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Posts posted by jamesb

  1. I have always been into extreme sports, and biking was the main one. I went from flatland tricks to street riding to BMX to dirt jumping and then finally trials. Trials is the only type that stuck. I have been riding trials almost every day for 4 years now, and I still can't get enough!

    It must be because it is very easy to see every little improvement I make on the bike, this keeps me going. Plus the "oohs" and "ahhhs" from other people are awesome :D

  2. Hey guys!

    This is 100% natural riding. It is old footage, shot last fall. I don't think it is good enough for a full video, so I just made a short one out of it.

    It is getting warmer, so there will be much better videos on the way.

    Music is a bit different...but I like it. By Amon Amarth.



    Hope you like it!

  3. Yes my tensioner really works! It works much better now with tape in place of the U-bolt. I have used it in every one of my videos, and for much over a year with no problems, except for the end piece being knocked off maybe twice, but it is glued back on easily enough. Try it and post pics haha!

  4. competitions...

    Working towards going to the '07 Uci worlds. Not official yet but I'm almost sure I'm going.

    Maybe see you there!

    Craig, I don't know what camera was used, sorry. Kevin Packer would know on OTN.


  5. Ok, my taps are improving really fast, I am at around 54inches, not sure exactly.

    The hook in the video is my record, somewhere around 63 inches judging by where it came up to on me? I'll have to bring out a measuring tape next time haha.

    Thanks guys!

  6. nice vid looks fanny fun :- , just wondering how far can james b (kid on simtra) gap flat to flat

    To rear, 8'. A little more to front wheel.

    I liked that video, the two kids fighting was great!

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