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Posts posted by MonsieurMonkey

  1. In my household if my woman asked me to "stick the kettle on" i'd kick her in the teeth. Down here it's "can you grind the beans and put the cafetiere on" and i'm always only too happy to oblige.

    If I wanted a signature, that'd be it. Funny on multiple levels, whether you were going for it or not. Bravo.

  2. I think that looks way more than 12ft. At first I was just gonna comment about the skinny jeans being a bad choice. But yeah, sick riding, sick fall. Would have been awesome if he would have got the gap.

  3. All dem bacon! I always find, in a relationship I've got confidence, talking to bitches don't matter so I just ain't arsed. Then when I'm single, every approach is like "This is make or break pussy conversation, I gotta do this shit right or I will not be getting any." And it throws my game.

    Just so we're clear, I don't try and get pussy while in a relationship, the conversations just don't matter. So it's easier. I ain't no cheating skank.

    On all the people breaking up, just leave it at that, don't go back there. It's not worth it, it'll never get better, those little problems won't sort themselves out. Just go find something fresh and new, if it works in the long run it works. If it isn't work and it ends, best to leave it that way.

  4. Well, it's about £70 for a return train ticket to London, then you'd need to get a day ticket to use the underground which is like £10 so that's £160 on travel. If you don't know London like most of us Northern monkeys don't, it can be tricky to find a cheap hotel in a good location. Maybe he wanted to splash out a bit on the room as well. I used to live in Kent and when I did I spent a lot of money on single days out in London.

  5. What are yours?

    I love antiques, I watch shit like Antique Roadshow and shit, I hate the idiots on there but I love the shit their selling. I just love old stuff. I dunno why, I love looking around shops for old stuff, but can't be arsed looking at new stuff.

    In before, young boys, beasts, scat, gay porn, old women, old men etc etc.

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