

    Which do you think are the best things to buy?.

    i've got a trialtech carbon i would sell if the offer is good, use discs now so not needed

  3. Indeed they dont make videos like that anymore! Going to have to find that now im certain I have it on disc somewhere!

    not bad my mate used the gamits - reset for a video of his videos 9 years ago and considering we rode 15kg bikes back pretty much same standard of riding proving shaving 5kg of weight doesnt do jack lol

    < this is trials not that bmx spinning danny mac shite, not hating as much as it sounds that way i just hate what trials has become its more like bmx these days
  4. That was indeed the innuendo I was aiming for. But yeah, laced my first wheel around that time. I can build wheels and they seem to work out OK, but after getting Ali to build my last pair of wheels (repeatedly, but that's a whole other story) in about 4secs I realised that there's being good at building wheels, then there's being a good wheelbuilder.

    my lbs charges £20 if you include the spokes and have never had a problem with it most you should be paying wihout the spokes being included is £30 and thats from a top builder, your paying for ther time mostly if a builder is crap it'll take them much longer so they'll overcharge you

  5. Thanks I'd not seen the zoot before. Not sure about v brakes but looks good.

    Ebay prices seem very cheap to be honest. Some really nice bikes for under £500.

    i've only recently found out a good v setup like an xtr/sd7 with good trials pads is as good as a magura without the hassle, if they are he standard zoot vee's though they are rubbish lol

  6. i think there still pretty much beginner bikes apart from ther £750 onza comp and for that price youd be able to build a much better build yourself, keep checking ebay alot of mods end up on there for cheap

    as far as 24"'s go you could get a onza zoot used for £300 they're pretty decent for the price although more a street bike than a trials bike

    heres two in your budget



  7. this was me a few months ago i just bought an old giant and zero like yours as they were good enough then and the new "bikes" look gay as fook and all look idential no imagination whatsoever they just copy eachother and cut the headtube differently. Before i went back to the oldschool bikes i did alot of searching and testing and really liked the feel of the Inspired Hex and Echo Pure 2011, although not as good as the 2004 model with the long forgotten seatpost, are you looking to buy a full build or build one yourself?

    ZHI are okay not great, some popular modern brands are Speed Race, Rockman, Neon, Gu and Koxx, Zoo/Echo and Monty are still around too

    the main site and pretty much the only one like trials-uk was is tartybikes.com so check out what they have

    There's a stunning Leeson Clear 660 in the For Sale Thread for £400ono if your wanting to "keep it real" haha

  8. +1

    Bigman told me about the serrated sleeves cracking on HD king axles, he said he filed the serrations out in order to eliminate the stress raisers. I dont think its going to cause any problems for the axle, might be worth filing the other end down though :)

    thanks for the advice lads i'll keep an eye on it, put my mind at ease a bit thought it was going to get costly

  9. It looks like it's just the serrated edge that's chipped off a little. Bolt it up like normal and see how it gets on - chances are it'll function just fine and be nothing to worry about and could save you the time/money/hassle of replacing the axle. If it comes down to it and the wheel slips a little then you can always go and replace it, but makes sense to work out if it's necessary first (Y)

    the axle itself seems fine its just the serated edge you mentioned that has the chip in it, can i replace just that bit lol?

  10. im looking for one myself hate piss pot helmets personally which only really leaves met and giro which looks bland to me

    Fox flux.

    Can get them on MX1 for £45 :)

    that looks the business in black camo think i'll get my mate to order one for me with staff discount :P

    edit only £40 here if you like white and have a fat head http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=61138&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=Google-Products-UK

  11. thats just a washer that the bolt pushes into the frame to hold the wheel in turning that will do sh*t all :/

    where you've cut the two slots get a metal ruler or something and use it as a massive screw head if that makes any sense at all probably not lol

    • Like 1
  12. Alrighty then.. Just I found some hopefully cheap front and rear hubs but I saw they had the dish mounts on and got a bit worried!!

    What would be the best alterative if I wanted to use just the maguras but wanted to keep it cheap?? :)


    how cheap is cheap? and is it the pro 2 trials rear or just the standard? if your not bothered about he extra weight go for it there really good hubs

  13. all pro 2's have disc mounts you have both options with disc hubs where as with non disc hub you obviously cant have disc brakes should you want them in the future. imo if you only ever plan on using mags why have the extra weight of pro2's if your not using discs and dont plan on doing so its alot of unneccecsary weight i know what weight weenis are like

  14. Either:

    - Use a crown race setting tool (big tube that you can slide down over the steerer to hit the crown race on equally)

    - Use some grease

    - Cut through the crown race so it's split, will then go on easier (still works fine, in fact better than standard IMO)

    wow that was quick thanks i wonder if a seatpost and hammer will duplicate as a crown race tool, i'll let you know when i break them lol

  15. The Onza Mongo headset crown race is stupid huge and the forks get stuck about 10mm from the crown where the steerer gets a little wider at the bottom, is there another crown race that will fit or am i shit outta luck and need new forks, i've tried fatty's and urban's gets stuck at the same place


  16. that will be why i found them new for 40euros then lol

    i've done some scouring the net and heard alot of them snapping after only weeks resulting in one lad breaking both wrists. sell em while ther still in once piece Kieran! although it seems you're either one hell of a smooth rider or you got the one good pair if you've had them that long!

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