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Posts posted by bEavoLa

  1. what blows me away?

    pretty much anything that Chris Akrigg does.

    i mean - i'm still waiting for my copy of "Coming Up For Air" to arrive (half the problem of moving to the USA i guess!!!), but i've seen that boy do things (i mean...they're 'tricks' essentially) that just blow my mind

    for example: endo to reverse wheelie (i.e. wheelieing backwards) to forward wheelie to touch-up over wall

    granted, Akrigg is more of a 'street' rider than comp, but look at some of his old comp vids (on that T-Raptor) and you'll also see some incredible riding

    added to that are some HUGE moves, some of THE BIGGEST sidehops in the business and an uncanny ability to defy gravity that just makes everything look easy.

    and finally - the "Trials Noir" attitude itself: going that extra bit to challenge yourself and trying moves that would be suicidal to anyone with lesser abilities. like approaching a 6" wide, 4' wall (from the skinny side) at full speed, "suicide" grip (no brake coverage), hopping to rear and manualling the wall's length...all from switch foot position too.

    balls. BIG balls and a shedload of talent

  2. ...it's one of the most innovative stock frames I've seen for a while (horizontal drops, BMX spacing, different geo etc). Not saying these things are good - I'm definitely not convinced by BMX spacing - but to say it's the same as a Pitbull is just dumb. Just dumb.

    guys - i don't wanna get into a war here, but my point was that the 24Seven Holroyd is hardly the most innovative looking bike out there.

    horizontal drop-outs were used on the DiamondBack T-1/T-10 a while ago, and i don't see any great advantage to having BMX spacing either but it's "the look"..."the design" of the 24Seven that didn't really depart from a bike like the Zoo Pitbull.

  3. Really? Check the geometry out... a Pitbull this is not, even if it's built from some of the same catalogue parts.

    not "the same" but a distinct rip off of the idea


    IPB Image

    dual headtube gussets? check

    pierced 'wing-shaped' seattube gusset? check

    i mean - sure, the Holroyd is even lower and the drop outs are a different design, but it hardly took weeks of labour to come up with the Holroyd. Danny probably walked in to Fraser at 24Seven, sat down and said:

    "y'know - i like the Zoo Pitbull, but it needs to be lower and the dropouts are naff, and i like dark grey with a longer headtube - what can you do?"

    and that was it! :-

    the legions on "long, low and silver" bikes are all looking too similar now, but then i guess that's because there's not much more to change on the basic 'currently fashionable' design

  4. i don't think there's any need for a "trials specific" helmet (Giro have got that one all sewn up with the Xen and E2...) but i agree with:

    1 - a lightweight shin guard (imagine a 661 Veggie - with the plastic strips down the front - but with an open mesh back and smaller velcro straps)

    2 - similar elbow pads and re-inforced gloves

    3 - padded shorts would certainly help - again, like a "diet version" of 661s Bomber shorts

  5. Good to see / read so many Base owners . As for my unhelpful contribution : I've only ever run Mavic D-521s in mine . :$

    that Silver&Blue Base of yours may just be THE most colour-co-ordinated bike i've ever seen! the pic almost looked photoshopped (though i know it's not!)

    thanks to everyone who replied - i'm currently looking at either a drilled Ronnie, a Halo Combat or a DMR DeeVee (i know the last 2 aren't exactly 'trials spec' but they do meet the criteria and aren't MEGA heavy - unlike an undrilled Ronnie which is the heaviest rim that i could find)

    sadly, there's not much stock of Halo or DMR parts in the USofA (goddamnit!) :angry: , so it may be the Ronnie after all...

    many thanks (Y)

  6. maybe because its the name of the bike

    John K


    the font on the bike/website may look like "holroyo" *snigger* but if you took the time to read the text - or knew the rider who inspired* it - then you'd see it was Holroyd.

    * - i say "inspired" with tongue in cheek - it's such a Zoo Pitbull rip-off it's rediculous!

  7. does anyone have any tips for the above game?

    i've been playing it for a week now and some of the levels seen to be damn near impossible (though i'm sure it's just my technique that's bad!)

    Level 1 (Foundations) - no problems

    Level 2 (Ground Level) - no problems

    Level 3 (Basement) - problem getting off the large spool in the final section; keep getting caught on the vertical climb after the spool and bouncing back

    Level 4 (Roof Jump) - no problem

    Level 5 (Yellow ramps/gas bottles) - can't get over the 2nd bottle!!!

    Level 6 (red scaffolding) - can't get up the 1st section!!!

    Level 7 (Jump and spool reel climb) - no problem as long as i hit the pallettes hard enough

    Level 8 (Chain loop climb) - real problem trying to climb the 2nd part of the chain loop

    Level 9 (Satellite dish pt1) - slight problem with the final - near vertical - climb. sometimes i can get it, sometimes not

    Level 10 (Satellite dish pt2) - no problems

    anyone else play this game? any tips for the 'problem' sections above?


  8. Plazmatic's and a koxx rim will fit... i was thinking of getting a koxx rim before my ronnie so i tried it out with a block of wood that was 50mm wide to be on the safe side and i had enough room to set my brake up properly.

    now why didn't i think of that! brilliantly simple!

    thanks guys - much appriciated

  9. i think giant only do the stp; street, park, trail (/trial?) frame this year and stopped producing the frame you mean last year.

    some large giant stockits may have some or be able to get one. it is likely that they will appear on ebay; as do many of the giant dealer special offers.

    that's what i thought too until i saw THIS:


    the 2005 frame in new, Giant approved 2006 colours! :blink:

    as Giant's website doesn't have a "contact us" section, i can't get an answer from the horse's mouth either!

  10. ok - my post has 2 questions:

    1 - has anybody got one of the above frames (the newer, 'curvy' Giant trials frames like this:

    IPB Image

    - not the older, boxy Hawziee frames) and if so, do you have any pics of the bike built up? what does it ride like? had any problems? i'm keeping my options open at the moment and was thinking of building one up for urban trials...

    2 - does anyone know why Giant aren't showing the 2006 Trials frame on their website, when i can get it through an online shop? it seems odd that they don't even mention the frame anymore...nor do they have ANYTHING about trials on their site

    much oddness

    cheers guys

  11. How about a zebdi :shifty:

    the frame is pretty much a done deal now...

    sorry we couldn't work anything out ogre, but that was a bit too rich for my tastes

    and as for the rear hub, i already had the DMR as is was going to go on my Sidekick2 before i sold that as well

  12. well, after i had to sell my trials bike before moving to the USA i soon realised that i missed it and that my "new" bike (a hand-built custom job based around a 1999 Kona Stab Dee-Lux frame) - whilst good at doing what it does - wasn't really ideal for any urban excursions, i decided to get a 2nd hand trials frame and re-build.

    my old rig was a HEAVILY modded Saracen 2.Six (in fact the only original parts were the frame, rear rim and derailleur)

    IPB Image

    and i love the challenge of building a rig from nothing more than a frame

    (plus i'm the kinda guy who HAS to modify every bike he gets - i can't stand the thought of riding the same bike as anyone else!)

    no doubt you'll all be familiar with Jonny Jones (he of Trial-media.com fame)? well, Jonny had one of Ian Drummond's old DiamondBack T-1 frames and i loved what he did with it; namely putting a set of short travel Marz's on the front and making it single speed.

    even though my old Saracen had a working derailleur on it and a roadie-cassette, i only ever kept it in one gear, so the idea of going single makes sense.

    to date, here's my blueprint for the bike (as long as i can get the frame over from the UK alright)

    Frame: DiamondBack T-1

    Forks: Manitou Stance Statics (reduced to 60mm travel with a reducer kit)

    Wheels: Rhyno Lite on Deore disc front - EX721 on DMR Revolver s/s (with AC 16tooth freewheel) rear

    Crankset: Truvativ Hussefelt 170mm

    Pedals: Onza Hognezium

    Stem: Planet-X MegaPipe

    Bars: (unknown - but have to be risers (1.5" minimum) and 31.8mm)

    Brakes: HS33 with Zoo pads on rear - Avid BB7 with 185mm rotor on front

    Tyres: IRC El Gato on rear - DMR Moto RT 2.2 on front

    the crank/pedal/tyre/brake choices are from personal experience. the rear wheel is an experiment and i'm completely open to suggestions for a set of bars.

    the bike is going to be used for urban trials only - no comps - and is more of a 'street' trials bike than a traditional rig. i know that rigid forks are preferable on trials rigs too - but my wrists are screwed and i HAVE to have some suspension up front, or riding is very uncomfortable for me (gimme a break here - i'm 33!)

    any of you guys have any suggestions or alterations to the list above, i'd be happy to hear.

    thanks for your time

  13. I've got his autograph :P

    The bike show used to be so beast :)

    i was just watching my copy of "Contact" and forgot that it shows the Speed Trials from a VERY old Bike show where Hawziee is pitted against Ryan Leech (no less) and takes the win after Leech loses it on top of a spine obstacle.

    typical Hawziee - cool as hell and kept his composure till the end (which, if yer racing Ryan Leech cannot be easy to do!)


  14. IPB Image

    (how much do i like that frame? LOADS, mate....loads) (Y)

    damn shame about Hawzies deal with Diamondback going pear shaped! :(

    just because he doesn't get the public attention as much as Martyn A people tend to forget him, but it'd be great to see him back in action with a decent sponsorship deal under his belt - if only for being a part of trials history with "Dirty Tricks" waaaaaaay back in June 1998. i bet you can't count the number of people that THAT video/dvd has gotten into trials! he's an ambassador for the sport and deserves some of the spotlight

  15. (apologies in advance if this has been raised, but i couldn't see anything using the search option)

    i was just wondering where Martin Hawyes is these days? last i heard, he'd left Giant and gone to DiamondBack (as everyone knows) but the Diamondback site makes no reference to any Trials bikes nor Hawzie!

    so - any ideas?


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