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Posts posted by Miss-Higgy

  1. Hmmmm...

    In 2013 I will be mostly riding a brakeless inspired, just for those who love it :D

    Get more video's made, get better at editing and master adobe after effects.

    Hopefully run a small event here in Blackpool I'm in process of securing, outside the winter gardens.

    Hopefully GetCreative next year holds a podium for me instead of just a spot prize!

    Maybe RadFest, and as many group rides as we can get on...

    Oh yeah and nail footjam tail's and my new top secret finishing move :P

  2. No comment yoshi :P

    I'm annoyed i still haven't sold my park bike.. And the inspired is still sat there unusable. Brakes also make me angry thinking i might take them off me mod.. Again!!

    And to top it all off the guinea pig keeps trying to open the xmas prezzie's...

  3. Erm, Dave i didn't even ask for gear ratio recommendation's so if your just going to be a div don't post? And who ever thinks a higher ratio would be good because i'm female is also a dick..

    To the point!

    Mark, you mentioned a viz 16t freewheel, are these still obtainable?

    Isitafox, I've just decided i want to use trial tech hubs no other reason, than a rear freewheel is more street? (Dumb statement of the year winner)!!

    Ali do you know what hubs come with the inspired with the freewheel on? As this may change my current search!

    Just done a quick google search and answered all my own questions there!!

  4. Going to be running truvativ cranks with a 22t chainring. Opting for a fixed rear wheel and rear fitted freewheel. There's quite a few freewheel makes out there and very few i trust :P

    Does anyone have one sat there there they are willing to part with. Or can you point me in the right direction of something worth it?

  5. Ah ha, thanks for the heads up phone call damon! Would have prob forgot to check the thread :P

    Deffo coming provided there's no rain!

    Who's actually showing up then? Obv myself, Jim, poss kenners or ian. Ash n his mates, damon, nath, gav you deffo in for this one dave? You able to do a full day too?!? :P

    Carl get the hell over for it! :D

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  6. Heres my next video instalment was filmed all in one day hence it was easy enough to edit :) Hope you guys like all comments welcome

    All filmed by me & jim edited by me using iMovie (what a pile of shit software that is!)

    thanks guys please lemme know what you think!

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  7. Personally, it was half my own doing me starting trials. After moving to Blackpool i was determined to get some bikes to ride up and down the prom. Got to cheap as chips mtbs and my boyfriend started doing the odd trials move on it and i was like wow that's really cool! Then factor in me hitting a curb wrong one day going over the bars and nearly launching myself through a shop window..

    This made my boyfriend decide to teach me some trials moves on the moonrocks to try to avoid silly accidents. I learnt quickish and wanted to do more and more, just over a year and a half later we now own 8 bikes and constantly out riding :)

    Love it though can't imagine life without my bike ^_^

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