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Posts posted by bEavoLa

  1. It isn't.

    It's a copy but none of the parts were used from someone else's parts bin.

    At the moment and for the foreseeable future it's the only one.

    my bad - i should have said:

    "thats definately just a rip-off copy of the GU frame with an Onza headtube though..." :mellow:

    how long did that sucker take to think up? 10...15seconds?

    "hey - i've got a great idea for a frame?"

    "yeah - what's that?"

    "lets just copy the GU Typhoon...and slap our headtube on the copy of the frame!"

    "WOOT...that's deffo *** - lets go to lunch!"

    boo, Onza...boo (N)

  2. Ryan Leech - just because he's got alien skills!

    Von "V-Dub" Williams - because he rides BIG trials on a DH bike! (check the 30-odd foot drop to tranny in 'Third Down')

    Martin Hawyes - always riding in the shadow of Martyn Ashton (and normally talked about in the same sentence!) but i'd love to see more from him - more recent riding

    Stephen Dickin (from TrialsStars.com) - i just really like his riding and vids

  3. i used to ride street with a DMR Moto RT on the front and it gripped smooth concrete like no other (mint for endos/front pivots etc)

    considering running a Maxxis HolyRoller 2.4 on the front after a while for the same effect - plus i've got a skatepark right next door and any 'knobbly tyres' are shit in there...

  4. (Y) looks nice

    But why that stem?

    the "T-Raptor" stem (that's what it looks like) is seriously comfy for a TALLER rider - i dunno how tall your mate is, but i'm 6'2" and was ideal for me on my old 2.Six

    the only things i'd change on that would be:

    1 - replace all silver parts with black

    2 - ditch that blue HS33! it just looks wrong

    but on the whole, it's a great paint job (Y)^_^

  5. brilliant pics!

    where are you based? i was born and raised in Barry, so it was cool to also see that you've got pics of surfing at The Knap. those pics of porthcawl kinda make me feel homesick (gotta love the "Bathing Dangerous" sign!)

    there are quite a few trials riders from Barry who regularly ride at The Knap - if you were looking for some more subject matter.

    nice one (Y):)

  6. This is the bike pics thread which is why i posted it on here..How the hell am i supposed to know you was gonna write that comment? This isnt the arguement thread...It's the bike pic's thread. :sleeping:

    P.s if you want i will make and arguement thread in chit-chat if you like? :ermm:

    no-one's going to know what other people are going to post - but it's up to you to respond accordingly and not think that everyones going to love your bike (and get pissy when they don't).

    oh, by the way, it's not an 'argument' - it's an 'opinion'.

  7. ok - lets clear some things up:

    1 - if you can't take someone commenting on your bike in a negative manner, then don't post a pic of your bike on a forum. not everyone likes your bike (shit - hardly anybody likes MY bike!) but you should learn to accept criticism and not go getting needlessly defensive.

    2 - Ben; he doesn't like his bike, which is why he's swapping it for a BMX

    3 - some of you need to realize that what i did was 'express my opinion', which i'm allowed to do - as all of you are. just because i didn't post some simpering comment like "oh my god mate - that bikes LUSH!" you deem me to be some sort of (and i quote) "twat", "tard" and "wank".

    just remember that we ALL have opinions - i'm not saying that mine is right, it's just my opinion.

    and - for the record - i don't judge people's inability to type properly based on their age: if you're old enough to use a PC, then you can type properly. i don't capitalize a lot of my typing, but at least you can read it and it makes sense. at the very least, use the 'spelling check' feature before hitting the "Add Reply" button.

    end of.

  8. GODDAMN! this is the funniest post i've read in ages!

    Im gonna go give my rim a proper clean, even though it isnt dirty, cause i just washed it t'other day

    *snigger* :shifty:

    Hmm, if you read the topic, you will see that my brake was working FINE, and it wasnt a problem at all, intill i pulled it coming down the hill...

    once again - trials brakes being used to stop a bike travelling at speed...kinda like using a hankerchief to stop a dragster

    I guess it just needs bedding into the rim AGAIN, but i cant be f**king arsd doing that! so i think im gonna sell the bike, i cant be arsd with it any more...

    ...and when your disc brakes need bedding in, will you also sell your new bike?

    if i were you, i'd re-read your post - go away - and think about it - and don't make such an obvious mistake again! you're like the kid who buys an Apollo bike and then tries to do some downhill! you're straight on the forums shouting about "...how it broke and the suspension wasn't good enough and how the forks bent..."

    you screwed up - the brakes weren't meant to handle it - they failed - get over it. (N)

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