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Luke Williams!

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Posts posted by Luke Williams!

  1. that vid was like the perfect cheese on toast it had every corner coverd and had a variety of styles :huh: :)

    i hope your next one is just as good cause this was awsome every move covered with ease it seems and i love the miss out the rail gaps just class

  2. obviously some people havent read what you put properly, what they are saying is true yes you will get pains as your muscles develop because trials uses muscles your body doesn't use on a day to day basis but also uses the common set of muscles. so aching will occur but as for not reaching your bars when turining try turning with your arms bent abit instead of straight out :huh:"

  3. Lets stop the arguments hey? We are all pissed off with how stupid people are being over a few opinions which cant hurt anyone, they are just a point of view ffs.

    yep but the little guy tried it on with the magic that is callin me a loser dont know why he thinks its funny like i personally find that its the worst insult anyone has ever said to me its boring bland and unoriginal! i mean worst of all its what a 12 yr old girl says to her older brother thats the scary part lol

    sorry i just really really bored an felt like being an arsehole the joy :)" :huh:

  4. OH FFS

    Stop being so f**king paranoid, so a few people didnt like his f**king video its getting on my f**king tits, no one else does this, lees video was ALRIGHT riding was very nice not my choice of muisc and the edting was a bit to flash.

    End off

    Close this peice of shit.

    its like god wrote it my friend all people are retarded sometimes! :huh:

    you should be a preist you tell it as it is! i fookin love it!

  5. Yeah you most likely are older than me, infact you are, but do I care... NO!

    I was being sarcastic... basically saying how immature and childish you are being by trying to diss other members on this forum :huh: Just felt like using that comment cause it sounds good... is there a crime in that, didn't think so.....


    didnt say there was mr watson did i nope so stop jumping to your own little fairy tale conclusion and incase you didnt notice everyone is immature and childish other wise we would all be 40 yrs old dressed in business suits and bummin each other in offices, come on if your goner be sarcastic atleast make it sound sarcastic we cant hear your voice on here its all letters so right it more clearly! jesus its like playing table tennis with a dog i tell you!

  6. I'm sorry to say, but there was no need for that what so ever... comments like that just result in more arguments... so stop doing it, either add Matt to MSN and bitch and try and make of him on that instead of filling this topic with sh*t or don't post at all. As we are meant to be commenting on Lee's vid not trying to diss other people on the forum :)

    Children these days :huh:


    worse thing is am probably older than you! plus have you ever heard of i do as i please! children these days jesus no respect!

  7. I see, no thread can be funny for someone? Humans, you know, there different, have opinions, not sure if there allowed anymore going by this thread. :huh:

    How even dare you try to be-little someone by resorting to personal insults. Get a grip.

    Video, i thought was ok.

    I liked the music, but the editing tried too hard to be like the videos Phil has done, and im afraid to say has failed. Its just cut up and placed on a story board. No real thought. Riding was super large, but to large to be good. As in, everything was so big, it made you look like a worse rider then you really are. Any rider would be more sketchy when lining up for something huge, or landing from something you've not done before.

    its not a personal insult many men have that sort of problem, plus its my opinion isnt it? ok ok so am a little immature but whats with the HOW DARE YOU lol gettin abit old now arnt we! starting to sound like your parents thats when you know your gettin old! oops another personal insult i hope!

  8. Sorry, but I just read this, and its the most pathetic thing I think I've ever read on this forum...


    whow whow whow mr hilarious look get yourself a bag and some peanuts got to the zoo and look at the monkeys thats hilarious if you find a thread funny there is something wrong with you, and pathetic hmmmmm well you need to go out of your little box that is your room go into the bathroom pull down your pants and stare in the mirror that my friend is pathetic

  9. haha yer where cool nice always a bonus to get helmets (Y) least yoru thinking straight make sure your tea is pie lol kiddin!

    still lee's vid is good

    just keepin the post relevent!

  10. Holy f**k, a difference of opinion.  God, no.

    whow watch yourself mr moderator you might actually get off the computer for five minutes and go to the toilet so you can shit out all the shit your saying then go back to your computer and talk some fookin sense, your sarcasm is much appreciated

  11. Mod 661 aka nick is just jealous because lee is doing big and better stuff than he could dream of lee has alot of style its individual his flair his style of sidehoppin is diffrent, you cant see these then maybe you should quit trials boys, i cant believe your slating a vid of this quality you all need to go home an eat some pie or sommet an stuff fookin slating a good rider and wtf is with flame, i will tell any of your fu**ers to f**k off if i like so you should all shut up and appreciate the quality of riding lee is producing and just because he is better than you doesnt mean you should slag the little guy off. just to add to the flair part, hmmmmmmmm flair wait wait wait are you mean being able to pull a 360 when sidehoppin over a rail hmmmmmmmmmm flair, flair ah you mean being able to do a tail whip whilst gappin 8 ft hmm flair hmmm flair ok enough with the dodgy bmx crap some people can do that shit an thats why they ride 24" bikes or bmx lee rides trials as in TRIALS he gets the job done from a to b with a few style points here an there but at the end of the day he gets there an it looks sweet so f*ck all you ignorant people for being stupid and bumming BMX

    great vid lee hope to see some more of that stuff coming out enough said.

  12. sweet vid love the spiny stuff gets me kind of dizzy sometimes but meh

    still class vid better than your last one by far cant wait for the next edit!

  13. haha bout time someone else decided to tap a zoo rather than just yao zhi lol nice vid some big gaps and nice sidehops can tell someone has been riding with damon alot lol

    keep it up and bring out another just this time with abit more moves than gappin and sidehops maybe learn hooks etc still loved it :( :(

  14. well went for a good session tonight with the leeds boys, typical mike disapperaed and when we found him we caught him doing this.

    mike ont chain

    weirdest thing was that he wasnt wheel swappin it he was going to front wheel then going all the way over and landing on the floor at the other side just thought it was emence and you would like to see what the leeds lot new vid will be including.

  15. i have it fro ma good source that the cousts are tapping a good deal higher.  not to take anything away from vince though, he still beats them in comps.

    doesnt matter vince just has that style that you just admire and love to watch cousts are good if you like robots lol but vince is just phenomanel or however you spell it, loved the vids and always love mr andrew T's editing consistantly great just like vinces riding

    the fact he is improving is the scary part!

  16. holy shit mike thast some class riding fro a curb lol deffo fav for me the x up 180 thing is class an when you bunnyhopped to front wheel 180 then back off curb i thought you was goner die lol some class riding for just a curb easy winner :blink:(Y):)(Y):D

  17. haha even though i got the sneak peek the video is still awsome

    well done danny great vid cool editing all you need now is a better bike lol

    oh the D/l itself has a problem of freezing sometimes maybe why your not gettin many replys :lol: (Y) :o ^_^

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