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Everything posted by minitrialer

  1. windows movie maker will not save my video as a movie it goes up to over 1200 minutes and keeps going.I cant understand it and it is winding me up.has any had this problem or does any one know what is going wrong.by the way the video is only 1:15 long so it isnt huge. Any help would be much appreciated,thanks a lot Lil Dan
  2. its up to you but in my opinion i wouldn't use any thing apart from mineral they are supposed to have it in for a reason.you will find it soon after using WD40 or water and it will ruin your seals.just spend the extra bit of money and get a brake that works for a longer time.Every 1 i know who has used any thing other than mineral oil has regretted it!its not worth it. (just an opinion don't slate me for it ) Lil D
  3. yer that was a pain . . come to thnik of it if i come home late this sunday i might go 2 colchester becuase its closer intead of travelling about 2 hours to london or somewhere. Are any colchesterians going? Lil D
  4. i'm not lazy i always want to ride new places we should go one day and just spend like 15 minutes at each spot then ride all the little places instead of like 2 main places! Lil Dan
  5. dont know becuase have to check train times or see if i am getting alift i will ring bondy in the morning or nick or someone. see you all then Lil Dan
  6. i'm going and i still have those freehwheel's so i will bring them along and you can get action bikes to take the old one off see you all their. Lil Dan
  7. Helloooo does any one want to ride colchester this sunday.me shaun nick maybe richard raub bondy and hopefuly more! It's up to the colchester lot where and when we meet hopefully they will post at one point! Thanks Lil Dan
  8. minitrialer


    From the album: me

  9. minitrialer

    Colchester ride

    a ride in colchester, pretty cool stuff goin down
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