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Posts posted by TomR

  1. EDIT: okay, so after a bit of reading.....do referals only count when...*in this order* 1 .ive participated in an offer

    2 .My referals then participate in an offer

    Yeah thats it, but only as many as are needed for whatever gift you want.

    Ive got 74 people on my list, only need 14 to participate in an offer for my 30gb Ipod photo >_<

  2. I get it, but the downside is that we must participate in one of these companies schemes?...There goes my ipod.

    Whats the downside to getting an ipod by helping out some dying, diseased africans?

  3. Yeah, its actually great.

    People complain that you have to sign up for stuff, but:

    A- You can cancel it after a while, and some of them are a free trial period too.

    B- If you spend £2 a week on helping an african kid with no life, even if you cancel after 2 months, you have a £200 Ipod for £16, aswell as seriously helping out somewhere that needs it.

    Edit: if you do the world vision one, you can just go to your bank and cancel your direct debit

  4. If you havent already, i'd suggest looking at www.rafcareers.com and www.raf.mod.uk for some information. I found alot of stuff there, like jobs i'd never have even thought of.

  5. Me too actually, more of a long term plan, 5 or 6 years time i might join after ive got some experience under my belt. Thinking of joining as an engineer.

    im more interested on the RAF lifestyle, what commitments and sacrifices(family life, accomodation, etc)

  6. I seem to have got the drums sorted out ok, but when ti comes to getting the grid up to program them, its not working. On the cubase i had before you just double clicked and they appeared, but it doesnt do that on nuendo, any idea?

    Also im not having alot of luck with amplitube, its not making any noise (Y)

    Ta in adavnce, Tom.

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