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Posts posted by mike

  1. Yeah get the new Zip if you want to stik with onza, or i'm not sure but the new Onza frame should be coming out sometime this year since it was initially made in the summer of last year, looks F**king sweet!

    The prototype


    Edit: had a picture but it was too big and didn't want to waste space, and slow down this topic, so i changed it to a link!

  2. i think you need to get the background, and then cut out the three images of you on your bike (you can do it roughly as the background will be the same if the camera didn't move) then you take each one of the images, and make them into seperate layers, and then dodge tool the first one quite a lot, and the second one only slightly so you focous on the last image, but the other two are visible, then you just merge visible.


  3. Well different people have different enturptetations of style, but to me style is flowing, and smooth landings, where as trials is mostly jumps, and drops where you stop instantly after, or you ride off, ok some moves in trials are stylish (if done well) But even if you watch the amazing riders in competitions, it's all stop start, stop start,

    Don't get me wrong, i love trials, but it's not one of the sports that i'd class as stylish, it's my personal opinion though, dissagree all you like, it makes no difference to me.


  4. Gutted, well mine are coming up to their second birthday :)

    Your telling me you've had your grips for nearly 2 years? you must ride very little, cos i've worn down a pair of the 'Normies' in less than a month, and i doubt they are much different, what gloves do your wear? must be magical or somthing :ermm::-:-


  5. Personally i'd say that trials isn't really stylish. where is the style in jumping off a wall on a bike? or sidehopping up a stack of pallets?

    Trials is much to stop-start to be stylish and smooth, it's always a jump followed by slamming on the brakes in order to stop the bike from flying out from under you, some trials can looks stylish if it's like all spins, and flicks etc...

    i'll tell you what does looks smooth and stylish, FLATLAND!!!!

    there's nothing that looks smoother!


  6. sounds cool, get like drinks stalls (non alcoholic) and if you go to tesco, and buy the tesco value fairy cakes, 12 for like 36p or something stupidly cheap, and get a bag of icing sugar, and some food colouring, then decorate them, and sell them for like 10p each, also you could get a B.B.Q, using the supermarket's own products. if you've got the whole rugby feild, if there's some room you could do some fun small events like throw the 3 bals at the cans, and if you knock them all over win some sweets, you'll make money from that too. i'll try really hard to make it there, i won't have my bike though, as my wrist is still bad. i'll hope to see you there, but i suggest that you don't rely entirley on trials riders, as it is a really small sport, well i say small, it's not as popular as most other sports (like stamp collecting ^_^ )


  7. mike I was talking about the sram powerlink...I find it insulting your telling me what a chain tool is!

    I'll go with the plyers suggestion :P tried almost everything else

    S**t sorry mate i shold have read the post slower, i started reading it, then got distracted by my dog's fighting, so when i came back to the pc i just kinda figured you were on about the chain. ^_^:$:-

    sorry mate!


  8. do you mean take it off your fame or off the freewheel and chainring? you shold make it more clearer, to take the chain off the frame you need to get a chain tool, and tale the chain appart, and to thae it off the coggs, you have to pull the chain away from the frame, and pedal slowly, i'll get really stiff, and you'll probably damage your frame, or you could undo the back wheel and chain tensioners, and push the back wheel all the way forward, and then the chain should just pull off.

    please make your posts more clearer next time.


  9. Looks sexual :wub: ! I quite like the idea of the intergrated headset. for some reason, i wouldnt' be happy riding it, it doesn't looks strong, it's the chainstays that make it look weak, and i don't think the bash plate would sit higher than the frame, cos the frame is at an angle, and one the wheels are on they would bring the back up.


  10. Joshywa, wht forks are you using on your Zona? they look huge!!!, lush bike though!


    'Kcchan' what bike are you riding at the moment? if it's simular, you might be able to save pennies by getting This MOFO and putting your parts on it. then sell your frame...


  11. You cant prevent it from skipping totally. But as long as you use a good quality hub/freewheel and have it serviced often, then it should reduce the chances of it happening.

    A lot of hubs skip during the bedding in process, hence the reason that people recomend doing a few miles of normal riding to prevent damage to the hub and lesson the chances of injury if it does skip. (Y)

    you could completely stop it by welding it up, but then you wouldn't be able to pedal kick, and you wouldn't be able to get your feet in the right position as easy, also you couldn't stop pedaling unless you were stopped, it would be funny :lol: you wouldn't need a read brake, as you just lock your knees :lol::lol:


    But realistically the only thing youcan really do is get a decent quality, well known freewheel / hub, and keep it in good condition.

  12. Hey sorry if i am just being really stupid but when you say u have broke the master cylinder how is it broken? :-

    I don't know how you brake them? they're made out of thick metal? if it cracked or something? or is it just leaking or sticking?

    And wez, no the leavers make no difference to the strength of the master cylinders :ermm:

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