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Posts posted by Alastair

  1. Go for the Echo 07, my mate got one and they are really nice, and as they were saying above they are alot stronger.

    It all depends on what frame your using, because the echo rim is really wide.

    Also dont get it in red, because they look pink! (and if you want pink, get the Try-All)


  2. Free T-shirt for me!!!! The colour is going to run off anyway Gaz, it will wear it down, then it will look sketchy, look at the Koxx rims, thats what i will look like. Also the colour is going to run off your front rim aswell, cos the pads will rub that off aswell. Unless you get a Disc. I will be even more jealous if you do.


  3. the colour will come off the rims if you grind or not, it'll just take a while longer without it. Just grind it fella, muchly better brake if you do do.

    I told you that, just stick with your echos... i thought you were going for a colour scheme (Red) and if you get white or blue its going to kind of mess it up abit, the white will definetley stand out, but we'll see. I rung Tarty and changed the Sprocket to 18T and told them to deliver it behind the house. I bet you cant wait!


  4. yeah give them to your mate for free (Y) im sure he would greatly appreciate it, and would be eternally greatful

    Here is a link to the Heatsink Brake pads page, i got the Heatsink Blues last time, and they seemed to wear down really quickly, and i didnt think they were that amazing on a smooth rim, but then i did grind it, and the brake went amazing, till i lost them due to wear.... If you getting the Heatsink pads, go for the limited Edition ones, they look pretty sweet, and are limited edition. (the snowy ones)

    Heatsink Pads

    P.s You want me to order them for you? Could do it when you come round to mine when everything else arrives, but you have to do it quick, ready for our ride to Shipley on sat.

    Al (gaza's mate) (Y)

  5. me n gaz sprayed our frames iluminous coulours,and you searched the toutch up pens not spary paint....if you just go into halfords and look you will be spoilt for choice......

    Yeah i did, I got Flouresant Pink, one can of 300ml, i think i may need more though, not sure yet. But i have just this second finished my Second coat of Primer, and going to put the finshing touches on tonight, ready for colour tomorrow. I was also advised by my mate to use a lot of Laquer after, so i bought a big 500ml can of that. I also bought Wet and Dry paper (1500). When doing my primer, in between coats should i use the paper wet or dry?. My mate is also spraying his Leeson black, so he has used a grey Primer, but he had to buy paint remover, which was very effective, but we were still up at 3am getting all the paint our with a screwdriver in the hard to reach places!. My Toxin was alot easier to do, considering that it had no paint on it, i just had to peel the stickers off. Should be spraying it pink tomorrow.

    Ill post some progress pictures soon


  6. Hey guys

    Im Going to buy a new wheel tomorrow, and dont have an amazing amount of money, but want a ok Hub, ive been looking at either an XC or one of Echo/Czar/Adamant/Gu. The XC is £80, and and Deng ones are £75, what are you paying the 5 quid extra for? and which one should i choose?


  7. im still not sure on the use of this wet and dry paper, what do the units mean, say 300-1000. Also what is the best technique to stripping the frame? and how much would a primer be? How much will i need? and is white the one i want to use, considering its a light colour i am going to be using? is 500ml enough to do it all?


  8. yeah im gonna do it myself, alot cheaper, and i wanna do it as a little project!

    Anyone got any idea how much paint i will need for this? cos i was looking on Halfords and i found this sort of stuff when i searched paint: Halfords . Is that the sort of stuff i need (obviously in pink) and should that be enough? because if thats the right one then i can go buy it tomorrow, because i have a Halfords about 2 miles away.


  9. I reckon Halfords paint sucks, it comes off really easy, you can see where it has rubbed off onto my trousers even after it was laquered, dont really see why you'd want a pink bike anyway but thats just me

    i just fancy sommit differant! i think my silver frame is boring, does anyone know if i can get Stickers from toxin? or wether i should just leave it plain?. I got inspiration from Oakley(?)'s frame, think it looks very nice, and i have basically the same colour parts to build on to it. New members cant PM people which is gay, cos i wanna PM Oakely and see where he got his paint from, can someone do it for me please?

    thanks for the advice, keep it coming


  10. Hey guys,

    Yesterday i decided that im gonna spray my Toxin 1 Pink, and i am no sure what kind of paint to use, i read a review on here and it said Halford was good for paint, so i looked on the site and couldnt find any Pink paint at all, anyone got any ideas where i can get some Bright pink spray?.



    P.s: Im Looking for a Flouresant pink.

  11. i snapped my old zebdi Mk5 at the BB, and since then have got it welded back, and it seems pretty strong, but im using a toxin instead so i gave the zebdi to another guy for free cos its not worth anything because i think it will snap again.


  12. i have tryed peeling them off, but they are really old stickers, tomorrow after school im gonna put a hairdryer on it, then nail varnish and then use some elbow grease on the bad boys.

    Hopefully that will sort it.


  13. i learnt by putting all my weight on the handlebars, leaning well foward, pointing my toes to the ground and learning how to lift the back wheel up first, then putting the front and back wheel movement together. It just takes practice, it was the first movement i learnt, becuase i feel its a base for other moves.

    Al (Y)

  14. i find that any pair of flat soled Skate or BMX shoes do the job, there is no need to splash out on Try-all or Ribo shoes. Just dont buy animal shoes, because i had them, and they didnt last very long at all, they ended up splitting on the right foot (chocolate foot), so my sole was in 2 parts, but now i ride with K-swiss and they are fine, they havent shown any signs of wear yet, and i have had them for around 3 monts, it just depends on how often you ride really because when i had my animal ones, i rode on the street like everyday, but now i have calmed down, and ride about 4 times a week properly on rides.

    Hope this helps


  15. If you are meaning the Onza Bottom Bracket off TartyBikes then yes it will, if you bought the right size.

    If size of the Bottom Bracket is 127.5 then it will fit perfectly, but if you bought the 119mm axle then i dont think it would be wide enough, yes it will fit your frame, but your crank arms would rub on the chain-stays and then you wouldnt even be able to ride your bike.

    If you have already bought a 119mm axle one and you havent used it then speak to TartyBikes or wherever you bought it from and im sure they will be happy to replace it with the wider one.


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