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Posts posted by showurcolours

  1. southampton is an alright place to ride, portsmouth is apparently quite good but needs to be light.

    if you do come down to soton their is quite a few of us that ride =]

    Ahh sounds awesome! Can't believe there are this many riders along the south coast, then again what else is there to do? :D

    Will give you a shout soon buddy

  2. Why now though, after like 15 years?

    Because he failed to submit for a drugs test when asked for, which in the eyes of WADA is enough proof to ban for.

    His reason 'fed up of constantly having to submit for drugs tests, even though passed every single one of his length career cleanly'

    The controversy, why fail to submit a drugs test?

    I think WADA have a point though, not submitting to a drugs test is a giveaway. It's like not submitting to a Breathalyzer.

    If he did dope though, I doubt it would have been EPO (Erythropoitin) because that stuff is like insanely easy to pick up on a drugs test,

    my guess is a growth hormone (of which they are plenty varieties to chose from) that WADA have just found out about and now include on their drug tests.

    You see, until an unknown substance is proved to be performance enhancing... the doping authorities (same for all sports) have no way to test for it, and still don't until they can get a sample of the drug. That's probably how he avoided detection for soo long.

    If you wanna read more about drugs in sport there is a fantastic book by my Drugs Lecturer Chris Cooper called 'Run, Swim, Throw, Cheat' + he has a blog by the same title.



    Ok so apparently, the official USADA (not WADA as I said in first report, same job, different countries) repor said that he had been guilty of blood manipulation and that it was EPO, therefore the only way he could get away with this (literally 'impossible' to cheat an EPO test now a days) is to have people on in inside of USADA. That's my conclusion anyway, I'm sure more will be illuminated in time

  3. I don't use facebook mate, literally complicated my life beyond measure so I deleted it :D

    Yeh think it was around August, I'll have another flick through though and see if I can recognise you, Colchester is in Essex which may be why you don't know it.

    This sounds all too exciting, literally CAN'T wait to get the bike now, I was scared I was gonna be riding on my own most days haha.

  4. Well I'll learn to re-ride all of my old spots, although most of them have changed now but I saw some pictures a couple of months a go from some of the Worthing guys at Splash point...good to see that's still a hot spot for riders. But yeah I'll definitely come to Lewes at some point and ride with you guys as well. Wanna try ride a whole load of different places to really, Colchester (where I went to Uni) had some awesome spots but not sure if you can take a bike on the underground? My bro is at uni in Southampton as well so definitely will end up there and obviously B-town (Brighton haha) needs to be hit hard!

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  5. showurcolours. trials forums new resident doctor/professor/physcologist/general all found genius :)

    Hahah! Well I have to use my degree in some productive way :wink: Only happy to help though

    The us army along with others were using theese energy drinks! the reason Why the removed them from the army was because How brutal they are On the liver!

    Yeh along with the fact that consuming energy drinks gives you a temporary boost but makes you feel even worse once it's worn off. Modafinil is like 8 hours of pure up, no downtime as well as increasing pretty much every psychological aspect there is; reflex time, spatial awareness, proprioception, been rumored to even enhance brain power!

    Cognitive enhancers are such cool 'drugs', I still have some piracetam left and might (when I actually have a bike) have a little go at taking some whilst riding :dance:

  6. Hey Jordan. I know a few people who ride in Worthing, I live in Lewes and ride here when I can. All the locals here ride pure trials bikes but I do know of one guy in Brighton called skoze on this forum who is looking to get a street trials bike next spring.

    If you're interested in a mod, I've got two for sale and you can feel free to try them out if you like :) they might be too high specs for a beginner and maybe too expensive too but the offer is there if you want a quick entry to trials :)

    That is soo kind of you! I rode a mod once before when I was younger and didn't really get on with it hence why looking at getting a zoot now.

    Hopefully it won't be too long, watching something on ebay at the moment but definitely up for meeting with you guys once I have a bike and all, even if I'm just the camera guy for a while so I can learn a bit more! :)

    I'll pm you my number once I have a bike though. Cheers for the offer anyway mate, actually well appreciated

  7. There are some awesome photos already on here and seeing as I haven't got a bike at the moment I was thinking that I'll add some from around my uni taken earlier this year.

    Incase you were wondering these were all taken from my phone (HTC Sensation XE)



    Hope that works!

  8. Ok sorry, had to wait like a day till I could post again. Frustrating but I understand why.

    So it turns out that caffeine can be classed as addictive (depending on which scientific journal you look at)

    I found this from 'The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse' which states;

    'The common-sense use of the term addiction is that regular consumption is irresistible and that it creates problems. Caffeine use does not fit this profile. Its intake does no harm to the individual or to society and its users are not compelled to consume it. Though cessation of regular use may result in symptoms such as headache and lethargy, these are easily and reliably reversed by ingestion of caffeine. Some have argued that continued caffeine use is an attempt to suppress low grade withdrawal symptoms such as sleepiness and lethargy. In some moderate users, this is possible; however, in experimental contexts, the phenomenon is too inconsistent to constitute a reliably valid syndrome.'

    I like to think this is pretty much what I said originally (but obviously in a lot more depth) - regarding that some people may find it addictive and others do not. I guess it just depends on trying to distinguish between habit/ritual use and the feeling of want/need. Obviously there are going to be difficulties when trying to do this.

    I'd like to think that everyone is sensible enough to know not to drink caffeine containing substances in heavy quantities but regardless, it does still happen.

    The comparison of nicotine and caffeine is relevant and somewhat accurate, but note that nicotine (in the form of cigarettes) has a negative effect on others around you (just like heroin for that matter) whereas caffeine does not. This is reflected in my quote by the term 'social impacts'

    I hope this further explains my original post =)


  9. Thought I might as well introduce myself seeing as I'll be regularly using this forum now (already made a few posts but yeah)

    So yeah I'm Jordan or JC and I'm 22 and from Worthing, which is near Brighton.

    Currently don't have a bike :( but looking to get myself a Zoot because used to ride BMX when I was younger but want to get into trials

    So yeah that's me :)

  10. This is just a quick criticism I can see from what you've posted. Dave's Keto Diet is great for a body builder, who works out maybe 2-3 times a day (yes a day) with a well structured routine, however, as for a trials rider (I understand you are trying to balance both), I don't see it containing the necessary carb's to properly fuel a prolonged ride or multiple sessions per week. Obviously if you are going to be working out, working and doing trials, you will need carb's to essentially fuel your body.

    This is just a quick criticism and I am in no way saying you should change it, if you feel comfortable with it and you are seeing desired results, keep it up. BUT if you start to find you are getting tired quickly or losing weight faster than you should; then you might need to take on board more carb's.

    Another quick warning is the amount of supplements and protein you are consuming, this can severely damage the liver and kidneys (not trying a health scare, but again if any problems persist then definitely look at lowering the amount)

    Either way I wish you best of luck and if you find the desired results without any contraindications or side effects then you can completely ignore what I've said, like you said, keep us all posted and I'm sure we will all (I definitely will) help as best as we can :)


  11. Not really an injury as such, but does anyone/have you ever got sore feet whilst riding? I've recently just got back into it and wearing hefty skate shoes I still get sore feet (like under the arches?) and they feel like theyre on fire lol. Never had a problem before with it I dont think. I dont even have to ride for long for it to occur..

    If you have high arches (sometimes called a high instep) then the heavy skate shoes, which are often flat on the sole, could be causing the problem.

    If you have flat/low arches/instep then another problem could just be the fact that you have overstretched the muscles in your sole, which wouldn't be surprising given that you have just returned to the sport.

    So basically check your footwear is ok for your feet, or if that's not the problem. A bit of rest would never hurt, possibly foot stretches whilst you're just starting again.

    Let me know how it goes,


  12. Ok. this is my first post and this is actually a subject quite close to my heart. Just for your information, I am a sports science grad so I do have a background relevant to this post.

    I'm going to try and debunk some myths that I've seen posted here, as well as try and answer the original question. I've put some words or phrases in bold, to help you scan the post quicker.

    Ok firstly, performance enhancing drugs are used all over the world, in literally every sport, at any level. This can include caffeine, which is actually a banned substance from most sports (not sure for trials comps however) and obviously include any illegal drugs too (even including alcohol although not illegal)

    I do agree with most people, I think nutrition can make a difference to trials riding, having the required energy and protein to not only fuel your sessions but recover from them is important, but I think that most trials riders would probably not benefit from supplements - especially if a healthy balanced diet is already consumed - unless an extremely busy schedule and long trials sessions are occurring.

    Secondly, as for energy drinks, I think that caffeine in moderation may improve concentration and focus (as has been shown for other sports) which obviously is important for trials riding. Caffeine was again, in most sports shown to increase effort, speed and endurance - again desirable traits for a trials rider. Negatives of caffeine however are tiredness (excessive tiredness post exercise once the initial energy has been depleted) and over consumption can also cause the shakes and reduced ability to focus. So obviously moderation is key. As a side note, I saw someone post that it is addictive, I can scientifically confirm there are no addictive substances in energy drinks (monster, rockstar, redbull) but some people can still become addicted to these.

    As someone so correctly made the point that the Army (US Army) made these drinks a requirement, it was to increase the 'vigor' and energy of the soldiers, it was however discontinued to be because of the problems with excessive tiredness that caffeine causes. In an interesting side note, cocaine (back around 1930's I believe) was also given to them for the same reasons!

    There are however new drugs that are widely available (with limited scientific research, yet still 'safe' - again in moderation) which may be of interest to you. Please DO NOT think that I am condoning drug use to trials riders, I am simply trying to educate. These are ritalin, modafinil and piracetam.

    Ritalin is something that you may recognise, it's given to children with ADHD in America so they may concentrate, it's also widely used as a 'cognitive enhancer' during college and universities. Piracetam is just another form of ritalin that is available in England (I must confess to using this, but not for trials riding - both are legal drugs, but again probably banned for sport) A cognitive enhancer may wish to be used during trials riding as to increase spatial awareness and proprioception. Modafinil is exactly the same sort, interestingly enough it has replaced both cocaine and caffeine as the US Army's drug of choice.

    One last note that I feel is imperative to mention is the Placebo Effect - basically in short, if you think it will help you, it probably will (google for a better definition but that's the jist of it) therefore if you think supplementation will improve your recovery and thus help your trials riding, they probably will.

    So I hope you enjoyed this very long first post of mine, food for thought perhaps. Also, please do not hesitate to ask me any questions if you would likely anything explained better


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