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Posts posted by JonMack

  1. What do you expect, a magazine full of trials? The trials scene is tiny in comparison to XC/DH/All Mountain/FR/whatever other shit genre's of riding are around so you can't really complain. Nothing major ever really happens in the trials world in my opinion, a few worlds rounds, nationals which are usually covered, and that's about it. They can't cover every single street ride that happens. Plus what do you want MBUK for if you've got TF, you get all the news on here, as it happens pretty much, with the odd exception of stuff like this Akrigg feature, almost everything else is on here first.

  2. I know it's disheartening, but I agree with Nick, that video should never have been made. Half a dozen clips on two different objects doesn't make a good video, you need to get in a good mix of riding, some street, maybe some natural, if you wanna ride TGS that's cool but try and put in a few lines, even if it's a sidehop, to gap, to drop, it's better than nothing. With regards to editing, keep it simple, ditch the crappy effects, stick to something simple like a cross dissolve between clips, although if the music is paced right then you can get away with not using effects at all. The minute of looking at your bike wasn't needed, maybe if it's something special then yeah sure, but no slow mo zooming in on the stem, that just looks tacky and boring. Also ditch the slowmo, or if you really wanna use it, cut the clip down, and stick to 50% slowmo, that side hop to front to back or whatever up the bank was ridiculous, it wasn't a particularly good move, riding grass verges makes you look like a nonce, and it had been played the clip before, having to watch the same tedious trick again for 15 seconds just puts people off watching, and you're not likely to get any responses to your video. Also, the song was awful, over dramatic for such basic riding, try something fun and up beat, even if it's a song from the charts, or something fairly popular, it's gonna be better than some orchestral piano type stuff, the music has to suit the riding, and yours just didn't.

    If you wanna see good editing, take a look at Ben Rowlands videos (try searching GET or Glasseyetrials on YT/Vimeo) Jonny Jones always used to make great videos, and obviously the Danny Mac vid is a great source for inspiration. Also TRA makes some great videos, as does t33zr here on t-f, and the Gilles Coustellier 1/2/3 vids are awesome. Just taking a look through Trials Videos for the multi-page topics is a good place to start.

    The more you practice, the more you'll improve, just like trials, but you don't have to release every video you make, sometimes it's best just to keep stuff to yourself until you make something that makes you think "Yeah, this is as good as xyz video".

    Keep it up though, you never know you could have a hidden talent just waiting to get out.

    EDIT: Just remembered, keep in tricks you land, bin the ones you don't. If you have a shitty day filming and you only land 3 tricks, then so be it, just make sure you film more next time, you don't HAVE to release a video just because you've gone out filming. Also most videos take months to make, unless it's a real busy ride or a few real decent riders, a couple of hours footage isn't gonna cut it really.

  3. Stick to right foot forward if it feels most comfortable.

    With regards to getting it on the back wheel and keeping it there, sadly it's just practise. If you've never ridden anything like trials before it's gonna take you a while to even get the basics down. I wouldn't recommend using a 1/4 kick to get it onto the back wheel yet, use the endo rocking method, and just keep practising that until you can hold it up there for a couple of seconds.

    Once you've got that mastered, you should learn to back hop, then once you've done that, learn to pedal kick. Don't dismiss the basics like back hops, they help with bike control no end. I see loads of riders who can sidehop or tap really high, but have shit bike control because they never spent time learning the basics.

    http://www.trashzen.com/ should be your first port of call for how-to's, along with youtube and vimeo, Ryan Leech's "Mastering the Art Of Trials" is up on vimeo, would be worth downloading and watching.

    Remember, different people progress at different rates. It might take you 3 months to learn how to pedal kick, it might take you 3 hours, but don't be disheartened. When I first started I used to go out in my road for maybe 2-3 hours a day just learning how to balance, trackstand, ride along the edge of curbs, doing back hops and pedal kicks, and just working on the real basic stuff, but it helped in the long run. Don't try and run before you can walk, you'll get nowhere.

  4. 20″ — 'Mod Bikes'

    The first purpose made and commercially available trials bikes were manufactured by Montesa a mototrials company and were based on the modified bmx bikes that riders had been using. As a result of being based on BMX bikes, the rear dropout spacing is 116mm. These 20″ wheeled trials bikes have become known colloquially as Mod bikes.

    20" bikes started off as BMX's which were then modified, hence Mod.

    26″ — 'Stock Bikes'

    Early mountain bikes were well suited to the trials riding being done and so a separate class was introduced for them. 26″ used to refer to mountain bike kept in original condition. 26″ classed bikes were required to have at least six working gear ratios and a seat. Now, however, this designation is often used to describe any trials bike with 26″ wheels. Stock bikes have a dropout spacing of 135mm.

    26" was known as stock as it is the standard mountain bike wheel size.

    Bearing in mind trials was started in Spain, I would have thought this was common knowledge.

  5. Good luck getting hold of one, I pretty much couldn't find any in folding that weighed less than a Try-All.

    EDIT: Plus, yeah it might be a 290g tyre, but do you really wanna run a 1.4" slick road tyre on the front of your mod with probably a 35-40mm wide rim?! Would be great for sidehops, but shit for actual riding.

    EDIT 2: Sorry, it's not slick, I was thinking of one of their other tyres, the Kojak (230g), but still I wouldn't wanna run a 1.4" front tyre :/

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