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Posts posted by STEVE-0

  1. The software he used for that must be pretty top notch! Once his bike skills improve and he edits more and more bikey videos they should be pretty special.

    It kinda reminded me of that Michael Jackson vid where every square he walked on turned white, think it was Billly Jean!

    And Mark, didn't you read Oli's moany post (Y)

    My words exactly!

    I liked the end (Y) and the bit where there are two of him (howd u do that?) the cars where the same and everthing!

    Great editing, crap riding + crap music (although it went with the crap riding)

    overall = worth seeing

  2. Nice vid andy! You have been getting around recently!

    When did you go to thrifwood! I would have come out....was it when you met up with james?

    Funny stack at the end (Y) dont normally see many of them from yourself.

    didnt like the crappy writing though!

  3. well i've got a woodstock and a giant '03...and it fits on both... :)

    It is pretty stretchy stuff (the armourdillo)..and i swear by it- don't wanna scratch my lovely frame if i can help it!


    I agree, shame my didnt arrive any earlier....3 days before i got it i dented my frame about 3 times!!!

    typical! :)

    They are well worth the money

  4. The song at the start is the very begining of tourist on athlete's newest album - tourist. lol

    Thanks for the coments and the guy that does the big gap is on the XTP mod (DENNIS). Dan does a sidehop to pedal.

    Music is a bit random i must admit but it does kind of go with the video :)


  5. Simon your such a legend, (Y) !

    Its a quality bike and i must admit i was in disbelief when you said you were BUYING THAT FRAME but hey its looks kule....and shamefully makes my graphics etc look crap!

    Anyone thinking about getting his koxx, well its a great buy....rides so nice i cant believe it....honestly!

    Well done for taking the win chinky! :S

    What you riding at Darsham....red????

  6. Great Vid neil....once again!

    That huge gap to the top of that phone box thing is ridiculous....can i ask....is your riding so advanced that you was always know you will make a gap of that size and be able to keep it up???? Your confidence must be off the scale! Do you ever think you may...just may crash, maybe not! Big :S's to you guys pushing the limits.

    1 last thing, what were you thinking on doing on that little post at the end??? Front to back (Y)

  7. I have to agree with everyones comments!!!!

    Confidence is what determines your good days from your bad days but if you as ways have confidence and the right frame of mind there will not be any bad days and therefore there will be no good days neither.....

  8. Yea its ashley bulter....i rode around with him and his brother, slinger and aust as well at the penhurst comp in kent.

    Im pretty sure it is a coust because the proto t-mag is like the t-rex isnt it? Well this 20" coust looks exactly the same as the 26" coust.

  9. Did you even read what you just quoted? :-

    Yea i did but...is that the best he could have come up with?

    Its purely naff!! Stencils or something might have looked cool but thats the worst thing i think he could of done! sorry mate! realality hurts :turned:

  10. i did it for a laff not to make it look nice just fed up havin the same as every other t-pro its not even finished yet not laquered (N)

    What and that was the best you could come up with....that crappy combination. Was it like....'oh look i have some brown paint, YUM!, some green paint and white paint.....i know, ill paint my bike!!'

  11. Lol. i thought there was a new Matt Berridge video out when i saw BOON! written on trials-shack but i ended up with a hilarious stack instead.....i love wat sam says at the end, finished off nicely.


  12. glad yol like her. will look even sexier with 2 black rims, new un-scratched crank, carbon effect bars and king on the back. :(

    A little tip, if your gonna get the koxx try-all carbon effect bars....dont. Because my mates got them and he has scratched the paint off with his zipper on his trousers....how febal....they do look good though.

  13. You are a lucky GIT you do know that. Indoor, and outdoor playground, and all that land, and cars to paly on.  :(

    Can i be your friend.  :D

    Im soooo jealous!!! How cool! :) :S

    How long did it take to build and where did that awsome car to ride on come from?

    Nothing special! Its sweeet!! And you say it still isn't finished!! :S :)

    How COOOL! :) :P :(

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