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Mike Beck

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Posts posted by Mike Beck

  1. ERM...........

    has to be beastie boys - Intergalactic

    Run DMC vs david neavins - its like that

    MC HAMMER(well he has only had 1 hit so we all know what that is!!!)


    kasabien - processed beats/test transmition

    Eye of the tiger - servivor

    Thats about it

    P.S.- before anyone says, there are too many songs i love so i cant keep it to just 1 song


  2. if your gettin pinches i have a revolutionary solution............................... when you next change or get a puncture fix it, clean the inside of the tyre and put some talkon powder inside!!!!(dont put sh** loads in though!!^_^) This will solve your pinch puncture probem - dont ask me how it works ..... i dont really know :)

  3. i must say that i hate all missions and 'da bombs' and any other crappy trials make. Plus t-pros are well ace and are not heavy and ive had mine for 1 and a half years and running fine. I have to agree about the BB and cranks but you would get exactly the same on a mission.:)

    cheers lewis

  4. heres me 04 t-pro, monty bar and stem, echo team forks, megamo rear rim and monty hub on't back

    C:\Documents and Settings\lewis\My Documents\My Pictures\me ridin mate

    (me new back wheel in't on in this piccy)


  5. me joe mike and eggi was on us own at notts on us bikes then they started hasslein us for a go on us bikes and they was getting angry cos we was sayin no and then it started gettin a bit rough and then the pushed eggi of his bike and nicked off with it and me and joe and mike ran away cos some lad tried 2 nick joes bike and then a chav from train station booted me off my bike into the middle of the road into a bollard, this shot me over the bars and ended up landin on me elbow and hip, tarmac burns and huge cuts and swollen, hip is gone yellow and blue and many more colours because of the stupid fookin chavs

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