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Posts posted by NotGonnaLie

  1. So, what's the situation on it pissing down with rain?

    Is it gonna be a rain check situation or what? I'm not sure thorn wants to go out riding in the rain... i don't know if i really fancy it that much either... but i don't feel right just not showing up...

    Hope you get this message in time :)

  2. Agh, I was writing a long reply when somehow I closed the tab. (N)

    I recently started managing pedal-ups, which i'm assuming you mean rather than pedal kicks?

    I first got comfortable hopping on the back wheel, at least 10 hops a time using the same 'pull back' technique as yourself. This gave me the confidence and balance on the back wheel needed to pull off a pedal-up. Try not to move forwards too much when pedalling up, it's almost more of an upwards motion.(Push upwards and shift weight back a bit to stay at balance point.) I think to begin with I was having to crouch slightly after pedalling up to stay at the balance point.

    Keep trying and trying every time you're out, it will come to you soon.

    This is how my first ever successful attempts at pedalling up looked:


    Pretty sketchy, I've barely improved since this video to be honest.

    Hopefully something I've said here can help you. (Y)

    That video isn't as sketchy as me, but that is kind of helpful, so thanks, i'll just keep trying :P

    No, he means pedal kicks. Those in your vid are pedal kicks too.

    Do you fall to the front before kicking off or whilst landing? If it's whilst landing try to get your weight further to the back and down. But I've got no idea how far you are trying to jump or whatever, so it's a bit difficult to say the proper thing..

    And if you fall back down as soon as you are on you back wheel, try to hold your arms at an angle. Like that you can adjust and balance better.

    Hope you somehow get a bit of an idea od what I meant. I'm just bad at explaining. :/

    And watch other riders (or videos if there no riders near you) practise. Watching people actually has helped me the most :)

    It's pretty much when getting up... i don't quite manage to get the hop in yet, i sort of drop down before i can lift... I can hop on the wheel by just pulling up onto it, or by rocking onto it, but i can't manage it this way :/

    I'll try what you've said and see where that gets me :) Thanks!

  3. Okay, so i've been trying to master the pedal kick, and so far all i achieve is launching my front wheel up, so i'm on the back wheel and then when i pull the brake to try and stay up there, i just get thrown back forward and down...

    How do i keep it up?! What is the best technique??

    I can get the back wheel up and hold it there without the pedal kick; as in just by track-standing and then pulling it up, but i want to get the pedal kick right!

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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