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Posts posted by Backgren

  1. both feel nice and lock the wheel so i'd go for the avid.

    and, theres a very annoying thing about the design of the Hope trials lever too, you hit your legs (thighs... sp?) on a small knob with one of the bolts that hold it to the bars. which leads to pain and big nasty bruises ;)

    ok, theres 2 bolts which allows you to remove the lever without taking off the grips, but they obviously didn't think of that trials riders hit their legs in the bars when gapping etc

  2. just ride in whatever thats comfy. tight jeans make you unable to bend your legs (Y)

    just beeing curious, but what do people wear when not riding?

    like, any special clothing style... "normal/whatever" , fashion, goth, skate style, you name it...

  3. someone wrote something like "does someone have to die before people understand how important if is to wear a helmet" (too lazy to quote properly)

    and dont realise PEOPLE HAVE BEEN KILLED because they didn't wear a helmet!

    He hit his head really hard on a pointed rock that we hadnt even looked at. He wasnt wearing a helmet and died from head trauma about 4 hours later.

    He nailed his head pretty bad there, knocked himself out for 5mins. He's recovering now, but still can't walk.

    Still cant walk... many people that injure their head/brain will not walk again.

    Even if they're alive and walking, most people that have thair head damaged from car, biking, sports accident will suffer the rest of their lives

    A friend of mine got hit by a car about 3 months ago. The force from the car's hood/window that hit her head is about equal to a fall from your bike. (maybe not trackstanding but not from that high thing you might imagine is equal to a car...)

    She has been in hospital for 10 weeks. I first met her last monday, and even if she seems perfectly fine she has got several brain injuries.

    She can read, but not retell what she read.

    She cant concentrate on something for more than 30 minutes.

    The only subject in school she can participate in is maths, everything else impossible at the moment.

    With a little less luck she'd be dead, or totally retarded for life

    Image how that would feel like?


    this is a wierd post, but i think it does tell about other things that can happen to you...

    (i'm tired atm...)

  4. strangely looking mod, but time will tell if this new chainsstay design is any useful, might be :-

    just niticed the mounts for the bashplate, doesnt look like the frame will accept a normal bash... just a thought :D"

    the 2nd stock proto is truely gorgeous :D

    well done

  5. of course i have Elma (Y)

    the new version your talking about , is that 1.11h ?

    off topic, but is anyone here REALLY good at it? like, world record times?

    www.moposite.com <--- WR's

  6. not very helpful, but I suggest you should look around on the web first, like 661, Fox racing, UFO...

    or go to some skate/bmx shop and try what they have, its important to keep the movability (sp?) in trials :ermm:

    i know it can be hard to find shops with these kind of stuff...

  7. 1500 quid for your frame seems a bit wierd...

    its like those mails telling you you've won a million from a lottery you havent entered, to make you give out your bank no. and personal info, to be able to take your money...

    As tarty pointed out, it seems like they will have the frame before you can check if the cheque is valid :o

  8. SORRY lads, I just got a warning from the company who has the server that my site is on, and they've had over 3 GB traffic from my site every day for a few days now, and they weren't happy with that (Y)

    3 GB... LOL! aint that much...

    anyway, since i have to take the video down tonight, can anyone Shack or host it??

    (N) Peter

  9. there are spacers you can use between the bar and stem to fit a smaller diameter bar into an oversized stem : D

    Monty do/did them, contact cleanbikes to see if they know what im talking about... otherwise, PM me and i could propably get them for you (if you'r interested)

    The monty dealer here has loads of them just lying around

    EDIT: sorry, thought you had an oversized (31.8 mm is it? ) stem atm... >_<"

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