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Luke Williams!

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Posts posted by Luke Williams!

  1. Yeah ps3 looks good but i would go for a 360 as its has a fast amount of games and is cheaper. and if the rumour that metal gear solid will be out for xbox 360, the 360 will be dominate in big games list.

    its not true we have release listings plus

    Speaking to CVG, a Konami spokesperson has clarified that despite rampant rumors that circulated over the weekend, "Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time." Guns of the Patriots will still remain "exclusive to PlayStation 3."

    there might be a metal gear solid for the 360 but it wont be the same!

  2. hmmmmm seems he has a few facts right an wrong, i work for gamestation to be honest i would buy a ps3, just for the exclusive titles for it aka mgs4 and final fantasy 13, there are alot of shared titles for the xbox and ps3, but for what the ps3 offers to get the add ons for the xbox it costs you about the same amount of money anyways i would personally right now buy a xbox cause of the amount of games but in the near future i would buy the ps3 = ]

  3. davey if you hate dancing why read on a dancing thread :\ also crip walking can look good as well as guys dancing can look good its just a shame you cant dance yourself or you would realise its good for alot of people physically aswell as mentally so dont hate those who can,

  4. i do abit of that stuff gliding etc my friends do the robot an pop locking an i have a few that do break dancing there the best for sure but my mates who do pop locking always try battle in clubs then when it gets to the slow music an they have to dance with girls they cant dance for shit, its all joys gliding is one fo the best moves though check it usher does it all time there loads of videos about it on youtube an it looks cool enough

  5. I don't find Nigger to be a racial slur at all to be honest. Black people don't get offended by it. They just use it as a way to kick the crap out of white people if they use it, i mean you'll hear black people saying 'hey my nigger' and that will be alright. But if i did it, i get shit kicked through me. So if you ask me i'm not being racist black people are (unless they don't take offence if i use the word Nigger (which i don't))

    Anyway this is a tattoo thread. I'll probably get one when i'm 16 :)

    there white people telling a black guy that they dont care about the word nigger :| are you guys just plain stupid? and its not about cry wolf at all its about respect and no white person says anything about a racial slur cause they dont get much an when they do there usually drunk fight an forget about it, also what you have to accept is that were your grandparents slaves? No, where mine? Yes. so i take offence to that name its a matter of pride.

    at the end of the day nigger, nigga, is offensive to black people so dont say its that simple are we your slave? No so dont use it, and how can you be racist to your own kind, just because a black dude says it doesnt make it ok for you to say it.

    an to be honest i dont care if you can take a better joke than me thats not the point at all.

    and to be honest let me just errrrrr help you guys out,

    The Rules in a Nutshell

    * No porn

    * No warez (illegal sortware, talk of any kind)

    * No flaming

    * No Racism

    Rules of the forum and saying nigga in any shape or form is racist!

    anyways its a tattoo thread the guy apologised and its all gravy its just you people who cant seem to handle the fact he apologized for saying a racial slur WOW!

  6. haha get over it its a word mate! not offending anyone (i dont think)


    its not a word to be throwing round i dont hear you saying it infront of a group of black people so whats the difference between a group of white people? or on a forum? nothing so its got nothing to do with lightening up its racism even though he didnt mean it its still a racial slur an some people take offence to it so why not just not use it,

    people dont come on the forum going this crackers is crazy or vanilla face is hanging with his pinky out whilst drinking tea. so its only fair to expect the same.

  7. Yep, you've mostly got it as far as I can tell. What I think that you are missing though is that we don't HAVE to develop a sense of ownership. We can be aware of the nature of things before our intellect makes additions to and potentially distorts our view of the world. If I have kids I will choose to make them aware that the law is something you can choose to follow or not. The 'law' might not be 'good' for YOU. Drug laws don't make sense to me. I break them every week. I risk imprisonment. I used to feel guilty to the point where it made me depressed, especially the day after using a chemical. My 'apparant' knowledge that i'm expressing here helps me better understand what laws are and removes that guilt. Guilt is another conditioned response. I'm really not up for guilt about anything. Easier said then done.

    As a summary of everything I have said, the point is you may not be making the choices of thought, feeling or sensation that you think you are. You may just be repeating somebody or something else. An actor of societies movie script. I'm just saying think about becoming the actor of your own movie script. Might make you happier.

    Heh, furry muff.

    It doesn't mean that though. You can still 'respect' somebody elses desire to have an item as 'theirs'. It's just about understanding that they don't really own it. I think that but I don't take things from people on that basis. I can see how the misunderstanding of what I'm trying to communicate can lead to that though.

    dude i dunno what the retarded pic was but you do talk some shit!

  8. I think I understand :)

    I think you could be right but maybe not? I would say that it depends on exactly what is going on; the other processes of a society that are operating at the time we changed our usage or morals and laws, etc. What I'd say is imagine a society where they taught morals or guiding principles but at the same time they also taught you what principles and morals actually represented. That they are constructed concepts/ideas existing only in your mind. Additionally, that concepts are fixed and general and they don't neccesarily make sense to every situation because the world, at least to me, appears to be ever changing; each moment is never the same as the next. The concept that made sense last year may not make sense this year regarding its differences.

    When somebody says "this person should be deported, they are 'illegal'", they miss out the actuality of that person. Who is this person? What is their life? It is easy to make quick judgements about people when all they are to you is a concept. Especially if that concept has negative connotations to you; consider racism. If we are locked into viewing the world through ideas or concepts we can become blinded or distorted by them and mis-judge situations. If, however, you dispose of or are cautious of your concepts, you may be able to view a situation how it actually is, with its uniqueness. In doing so you might find that you react to it in a choice that is your own instead of areacting to it on a reflex regarding how you have generalised it with your concept. You can still consider morals or principals but you have an alternative view as well. This can be quite frightening though and I think that perhaps people are scared of this. Consequences we don't like don't seem to bad when we can say, consciously or not that society says it was the right thing to do. So perhaps morals and our misunderstanding of them is a good thing in that we miss out on some fear but it can defintiely work on the converse. The old lady that sees me walking down the street towards her and gets scared and crosses over the road has most likely done so because she steretyped me. Perhaps because I am young, I have a beard (the main cause I suspet), I wear a hoodie, etc. she has generalised me and is percieving me as a threat that is consequently scaring her. Maybe she was hypnotised by the tv. If you watch the news each day you get the impression that the world is falling to pieces and maybe you develop an idea that distorts your experience of the world. When I walk around I think that 99.99% of people don't want to hurt me. I think this beacuse 99.99% of my time I've never been hurt by all the people ive come close to, walked past etc. Maybe I've been hypnotised by some unknown source though?

    A really good way of thinking of concepts is the quote, "the map is not the territory". It's from a discipline called general semantics. It basically states that our perception and all of our ideas are just maps and they aren't the thing they represent; they just help guide us around the thing they represent. This can help you seperate your concepts from your most basic and material perception of the world. Basically consider your map as something which is useful in certain ways at certain times but not always. So then if you are in a new place you might need a new map (new concepts). Or perhaps something changes in the place you were already at then your map might need updating. Either way, you need to stop looking at the world through your current concepts and view the world without concepts so that you can register what its actual condition is. Your concepts are only ever guides, they never tell you anything exact about the world, they just help tell you about things that might be; that seem likely. Realise the limitations of your concepts and you probably won't rely on them quite so much and in turn you might gain some additional freedom. Perhaps though people don't want freedom in this sense.

    So then perhaps if we dropped all guiding principles and stopped communicating with one another then we might well fall into anarchy but if instead we understood what are guiding principles do and their limitations, we might use them differently and allow ourselves to think alongside them. Thus we have a suggestion and a choice. If we do not know about the nature of guiding principles we might think that we 'should' react to them in this arbirary way that we have arrived at from the peculiar development we experienced. Most likely as a child when we were most vulnerable to suggestion.

    Just remember, the most constant thing is change. The most constant thing about concepts is that they change. The models of science are just the same. Change is usually an updating; perhaps the making of a more accurate map regarding our external or internal environemt. It's much more difficult to update your map if you're not aware you are using a map and perhaps you think your map is THE map.

    "Why do I need air when I've got water?" - Probably not as extreme :P but maybe your map is like that and maybe society made it that way.

    I hope I've answered your question somewhat and not gone off on a tangent.

    I wasn't supposed to write this much. I'm supposed to be doing a maths assignment that I've left to the last minute :S


    dude you speak a load of shit, rules are rules which people follow and are there in place for everybodies safety and benefit if you dont follow these rules your basically an emo, plus i'm sure the queen owns this land we live on, the politicians just run it for her but have subsequently taken over thats all. just relate it to the bible no one knows its f**king real but it controls people an makes alot of people, nicer so who gives a crap if someones retarded enough to be a Christian, its just rules an if you dont follow them your in the shit aka jail or deported or whatever so stop trying to go against the flow of england an deal with your minor issues on pointless things!

  9. I never really took much notice of the difference in types of degrees (BA, BS, hons etc etc :S) as I always knew what I wanted to do so never looked at anything else- so can't give you a descent answer I'm afraid. But I'm doing Business Management with Marketing though and as far as I'm aware any similar degees have some kind of final year project that involves a hench piece of work with lots of writing.

    the aim of my dissertation is "To what extent do Lager brands need to adapt their Marketing Communications techniques and strategy in response to changing consumption and demographic patterns." :cheers:

    dont have a title yet though.

    And Ads thats absolutely nuts doing it in 48 hours :S I'd have some kind of nervous breakdown by the second day lol. What drugs were you taking to keep you going that long!

    dude thats a f**king nice question as in pretty easy to answer my friends got some f**king retarded question about cheese lol!

  10. give me one an al ride again i dont agree with the dated design, nothing is dated if its still a good design why change something that works very very well? there isnt.

    i think the ashton has been on of the most up to date designs without ever changing its pure trials, i dunno why people are gettin these crazy ideas from now with the shitty GU's i hate them and cant ride them for crap but give me an old pure or a t rex an its all gravy,

    love the frame!

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