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Bobby Fox

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Posts posted by Bobby Fox

  1. IRC El Gato / Kujo were the nuts.

    If you didnt have HS33 brakes you were not cool.

    The chain stayed put when you rolled your bike along...

    Things looked much bigger.

    Sponsorship was a thing world championship riders had.

    4 bolt mounts

    Taps .... huh, you hit the wall you crazy?

    Hooks ..... errr we fishing today?

    list goes on, good thread :rolleyes:

  2. Skill...... A week skillfull rider can perform moves even if they are not big, a strong unskilled rider looks like an idiot when he goes to the gym every night only to fail at being able to truckstand. I am not saying being strong doesnt help but you need the skill to put that strength to good use.

  3. dude tartybikes are selling simtra st-1 frames for 150- 160 posted lighter than a t rex and bit of bb rise and the paint job is ace

    Yes i agree, havent ridden one but sounds like its got nice geo, and have only heard good things about them. At £160 you cant go wrong either.

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