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Everything posted by bonzojim

  1. Cheers guys once again cheers for watching glad you enjoyed it, my first time editing and i really enjoyed trying to do it hehe! Cheers james...
  2. i wil try and make it if a lot of people turn up!!
  3. nice pics ben, weather looks good, our village is deep in snow
  4. Hi guys, jus want to say that im glad you all seemed to like it, i was happy with it but wasnt sure what everyone else would think, thanks for all the good comments, keep them coming! Would be good to meet up with you wayne and ben soon havnt rode with you guys for agesssss! Cheeers James...
  5. hi this is my first video of me riding my koxx 20" xtp 2, the footage is from Herne Bay and Toad Rocks, the song is by Fort Minor and its called Remember the name, the video is 2 mins 56 long 37.9mb, leave any comments or thoughts about the video, i would like to say a big thankyou to koxx uk for their support and to my family also adam saxton for getting the video up onto my website. I hope u enjoy the video Please use link below then go to media then videos, then right click save traget as on video 1 James sheridan video 1 link Cheers James...
  6. i love the comps, this year im doing all the nationals the european, i hope the worlds , ebtc and all the hampshire rounds and as many more i can fit in.
  7. bonzojim


    ok im glad u liked the video sorry about the music thought it went well, i wil have the full video up tonight please have a look and leave your coments cheers James...
  8. nice scotty was good at toad rocks today!!!
  9. cheers gys keep the coments coming hopefully have the full one done very shortly !
  10. bonzojim


    not sure yet!! hehe
  11. Cheers m8 should be on by tuesday!
  12. hi, ive just changed to try-all rage bars and i must say they are the best, they really have made a big improvement to the bike and to my riding, if you need more info call trialsman or nse . james.
  13. Hi just a quick 30 second long teaser for my first video which will be online monday or tuesday feel free to have a look and comment! my full video will be about 4 mins 30seconds long! its my first attempt at this and im quite happy with it and i hope u like it! Thanks to koxx uk for all there support! Cheers james...
  14. bonzojim


    well at least i have at least 2 coments lol, cheers gys full video will be up next week!
  15. bonzojim


    Hi just a quick 30 second long teaser for my first video which will be online monday or tuesday feel free to have a look and comment! my full video will be about 4 mins 30seconds long! its my first attempt at this and im quite happy with it and i hope u like it! Thanks to koxx uk for all there support! I hope the link works lol!! Cheers james...
  16. Helo Really nice video scott good riding from everyone was a really good day weather was good, was nice to have patt riding with us made a bit of a change its all good lol!!! Ye i agree craig the video doesnt do what we were doing justice, the rocks look small in the video! yes i will be doing the hampshire triasl this season on my xtp doing 20" expert! Alright ben m8 hope u had a good christmas! Bike is really good feels gr8 to ride and so so so so light, i wil try and make it! Cheeers James.....
  17. Hi at the moment i am using windows movie maker for editing my video i just wondered what programs you all use?? also is it any good??? and also where can i get it from???? Any help would be most appreciated Cheers James...
  18. hi, i always use try-all , never had any probs with them, phone trialsman he will sort you some out
  19. hi mate, i would change it over and use a set of try-all snail cams and your problem is sorted, i have just changed one for a friend on an onza and he's well happy. james.
  20. cheers for the coments guys keep them coming!
  21. KOXX MONSTERBOY BY MILES!! had one and they r gr8 bikes especially gd for sidehop see pics of it at www.jamessheridan.co.uk
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