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Posts posted by walker

  1. yeah, would be best to post the disclaimer up somewhere. Sorry, I dont mean to doubt things, it all sounds really good, but is a disclaimer really worth the paper it's written on? Don't you need proper insurance if people are paying to ride there? I'm not saying I want it to cost more, I'm all for the "do it at your own risk" but it is legit doing it this way right?

    Oh, and big up the speed trials, that sounds mega!!

  2. Looks awesome dude (Y)

    The weight looks about right to me, people always underestimate the weights of their bikes!! Any sub-10kg stock bike is light...

    +1, 9.5 kg is light, yet you're not compromising the bike. You may be able to save a few mor grams on tyres, but why bother.

    Great looking bike!

  3. I'm on the search for a set of knee pads that off some protection, but are still lightweight and unrestrictive/close fitting. I'm pretty sure Megaskill and Martyn wear them or something similar, has anyone on here got experience of them?

    Are there any other pads worth looking at? RaceFace Dig pad perhaps? - though they do look a little more heavy duty.



  4. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't happen if it's trust owned. With the current sitiuation as it would be seen to be causing damage to the land/rocks. Might be possible if it was a local farmer, but I say might...

  5. Dont touch it. It'll only end in tears, theres no need for it to be any lighter, I can't see it being very strong if you do. Save the money that you would undoubtably need on a new rim and grow some muscles instead.

    Edit: Hmm, looks over stiffness, think i know which one I would choose

  6. Great vid! Nice camera work and editing, makes simple moves really watchable.

    Think everyone will agree that you should make a full length one!

    I like that tune as well, White Lies have a few good ones out.

    EDIT: And that Pure vid is awesome! Can't believe I haven't ever seen it before. Some knarly riding in there!!

  7. Yeah, I had it spun around with the idea of doing that, but i just thought I'd try it with it standard for a bit, I can actually sit on it which is nice. Will see how it goes and whether I need the extra clearance.

    Just had my first proper ride on it in Birmingham with Matt Burrows. Seems good for taps, gaps and spins. Bit of an all-rounder really.

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