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Posts posted by thesubway

  1. LMAO Moody :-" I can do it quite well. When I was on a ride in Worcester, I was doing it around a car park near the station and didnt see the curb, :"> I hit into it with my front tyre and went backwards and landed on my arse :P

    P.S keep practising(sp) Kyle, You will do it one day! :wink2:

  2. I am just wondering as i need to get some results off my partner for some chemistry coursework,

    Mods can close this after I recieve a simple answer....

    Is it down or is it just me?


    down i think, dont work for me

  3. that was a sweet ride was so funny i think everyone fallen off at least once and to all the people who fallin in the water U SLAGS lol

    Pauly :D

    :D :D"

    Yeh man it was a good ride, the weather was good, and everyone was riding good(Y) except Tunni had to destroy his ankle of the phatest drop ever lol :D

  4. My chain hasn't been rubbing against anything (Y)

    The bike is reasonably light, would be nicer if it was a little liter I supose, but aparently "it dosen't need to be any lighter" according to all the bmx's i sometimes go riding with.  There opinion isn't really to relevent really though because there bikes weigh loads. 

    My frame hasn't snapped as yet though(touch wood), and it rides really nice, looks sweet to.


    You have a picture of your bike?

  5. I have a python copy. When i first built it it did have chain rub, it wasn't harsh but it was still putting a groove in the chain stay. But now I have sorted it. I have changed the spacer on the non-drive side to a smaller one. Its about 1/4 of the size of the origanel spacer (echo wheel). I then placed the snail cams on each side and fitted the wheel in. I am running a KMC kool chain and all seems well! No chain rub. The chain is close but it doesn't rub (Y) Here she is (Y)


  6. PADS: Viz Pads

    TIME USED: About 10hours

    RIM USED: Echo

    GRIND: Yes


    BRAKE USED: magura four bolt, standard lever, bled with water :-" with Echo 4bolt booster.

    WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON A GOOD WORKING BRAKE: Has to grip well in all weathers, no matter what.

    HOW DO THEY COMPARE WITH OTHER PADS YOU'VE USED: I think they are the best pads I've used so far! But then again I've only ever used kool stops and black pads.

    REVIEW: When I first fitted these pads, I was running no grind and they worked soooo well on a smooth rim! (Y) But after about 5hours of riding they started to slip. So i put a lightish grind on my wheel, I've never had a brake work sooo well. It grips no matter what!! I am very pleased with them. They don't seem to wear that much either.


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