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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. The onza ones do look like they fit
  2. I recently bought a da bomb pro 05 cheep from Gumtree but it had no bashplate so I'm looking for help as to what bashplates will fit my bike? (Sorry if this is a stupid question I just don't know much about bashplates and didn't want to spend my money on something useless) Morgan
  3. LONG STORY SHORT: can I take a shimano lever (designed for a disk brake) and put it on a magura front rim brake? SHORT STORY LONG: So I recently bought my first trials bike, I've been having lots of fun, but for the most part I've had no front brake because my step dad had a shot and ended up in a&e with half a brake lever inside his thigh I still have the callipers for the front rim brake but the lever is finished. My local bike shop doesn't have any magura levers in stock at the moment so I was wondering if I could take a shimano lever and magura callipers as a set for a front rim brake?
  4. Hi, I'm Morgan, just bought my first trials bike a few days ago it's a lovely custom bike with a 'da bomb' frame and echo forks, I live in the western isles (very small trials community here)
  5. LONG STORY SHORT: can I take a shimano lever (designed for a disk brake) and put it on a magura front rim brake? SHORT STORY LONG: So I recently bought my first trials bike, I've been having lots of fun, but for the most part I've had no front brake because my step dad had a shot and ended up in a&e with half a brake lever inside his thigh I still have the callipers for the front rim brake but the lever is finished. My local bike shop doesn't have any magura levers in stock at the moment so I was wondering if I could take a shimano lever and magura callipers as a set for a front rim brake?
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