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Posts posted by modx-lite

  1. isnt it funny how security was reduced, bom sniiffer dogs taken off duty and staff evacuated several times in the weeks leading upto 9-11?

    just saying jt wink3.gif

    Just a quick point - how do you know that's what hapenned? None of us can. Believing that just cos it's on this vid is no different to believing the media telling us it was planes. Not having a go or anything, I'm just tryin to make the point that we really don't know, seems it's just a case of deciding who you trust.

  2. he building was made to resist hurricane force winds for days on end a force that is much more severe than a jumbo hitting it. the building was actually mde to withstand jets being flown into it anyway, and the steel could withstand temperatures of 2000 degrees for like 2 hours before even becoming slihtley inclined to bend. you would know this if you had watched the vid

    Yeah I prob should have watched whole video first. Watched it all now, and that stuff about the melting at bottom of the basement/blown out windows on ground floor does seem odd. But like I said, I watched another program a bit ago which completely contradicts things in this vid - as I said before, the program on C4 explained how there was a design fault in the building, and an interview with it's architect confirmed it. So, as \I said before, clearly one of them is wrong.

    Another example of this contradicting the C4 documentary - in this vid it says 'no one at all was allowed access to the wreckage... the steel etc was shipped off to be reccled before any investigation...' - but on the C4 program it showed huge trucks delivering every single significant ppiece of the wreckage to an island somewhere in NY where each bit was investigated for hours to try and find the cause. Again, clearly either this vid or C4 is wrong.

    o burning fuel that lasts 17 minutes, 100+ storey's up effect's a floor 7 storey's underground?

    I'm sorry, but there is clearly something wrong here. The pentagon one still get's me, with there being no skid marks, a hole not even big enough for the fuselage, let alone wings and engines, and how it somehow penetrate's 9 feet of steel re-inforced concrete.

    Obviously, there are some truely bullshit idea's in there, but it's still highly interesting stuff.

    Yeah I'm not disgareeing with there being lots of crazy suspicious stuff, especially after watching the whole vid (e.g. the flight recorder boxes 'not' being recoevered...), and loads of interesting points. I just hate the way it then spoils all this with contradictary points.

    Another example - the whole phoning relatives thing. First it shows the examples of people calling on the PLANE'S phone. Then two minutes later it says how MOBILE phones wouldn't work - a bit irrelevant?? (although to be fair I'm guessing itbwas claimed that a lot pof the calls were made from mobiles).

    Then it shows that guy's experiment which proved mobiles wouldn't work at 32,000ft cruising altitude - I'm pretty certain the plane won't actually have been at 32,000ft when it was approaching the towers? Unless they're a hell of a lot higher than I thought...

    BUT then agani some do seem really starnge - like the guy calling his mum saying his FULL name?! How bizarre. I really can't make my mind up...

    Although the vid definitely doesn't show any good explanations for why Bush Administration would do this to itself, ther than a few sketchy 'people made some money' reasons - certainly not as much money as the whole thing cost.

  3. But all buildings are different? As mark said, it was built to have as much open space and light as possible so I presume it'll have a completely different structure to Empire State. And again, as Mark said, he architect himself said that in hindsight it shuold have been designed differently - there was a programme on C4 a whilae ago about it, I can;t remeber all the details but I think the interview with him was on that.

    I'm also pretty certain I remebr it saying that they had allowed for the imapct of a jet, but not the fuel burning? Or it could have been the explosion they allowed for, but not the continued burnning of the fuel. I can;t remebr but it was along those lines, so either that show or this must be wrong.

    Also if there were bombs planted, would it not make sense to just detonate those and claim terrorists planted those, rather than go the effort of flying two planes into the buildings? I don;t know. And I'm pretty cerain no one knows, other than people high up in gov't etc, which is precisely why all this cinspiracy stuff is a waste of time - it's just people looking at some sketchy stuff but not actually having a clue on specific details as they're not experts!

    But yeah I'm not saying this whole vid is rubbish, there is some weird stuff like the bets on stock market.

  4. Couple more things -

    ? What about the fact that the steel in the building couldnt possibly have melted from jet fuel alone, even if it was burning with a constant supply for 45 minutes?

    What about the fact a huge jet ripped straight through the whole building most probably tearing aart all the structure??

    teresting, america has returned everything in iraq back to iraq.... apart from, you guessed it..... the oil whistling.gif

    Not sure ont his, bt would it not be easier for USA to just get oil from all their unused stuff in Alaska? Controversial yes, but I'm pretty certain a war is also controversial... Could be wrong there, no idea which works out cheaper etc

    Just seems to me that at the minute everyone loves to hate America, and will believe anything they see, e.g. Michael Moore movies, as long as it makes America look bad. Not that I love America.

  5. Watched half of it so far, some interesting stuff and some which is blatantly complete bollocks. I'm not a fan of these conspiracy theories either, although they're still interesting to watch...

    Some stuff definitely does seem weird, like the fact that there's hardly any wreckage from the plane at the Pentagon, and the security footage being confiscated (which, as it said, could prove straight away that a plane hit) And the amount bet on the stock of airline company's share prices falling...

    But then the amount of points which completely contradict each other or are just ridiculous, makes me not want to believe any of it. E.g. there's a whole section saying how there's no wreckage at the Pentagon, followed by a section showing the 'eveidence from wreckage at the Pentagon' (OK there's only small bits but you get the idea). Then it shows how the engine found wasn't from a commercial airliner but an American fighter jet, and yet straight after that it says ti was a missile that caused it :blink: I'm pretty certain they won't have fighter jet engines?

    But the main thing is - why the hell would American want to do this to themselves? It's crazy saying 'loads of money was made from it' - surely all the damage it did to America economy through loss of tourism etc is a hell of a lot more than a few people could have made from the stock market?!? (correct me if this is explained later on in the vid, like I said, I've not seen it all yet)

    Point is, it's easy to find little bits of info which combine to prove a point you want to make, whilst completely ignoring anything which goes against it. Especially when people tend to believe things so easily - for all I know, the things which I think ar 'weird' and suspicious could be 100% made up by the people who made the vid!

  6. Also I remeber something about the farming being pretty important - deforestation and intense farming meaning soils lose all their nutrients, making it impossible for trees to grow there again any time soon, i.e. problem escalates really quickly.

    Good luck (Y)

  7. Yeah I read the other day apparently there's now a crazy amount of plumbers not needed? Everyone decided plumbers got payed shit loads after seeing the odd thing on TV bout how they were in demand, and now there's way too many. Well not at the minute, still a shortage now, but there are a few thousand more than needed in training, so in a couple of years there's bebig ass overkill... Apparently.

  8. I'm also planning on doin this in 07 now (would think of doin it this year but already got plans and don't think I could get international license), so let me know how it goes! Do you know how much the entrance fee is yet? (doesn't have it on the website from what I can see)

    Charel - looking at this - it looks like you've only got to be 18 and had a license for a year, so....

    Think I'll be going for the pimpin' Panda 4x4, one of my most hated cars of all time, or possibly a Lada or Saab.

    Also Tom - just wondering if you were doing anything to raise the £500 minimum donation? Or just using your own cash? (sorry if you've mentioned it already, think I've read mos of the thread though..)


  9. I can't really say too much fo use, but I'm with samthebiker - eBay has hardly any set up costs, you only pay when you actually sell something, so very little risk - so why not do both? Or you could do eBay then move on to market depending how that goes... Market definitely has a lot more risk, hassle, time etc.

    Anyway whilst we're on it - good source of info is Business Link - loads of info aboutb starting up, registering for tax/national insurance and all the boring stuff...

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do, let us know how it goes (Y)


  10. More importantly, does anyone know the version of 'The Cult - Painted on My Heart' they use when Memphis is stealing the Lambo with Angeline Jolie outside that apartment? It's kinda just got piano/loadsa reverb, then drums kick in, sounds awesome. Not that the usual version isn't.

    I've tried Google, IMDB and anything else I could think of....


  11. Gotta be:

    The Pogues - Fairytale of New York

    Jona Lewie - Stop the Cavalry

    The Waitresses - Christmas Wrapping

    Should do the trick. Oh and can't forget Slade and Wizzard of course.

  12. Gotta be 3310 (Y)

    Had mine for years without it breaking - been on a BBQ, in a canal, had a whole can of beer poured on it, thrown against many walls, played football with it, fallen on it on bike loads - and not had a problem (other than the canal - had to swap the screen with a mate's old one).

    Although I think it might finally be on its way out :( just started having a few problems with screen and speaker - gonna be a sad day when it goes!

  13. Aaaaah yeah I remeber now! Thank you SO much, that really has been irritating me for ages.

    Can't believe I didn't recognize the awesomeness of Sigur Ros! Obivously hiding away somewhere in my huge mess of music folders.

    Thanks again mate :D

    (Oh yeah, the track is Hoppipolla (Y))


  14. Title pretty much says it all - it plays in the background of the ad for Goddwill Hunting, kinda piano/orchestral. I'm sure I've got it somehwere on my comp but really can't remeber what it's called and it's starting to piss me off...

    Think it have been on another advert aswell (could have been the movie 'Crash'???)

    Anyway yeah any help would be great, cheers (Y)


  15. Lol nah when I say 'went' to post office I mean 'phoned mum's work to get her to sort it out (she posts stuff for work) thinking I had addy written down on piece of paper in jacket pocket, mum tells me post office has closed', but that would be too complex to write... :-

  16. Hi yeah sorry bout the delay (tried speakin to you on MSN but you've not been online when I have), I've been having a bit of trouble getting the freewheel off as they always seem to be bitches (not sure where Rob got 'trouble with money' :- ) .

    Anyway it's off now after the use of a massive pole, so I can post cranks tomorrow (went to post office today but it had just closed grr)

    Sorry again, but hopefully they'll be with you v soon


    Shit just realised I've lost your adress, could you PM it? Or email (to gplatt2000@gmail.com, not my hotmail account)


  17. I'm making a website for a friend, and decided on a round-edged box for the main content of the site, put on a textured background. So I made this in Photoshop - see image here

    All was well.

    So then I dragged the box layer to a new blank, tranpsarent document, and saved it as a GIF with transparancy using Photoshop's Save for Web.

    Then in Dreamweaver, set the textured background in the <body> tag, and put the box image in - but suddenly, all was not well. The rounded edges of the box aren't smooth any more - see here

    When I wassaving the image in PS the corners looked fine in the preview so I'm a bit confused...

    If anyone has any ideas why this could be, that'd be awesome.

    Thanks a lot for any help


  18. I don't really think it's necessary. Not for web and not just yet. I would happily download a huge file but unless you are going to light every shot and build tracks and cranes to run your cameras on then I think I wouldn't notice the difference. Expensive on your end as well.

    I'm with this guy - OK HD is realy nice quality and maybe worth the big download as more and more peopale get faster lines, I don't see the need in trials. When you consider how most of our vids are filmed - usually just filmed by riders with camera held in hand, less than perfect light, straightforward angles etc... Fair enough if we were making videos with perfect lighting, professional smooth filming etc, but the majority of riders are just out to show some people some amazing riding!

    Althouh I definitely wouldn't complain at more high quality profeissional videos being released...

    EDIT: Just watched that kittnes clip - I take it all back, I want HD!

    Really is amazing how good quality that is, so I'm defintely gonna say anyone who wants to make a vid in HD, go for it!

  19. Anyway, if it's an FSA/Try-All or similar, then it'll come with 'spacers' on the axle that just stop the ISIS interface on your cranks mashing to a pulp on the end of the BB spindle where the splines stop. Making these spacers thicker/adding more is sketchy, as there's not much in the way of crank arm on the spindle anyway, so you're just risking f**king up the inside of your crank arm/the end of the BB.

    That's how it is ^_^

    So if it's not a good idea to use spacers, any alternative ideas? Just need to stop the freewheel rubbing on frame...

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