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Posts posted by Backgren

  1. There are grips very similar to SOYOs, but a tiny bit thicker with even rougher surface. Called Evertop. I think they are meant for road bikes, not sure where to get them from except to order them from Japan.

    Last ages, if you ride with gloves you dont mess your hands up too bad. Still, like Dave said, its like holding onto a knife if you ride for a long time.

  2. is sponsored by Toxsin.

    Possibly by merseytrial? Beau was cool last time I met him, tried lines he really shouldn't be able to do :D was loads of fun last year in Brum. Video was cool though. I'd recomend you to practive smaller and more controlled stuff aswell Beau (Y)

  3. The guy on the 26 at the end was ok but he was struggleing like f**k!!

    The guy on the mod was pants and so where the rest of the riders!

    Was boring tosay the least and the riding was pretty repetative!!

    Dont like the bikes, Dont like the riding!

    Sorry guys (N)


    I thought there was only one rider :S 2 or three of the first 2:30 of the vid was cool but the rest was repatiative. Some smart moves. The end bit was better but still shit editing with the blinking fragments of clips. Some nice riding. The mod looks stupid. The stock looks less stupid, but still...

  4. Or would it be possible to pull the pads out of a standard magura pad and pack them with something to make them fit properly in the cnc backings? A set of zoo pads in cnc backings would be mightily cool. I think that was a bit of a clever idea by mr steve, making them slightly bigger so we can't just use rubber from other pads, that is of course if it was intentional... he might not have realised.

    How are they bigger? Longer, wider? I dont have the Heatsink backings, mine are far older. They can be used with any rubber, from a standard pad. I think its the same with Heatsinks??

    I just press it in with some glue and leave it unde rpressure for a while, not caring about the holes and the cut out bit in the middle of pads that have been in powerpad or similar plastic backings. Works well.

  5. nice quick back brake setup there too :-:P

    I was silly and had a too short chain on =/ i actually got it on but obviously the brake mounts weren't made for that :- haha. now i'm running it as it should be and its working fine. tensioners work really well too

  6. Cheers, seems like people like it =) Mads did a good job editing this.

    The move by Björn at 1:42 is huge, really weird aswell.. He's good at those things, and static to back wheel, smooth and precise aswell.

    As demanded, about the Toxsin 20":

    Obviously short, easy to control and to get the front up, but theres less space behind the bars. I've got my bars quite high, might also affect the feel. Bunnyhops are really nice, quick up and then the short frame allows you to land with your body very far back / push the bike up. Wheelswap as having the front high and swap is harder, just because it's short. Wheelswap/front to back, like landing on the front and swiching is easy aswell, at least the switch itself. At first everything felt abit higher and further away, becasue you always compare the obstacle to the bike, don't you? gaps might feel bigger that thay are , my gaps havent gone smaller though.Some things good some things bad. Its really hard to put words to everything, since it's mostly how it feels... Now i'm quite well used to the bike, still havent tried everything though. I dont really feel restricted by the bike now, although i was abit worried at first.







  7. hello

    Mads from denmark stayed at mine for a week around new years, for some indoor riding. this video is from then, and fetures me, Björn Levin, Johan Brundin, Robert Janson and Mads himself. big moves and some tech stuff, and i really like his editing,

    his full topic on OTN with 2 pics: http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthread.php?t=17958

    direct linkt to video, hosted on Björns server, fast:



  8. I was just going to post about that. when i tried opening TN is downloaded a filel, tried to preview it as a picture but couldnt so it closed both the pivture preview programm and IE. After a few seconds AVG anti-virus detects a Virus/Trojan and deleted it.

    tried 3x in IE and it downloaded it every time, automatically. in Mozilla though, it asked me if i wanted to download it. Obviosly No, since it's a *.wmf file and there's been loads of security warnings about those files the last week. Go Mozilla!

  9. no helmet makes it bad for anything that goes out to the public. but i very much like the picture. there's something weird about the riders position in the air, but i cant tell what. The flash/light source looks cool from there.

    EDIT: his arm covers a bit of the face.

  10. I'm quite sure it has to do with that there are more riders. You progress much faster if you ride together with someone, and have more fun riding. For now it seems like people in the UK are focused on going big, and the biggest names at the moment are the guys that make the biggest moves and crazieszt video, so of course people try to ride like them. I'm not from the UK either, but I've been over to ride for a few times and talk with lots of british riders,

  11. In (D)English:

    AORTA 26 inches frames frames: Spread of axies 1075mm, latter forks length 380mm, middle axle high 35mm, the frame has the certain length, but cannot too long control with difficulty, the middle axle obviously is higher than the core, but cannot excessively be high, can adapt each kind of different type slighting the law with the tidal current, specially suitablly slights the law the flexible rider. The frame surface high polishes the titanium gray, the anti- oxide coating, will not be able to have the oxidized phenomenon in the course of time, some four nails oil will only check the place edition. Frame characteristic: Intensity extremely high, the process intensity test, is hard incomparably, highly anti- turns the nature, the entire vehicle cannot become tender, is hit not not instable.

    It certainly doesn't make much sence....

  12. shame about the crackling sound... sidehops were huge, the rest was cool aswell. love the gap to the wooden fence. the tune was also really cool, well nice short video.

    davetrials: photoshop maybe? or just someone holding the bike and then just letting off just before you take the photo, it works since the bike stays up for a few seconds...(tried it)

  13. To stay in Elite or Masters you have to participate in at least 1 worlds round every year, or have something to prove you have been sick or injured.

    I do not believe that all of those master riders should be in Masters. Not many of them competed this year and not many of the rest had a valid reason to stay in Masters. I can't remember everyone, but did Akrigg and Ashton really compete this year? I know at least one of them has been injured, but the last i heard none of the UK riders have sent in the neccessary papers to stay in Masters.


    EDIT: yeah phil, the world records seem abit strange.... All records are achieved on Monty bikes, and some stuff is just not big enough. The "vertical step" records are old but shit they're massive (Y) I've seen the 20" record on video, with that german dude. The 175cm's by Ot Pi in 2000 would be cool to see... And i'm sure 175 can be beaten by someone now, 5 years later on. Vince was close but didn't make it in Czech ...

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