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Posts posted by STEVE-0

  1. Any go on the London ride on Sunday (27th)?

    Does anyone remember that japanese guy with the camera that was taking pictures of us while we at the place with loads of cops driving around?

    Because I SWEAR that same guy was filming benito and the other guys was the same bloke!!!! (Y)

    Otherwise all those japanese guys look the same. (Y)

    EDIT: Oh yea amazing video...got to go and try to coping them!


  2. only a muppet would do that steve  :sleeping:"

    it's not like you have a clue yourself....


    Not if your computer is as screwed up as mine...

    the default dial-up on my computer changes automatically so i have to check if im actually connecting to broadband. I really want a new computer, it would open up so many new posibilities.

  3. He posted his opinion, just saying that he disagreed with you in the same way you just said you disagreed with him?  He didn't say anything about changing your mind or whatever, so what the hell are you whinging about?


    you know i would never try and cause an argument


  4. 16 MINS!!!

    i have 2mb conection, but i never get anything over 100kb/sec. Is there a reason for this? Because mine is taking about 23 mins.

    Mine's only downloading at 24k/s and i'm running on a 2mb connection (N)

    are you sure thats the only thing your downloading because if your downloading something else it will do it at half the speed. But maybe you connected to your old connection by accident on the dial-up.

    restart...and try again

    great video, well all the zoo vids are great. :sleeping:

    i love them!

  5. Very nice video (Y)

    waynio was doing some well cool stuff...loved the gap, it was huge!

    i also liked the gap that only TRA made...some good stacks there espically phil's 1 where he goes out of site :lol:

    nice work...TRA pissing everything as usual

  6. They were some well cool videos!! >_<

    the first one: cool, street and funny hat.

    second: crankflips everthing...and the reat is like the fourth 1

    third: couldn't download

    fourth: lots of lip/static tricks...combo

    All have stupidly cool 360's and 180's over everthing and very, very cool camera angles, views etc.

    Not as good as stephen hamilton though.

  7. "steve-O, you seem to be very good at giving CONSTRUCTIVE critisism "

    you don't know the tiniest bit of it....he does my head in sometimes (he lives next door)



    You do my head in!!...all the time...i cant here you, cant understand you and talk to you. mr. iknowbloodyeverthingandimgonnamakeyoulooklikea10yearoldblonde!!

    Sorry about my critism i was in a bad mood....it is constructive though: you need better riding, better video quality and better editing. Watch other videos to give you ideas.

  8. Very, very cool video. That was sweet. Like the commentary....it would cool it like the pro's of trials could like teach us new stuff from commentary.

    Definetly worth seeing....stream it! alot faster, you can watch the video straight away. Downloads faster than you can watch


  9. never noticed before but that frame has a mental head angle

    actually i think its just how i was lookin at it

    I was just about to say something till i read the second sentence

    Love the bike :angry: ....i think the pedals look kule just not the mounts, wrong pink. Shocking Pink is what you want....like the Flash cleaner thing, that pink!

  10. Nice editing :( well most of it anyway (some a tad over the top)

    Riding was good 1 minute then a dull the next....sidehops, gaps and drop skills were cool but the little manuals, natural and that bit on the step lacked intensity!

    OK vid :angry:

  11. STEVE-O.... I've just watched your video in your signature and to be fair I didn't think it was that good. The music was AWFUL (edit: apart from Offspring, they rock :angry: ) and the editing wasn't amazing either. Before you make unconstructive criticism like that, make a decent video yourself :P Some of the riding werent too bad though :)

    Sorry guys...i didnt mean to be that harsh :P

    I thought it wasnt worth it though really....it would have been alot better with just a little bit of repeating (on the stack maybe). It would mean: quicker download, quicker reply and not a waste of space.

    I admit that my video isnt great....i thought my last 1 had alot better music.

    We chose that song because of the intense bit but i didnt relise it was like that the whole way though :(

  12. Thats was shit!

    Sorry i know your not very old and proberbly havent been riding very long but the filming was crap....the quality was crap....the riding can really only be described as crap, although i have seen many worse to give you some credit!

    Not worth the download! (Y) Unless you challenge my opinion... :)

  13. Oi JT! take a look at this and shut up.

    Joe  :)

    EDIT: That's the aforementioned vid by Steve by the way.

    That was a well cool vid... some really sweet riding there, espically for a mod! (Y)

    keep it up

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