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Trials boy Joe

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Everything posted by Trials boy Joe

  1. All I can say say is :- :- :) :P :o Joe
  2. breakfast (as in full english breakfast)
  3. freezing cold nips ( as in nipples )
  4. I think its probably a saracen mad like he says in the discription :shifty:" Not bad though, I wonder what it rides like :lol: Joe
  5. If you use a methalated spirit it will clean off all the tar but not leave any residue, I find this works very well :'( Hope I help Joe :P
  6. Fair enough but I'm not happy with the high front end. Cheers for the input :P Joe :shifty:
  7. Ok Here it is, Im riding a 05 T-mag and I am a little uncomfortable with the high front end and short bars (I have the onza 31.8mm clamp size stem and the 27" bars). :shifty: I was thinking to make the bike fell better I could Buy some zoo bars and stem due to the fact they are lower and will make the bike feel longer however I only have £40 at the moment. Which would be best to but first? Bars to get used to the length or Stem to get used to the height? :rip:" All help Appreciated :P Joe ^_^
  8. I can't say that blokes face is that funny, but the clip is quite funny. :) :lol: Joe
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