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Everything posted by ian

  1. ian

    Story Time

    thing that was to get in the way.....
  2. would anybody who lives down there like to let me and ben(the_ferret) stay there ohuse or soming. add me to msn and we can arrange it. my addy fcu_k_@hotmail.com thanks ian
  3. my opinion of it is its too short but thats because i was a stock rider that changed to a mod and i hated it for the 2 months i had it.
  4. loving oyur bike Dan. much nicer than your brisa. but i think you sohuld strip your forks so they match the frame, but it does look good anyway.
  5. memebrs arent even allowed to sell it for new-members.
  6. ive had a weekend of not riding again so decided to get rid of that horrible yellow paint. will be putting my highroller back on the front and once she's sorted with the new bits etc will be sweet. thanks ian
  7. speak to 'bigman' he drilled my ex721 with 17mm holes.
  8. ian

    Chris King Hubs

    not green though cause im getting a green isos :)"
  9. i can promise you that it is not phototshopped bigman that is the colour it is in real life
  10. yeah joe i heard you used to have a yellow bike back in the days of southend rides. i did have a vid of you doing a drop. mine (the yellow one) is soon to be stripped again so it will look something like bigmans.
  11. heres mine excuse the pedals. and the front tyre thanks ian
  12. ive got a sony ericsson p800 for sale. apparently that is capable of being able to store videos on. pm if your intrested thanks ian
  13. i have a hope xc laced with dt competion spokes on a ex721 drilled with 17mm holes. built and drilled by bigman. open ot offers if your intrested. send me an email or soming. thanks ian
  14. hi i just took my hub apart to check if it was that and it turns out that my hub needs sending back to hope etc. and im going to replace my chain and mech because they are fairly old. thanks for all your help ian
  15. right im using a cog out of a cassete on a hope bulb hub. the crankset was brand new from tartybikes. the only thing i can see that is wrong is that the chainrings are too small etc.
  16. hi I recently changed my gearing from 22-19 to 16-14. I have had problems when i back pedal the mech moves downwards and the chain goes all slack. it seems as thoguh the mech isnt getting enough tension has anybody else had this problem? thanks ian
  17. sorry for late replys we are still in the design stages etc trying to decide on what materials to use etc and then there is the proto stages we'll keep you informed of what is happening thanks ian
  18. we are thinikng about making some frame protectors but were wondering if any of you lot would be intrested in them if they went into production. please add replys on what you would have it made out of etc if you had one thanks ian
  19. ian

    T-rex Riders

    yeah mate you just need to get used to it i struggled to get the hang of it but im slowly getting there lol
  20. i remember building this wether its the same it tooks ages. mine had a nice loop in it lol
  21. im probally goingto be going on the 10th instead
  22. know that is differnt you should of just gone for 2 colours.
  23. why plan this far ahead? well ill probally be there on my t-rex (newly sprqayed yellow) (Y)" this will more than likely be my next london ride.
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