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Posts posted by Matthew_Gibson

  1. if they snap, your doing it wrong! :P I wouldnt worry too much, the 4 bolts ones are normally a tad weaker apparently.

    ive had a crack in my Echo forks for about 3 months still do gaps to front. cant do any more damage to this face!!! lol

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  2. the OLD tpros use to crack, but they were made on the cheapish. I had an onza Ice (think it had the same geo) and that was one of the nicest bikes to ride. then moved to a monty, and my riding didnt improve at all! just lacked a disc mount!

    Ross if you need bits to build a mod I can provide them! even though you look more suited to a stock these days! :)

  3. i dont know what was said or anything and by the sounds of it probs doesn't need repeating aha. But welcome back?!

    Just don't get sucked into the ways of some people on here. there a LOT of bitching and necessary comments flying around. just been a low profile for a bit but I'm sure people will forget if you post some sense!!

  4. Hey man! I'm from down the road. and will be there to have a watch. I don't know of anywhere to ride around silloth it self. but I can have a trip out and see if there any sea rocks. If your up for a good natty sesh we could head to st bees. which is about 20mins drive from my house. 30miles on google.

    Ill be threw at on the saturday. I gave Ricky my number so if you need anything just ring fella!


  5. got a bit drunk at a names house party. eat a raw potato...... As you do! the same night we ended up in town. the pub was kicking out, and me and my mate decided to run across a car.(not a good thing i know) Ended up getting chased by the 50. I hid behind a car. while my mate was unlocking his house, they saw him. he ran off. but he kinda of left his keys in the door!

  6. i did a Google on this a few month back. when mine was doing it. IIRC its something about being tired or stressed. sure it said somthing about caffine too. but dnt quote me on anything! but I have stopped drinking as much and its stopped.

    but ye its damn annoying

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