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Posts posted by juzz80

  1. Good evening people, just a quick update. Havent been on bike for over a week and this morning i had to sort out the rear hub as the bearings had gone, took bike outside to try it out and first pedal up it went straight up on back wheel and managed to do around 10 hops pretty easy, and though out the day have manged to do quite a few so think iv nearly got it sussed. ganna give it a week or to then start on the pedal kicks...

    cheers all

  2. just been out for about half hour and tryed giving it another go. Iv been using the pedal to get the bike up and have had my good foot just infront of vertical, today i tryed it with my good foot between vertical and horizontal and it seems to go up better and i can stay stood on back wheel longer and even managed quite a few hops. The only thing now is the crank rachets back so got to get the timing right now with letting go of the back brake to put it back level. If i can il try get a video up so people can give me a few more hint...


  3. Im on a mod bike, tried the rocking back and forth but couldnt do it. Find it easy to get bike up, its just tryung to find balance point. Iv found that when bike goes up if i lean back slightly and push bike away from me i seem to stay up for abit longer but i seem to lean to the right and fall off..

  4. Iv been trying now for over 4 weeks to try and get bike up on back wheel and hop but just cant do it :angry: .

    I can get it up on back wheel with a kick of the pedal but cant stay up, iv got it up once about a week ago and managed 6 hops but nothing since. Please help me :( ..

    cheers juz

  5. I noticed the other day that my freewheel was moving side to side when i turn the pedals and in turn the chain goes loss then tight. Is this normal or it their something wrong with the freewheel or something else??

    cheers juz

  6. hello Alex, if your bored you could give me help with hopping on back wheel. I only started about 3 weeks ago, i can sort of hop with a pedal kick sort of just not got the back brake bit sorted yet. But just hopping i am struggling with, body postion help with balance etc. Any help would be spot on as iv been watchin videos on you tube but everything happens to quick to see what they are doin..

    cheers justin

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  7. Sensible post time!

    Whether you are right footed or left footed when you play football (kicking a ball) has nothing to do with which foot you ride with forwards. If that were the case, 95% of the forum would ride with their right foot forward. In reality, it's pretty much a 50:50 split.

    I actually rode with a guy who was 'dominant foot confused', when he would do things like bunny hops or 180's etc he would have one foot forwards and when he was gaping / pedal hopping he would switch to the other, meaning if he bunnyhopped to back wheel on a wall, he'd have to do a 180 backwards spin on the pedals to continue to gap.

    Generally, whichever foot you have forwards when you're gapping / pedalhops is the foot you should have forwards for everything else.

    Another way to tell is get in the sprint start position, which foot do you have forwards? That foot is the same foot you should have forwards when you ride.

    Same with jumping over a hurdle, you have one leg that goes over first, and one that leaves the ground last, the foot that goes over first is the foot you should be riding forwards with.


    Iv only been riding for a few weeks now and was trying to find which was my dominant foot which i thought would be my right foot as thats what i play football with, and as said above when in the sprint start position my right foot is forward. But when doing pedal ups i cant doit with my right foot, it just doesnt feel strong enough to get bike up and i feel really comfortable doing it with my left foot..

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