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Rich Pearson

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Posts posted by Rich Pearson

  1. I honestly thought thought that was SUCH a good video, ruined by waaaaaaaaaay too much fisheye. The shot angles (the opening shot was awesome!), quality of footage, editing, etc were all perfect, but it was just "oh, theres another distorted wide shot. Oh theres another one. And another. And another..... etc"

    Apart from that was sick. Do you ride with Brett Penfold much? Really similar style between the two of you :)


  2. Excellent idea, have whacked together a few clips I'm never gonna use again (sorry its not one continuous clip, it is under 30 secs though!)

    Shot just before I broke my leg in April.

    Hopefully this thread'll help cut down on videos like the above "UnwantedClips" etc.

    Topic Stickied

    and much more along the correct rules, Andrei Burton :)

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  3. I don't think we need to keep on going at this too much otherwise we're really gonna start to detract attention from Sean's video and turn this into a semantic debate; but I do agree with you there are FAR worse ways trials could be perceived and happily concede that when you pointed out that Sean's just going out and having fun on his bike and that you found that a healthy representation of trials, I would certainly agree.

    What I would strongly have to disagree about, and what is perhaps the heart of the matter for me, is that you and many other people don't feel much/any responsibility towards promoting the public image of the sport, and yeah, that makes my life a little bit harder when I do show riding, granted, but it also makes it a pain when people come up and tell me off for riding on walls or in public places(something almost EVERY trials rider has to deal with once in a while), because people do not understand what trials is, and we are now ACTIVELY making it MORE difficult for the public to understand us by creating more and more variations on the same brief. Yeah BMXer's and skaters do get the same deal, but at least people know who they are and go and build bloody great skateparks for them to play in. I really don't like it when people come up and tell me I'm a vandal, and for me that is one of the main reasons I seek a career performing for people and showing them what trials is and promoting understanding of the 'sport'.

    Everyone see's trials in a different way I suppose, this just isn't mine.

    Give us a shout on MSN if you wanna talk some more Mark, I'll confess to enjoying this debate a little, although as I said this dude's thread is probably not the fair place for it!


  4. I think you've hit the nail on the head there Luke, as I love watching BMX vids of all variations; I think my personal gripe comes from being continually compared to Danny MaCaskill by the public over the last two years at every show I've done, and kids going "You can't do a backflip or a manual - you're not a very good trials rider then," and I have to sit down and painstakingly explain that trials (as in the original, competitive sport of trials) is nothing to do with tricks that look good, but is more about the practical ability to get a bike over any given problem thats in your path. I am WELL aware how much of a stuffed-shirt this makes me sound and I, like everyone else, am continually blown away by the advances in brakeless and 24" riding; If I hadn't broken my leg (which I'll admit the built up frustration of which has probably precipitated some of this tangent I'm now storming off on) I'd almost certainly have a 24" brakeless rig myself by now (I was actually talking to Joe about sorting me out with a Zoot full bike that I could take the brakes off and have a go on).

    Its just that videos like this one are SOOO far towards being BMX theres almost nothing trials about it, and it only really annoys me when the public see this and think that this is what all trials riders do.

    Sorry for going a bit off topic and high jacking the thread here, just my own thoughts really.


  5. Its odd because watching it I've got a huge amount of respect for the skill the guy obviously has (the sideways gap between the two tire width walls was super tech), but it just kind of made me go "Can you please f**king decide whether you want to ride BMX or trials?" I know in the interest of open mindedness and not restricting creative expression 24" and the brakeless trend that has followed has opened up and proved how dynamic and different the sport can be, but as a bit of an unwilling trials purist, video's like these will always irritate me and make me think "Is it really trials?" Note; I know that on a a semantic level no-ones actually said this 'is' trials, but you get what I mean.

    Dude's got skills though for sure and props to that (Y)

  6. Everything in slow mo was a let down for me.

    Similar thoughts here; the slow mo seemed to dumb down the riding a lot, which really showed in the odd clip at full speed when you could really see how fast he was going at it. Cool stuff nontheless :) I still don't get those HammerSchmidt cranks/drive, but they definitely look pretty.


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