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Dr. Nick Riviera

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Everything posted by Dr. Nick Riviera

  1. daahnsindrome - i find that rather offensive * tongue bitten *
  2. good bye by the spice girls .. edit : who was christmas number one in 1988?????????
  3. as si said eenegoedidee.nl is over there to your left
  4. damn straight lol si is it possible to buy a server with unlimited bandwidth that charges by what is downloaded so it cant be exceeded?
  5. sam were riding pomp tomorrow and ive got it on disc for you edit : ok si we'll have to talk on msn about paymentssssssssssss
  6. what about previously uploaded items will they remain on the server ? ill pay a year :-
  7. dont forget lisa !!!! 72 engagements what element isnt on the periodic table?
  8. bumpage , hoping to get a decent sized ride and need to deicide so if anyone has a ride planned for saturday on one of these locations say so!
  9. 24 hours or 24 and a quarter , my question 133267 is to 762331 as evian is to naive true or false
  10. haha nah mate the ones i may sell are going to be cnc'ed dear boy! not bodged like the current one
  11. so if anyone wants to ride on the 19th im sure we can but where ? hehe cheers
  12. i say jeremy this cheesecake is marvelous
  13. oh erm i dont knoww sorry i was just trying to make it symetrical and aestheticaly pleasing proper ones wont have that though
  14. tim pratt thats unreal to manual a bike rack railing and again this raises the question of andy p's true origins ( cos he sure aint human ) lee mcaww on mj classic oh and johns "eek!" hehehe this this one to keep
  15. bump , but if anyones interested i decided to make more with a stiffer design . so hopefully ill have some to sell in the near future ( 10- 15 ) ish .
  16. * regains composure * i actually had to go outside and sit down for a bit thats the stuff that stays with you forver , especialy when sue mentioned her heart . im glad they both went to prison. no more i can say x
  17. bearing in mind that i designed it in 15 minutes and made it in my lunch break i thought it wasnt bad
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