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Posts posted by thefletch

  1. use a metal vice because the wooden ones often get chewed up up. put a chain around the cog and then put it in the vice, this way u wont f**k the cog and u get a flat edge so it wont twist in the vice, then get an extension bar of some sort, hammers dont work very well

  2. Without having read the entire thead/arguement. Koxx produce mainly competition frame, this was clear at an international event like koxx days, where 90% of the bikes there where not koxx bikes but they weren't echo's of one a deng's creations.

    Deng and his many companies can be compared to 'Cherokee', the tesco's clothes. The principle being, there just replica's of other brands that have put there own money, development and reputation into designing the products. Admittedly its mainly children and mature adults that buy these clothes, but thats irrelivant in this arguement.

    Deng represent tesco's, he creates replica's that are priced cheaper because it costs less for him to buy a tape measure and copy other frames than design them himself (i.e. hifi and XTP).

    The only difference is. In the growing sport that is Bike Trials, there are many ATG's as i know them. (ATG=all the gear, no idea). These are the people who have been riding about one month and have amazing bikes but dont even know which brake lever is for which brake. These people are not completely stupid as they do have the sense to buy a Deng bike which is cheaper for the reasons above.

    This i feel solves the arguement of why....actualy, i cant even remember what im argueing about, just wanted to express my feelings towards the matter.

    This also ties in nicely with the sponsership arguement that was here the other day, buts that might get complicated

  3. You all seem to forget one important thing: Companies are trying to MAKE MONEY for themselves- they have to earn a living, and any oppertunities that they can promote their company to make more profit than they spend in doing so is a good oppertunity. Obviousy this seems to range a bit between some companies, such as deng (purely into profit, so sponsors pretty much only riders who can go big and do movies, for their "GO BIG" image that they know people will want to follow when people see their videos- this can bee seen perhaps by the fact that Deng may not have met a lot of his riders- its the paperwork that counts, which IMO is completely fair enough) and cleanbikes (a little less into just profit, they seem to actually slightly "help" riders a bit up to the top, probably because they get pleasure out of seeing their riders in their county aspire).

    Ways to promote your trials company well are:

    *Sponsor an amasing comp rider- if they win the champs, people will all be like "I want one of those!!"

    *Sponsor someone who makes amasing videos- people will be like "Those frames make you ride HUGE"

    *Sponsor a girl who perhaps isnt as good as some of the male competition (no offense)- makes your company look good, and promotes the company to girls, plus makes it look like "anyone can ride that bike" (no offense.. lmao at how bad that all sounds)

    *Spnosor a young 'un who is good for his age- promotes company to other younger people who want the image/to ride like that

    Thats how I see it.

    another valid point, but tkae into account rider personality as well and we are almost there haha

  4. I would suggest locking them up in someway. I went down with Savage last year and Fred was saying he has had people try and break into the Vans and steal bikes etc before, mite havve been 2003 that happened. Not sure what I'm doing yet. Mite raod trip it but dont think i'll be old enough or have the balls to drive through paris, the motocylcist are fooking nuts, sliding under artic trucks etc to doge traffic.

  5. I totally agree with Waynio, and i think most of you are missing the point.

    For example most the the worlds best riders hardly ever make videos. i.e. when did Benito or Vincent or Ot Pi last post a topic saying new video.

    Being sponsered never used to have anything to do with videos, its only in the last year or two that it has got like this, i think this is because trials-forum seems to be the 'be all and end all' to most riders, especially riders who are new to the sport.

    Do bare in mind that most the best natural (i say natural because its only in the UK that street is the more popular diciplin) riders in the country dont use the forum and they are the ones with the good sponsership deals.

    Because street is so big in the uk, things like group rides are much more common than in other countries around the world, and group rides are a pefect opportunity for companies to prmote products or their shop etc. Videos and the forum also help this alot, and this is why i think sposership has become so common and less ''special''.

    Finally, its not just about riding ability( shouldnt be anyway, and isnt anywhere else in the world), its personality, the level of input they have into the sport, attitude towards the sport and other riders etc. In mountain biking in general there are loads of cases where riders attitudes have lost or gained them a deal regardless of how good they are.

    Complicted to explain so please dont argue with me if it makes no sense to you.

  6. My mate has been waiting since June, he rung them up every few weeks and they gave the same answer ''it'll be available in a couple of weeks'', which is a complete lie, so he resorted to building up an old XC, whiohc is shit anyway. Seriously bad customer service, if they had any intension of releasing it when they said they were going to it'd be alright, but they must have known it was gona be 6 months longer than they said it would be.

  7. In a nut shell, myself, Dave Marshall and some others (6 total) are planning to drive down to Portland Bill for a ride next weekend. Its called a roadtrip because we may chose to drive to a few other spots on the headland itself, which is pretty big.

    Just wondering who'd be up for joining us???

    Should the weather forecast be shit for sunday on thursday then we may cancel, and you probly wouldnt wana be at Portland Bill in the rain anyway.

    So (Y)

  8. Fletch I think what you mean is, 90% of the riders you see in video's, not in britain.

    I think :)

    Other wise I would disagree

    No i meant what i said, 90% of riders in britain (mainly usually street riders) are un skilled. It seems trials in the uk has become more street than anything recently and many riders have shit all skill, like balance control and precisions, maybe on a wall but definately not on some rocks etc.(myself included)

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