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Posts posted by BONGO

  1. I've got some spyware shite really messing with my computer.

    I can access any website besides any virus sites like norton, mcafee, AVG etc etc. Which means i cannot install any virus protection, either free, or off disc. I have borrowed a brand new mcafee disc off my cousin, but it automatically connects via a link, to update during installation. This part fails and then once installed won't work. Now it won't work anyway...

    I can't get windows defender or anything else that will help.

    When i google anything, the links take me away from where i want to advert sites, so it's definately a spyware thing.

    What i need, if possible, is some advice on ehow i can sort it. Windows defender reads as if it will sort it, but i can't get it. If anyone can get the most recent version and either email it, or upload it to somewhere i can download it, i'd really appreciate it. I can't get on msn either...

    Please help!

  2. Somethin has gone tits up on my computer. I can only get on a couple of websites, when i google anything at all, the links i click take me to shite advertisements etc etc, and i had some secrity scenter xp thingy telling me i had spyware or some shite. My AVG won't update because the link it uses to update is shite and going to adverts.

    Could someone download the new avg.exe for me and send it me over msn as a last ditch attempt to help!...


    thanks muchly


  3. Speed at your own risk, everyone knows the rules, but nobody sticks to them. People are used to pussy rules that aren't upheld, so boolocks to you if you get caught a 20mph over. It wasn't an accident, and it's against the law. I ain't preaching like i'm perfect, i speed, but i know i can't moan if i get caught. It doesn't matter what the penalty is if you don't get caught, or don't speed. If you do get caught, well, you knew the rules, so you can't moan...

  4. I'm suprised nobody has said this yet as it was my first thought on the matter. Go down to where your intended target is with the necessary cutting equipment and get busy, if you happen to be disturbed by any authorative figure then your answer is simple:

    "It's my bike, I lost the bunch of keys that had my only lock key on a few weeks ago. I hoped they'd turn up so I could save my lock but they didn't. In the mean time my bike has been ransacked because it's been here over night for three weeks. I'm just trying to salvage what's left of my property."

    And it's yours...

    But sods law, the authorative figure is the real owner!!!

  5. Well, i don't know your cicumstances besides what i read in your post, which was that the car in front, for some reason slid his car, presumably coming to a stop or something similar, in your path, and you hit him?????

    If that's pretty much what happened, then in the eyes of the law, you are to bame for hitting him. Only for hitting him. It may end up going to a part blame incident, as his errors put you into the situation where you had to emergency brake and stop, causing you to hit him. At the end of the day, your job is to look after the car in front, by looking after yourself pretty much. Whatever the car in front does, or whatever happens to them, you need to be travelling at a distance that allows you to come to a complete stop, or to take suitable avoiding actions to avoid any kind of collision with that car.

    When i first passed i had an incident where i hit the back of a car, because i didn't give suffficient room. The fact that it was her bad driving and clutch control that caused her to be stopped in the road when she shouldn't have been was not even part of the arguement, because i didn't give myself enough time and space to stop. It lies with you unfortunately, which is shite :(

    I hope i'm wrong, but i'm sure i'm not. Fingers crossed it does work out for you tough (Y)

  6. 4 limbs control the normal car. If one is out of action, from holding food, drink, phone, map etc etc, then you are not in full control of the vehicle. You can fined for driving without due care and attention, or something similar if you are caught in this situation but have not demonstrated any bad driving when stopped.

    It's the rules, so he shouldn't moan...

    If someone holding a drink crashed into you, you'd be verrry quick to point out that fact to the police and expect that to be a contributing factor. It works both ways. Do things wrong, but don't moan when caught out.

    You know, there trying to do me driving with undue care and attention after my crash.

    They say I should have observed the vehicle in front closer and then I would have been able to have seen him start to slide out. They reckon I would have been able to stop in time If I was paying more attention.

    I told my solicitors and they laughed and said "See you in Court" :lol:

    You'll lose...

    You always need to stop in time. Unless someone pulls in front of you leaving you with no space, then you need to be able to stop. The car in front is allowed to crash and by law, expects the driver behind to be able to stop in time. You didn't have time, so you are in the wrong.

  7. Sad as it is, i think Obama will be assasinated. I know not enough to choose one, but i know only in america you'd find poodles with T shirts on and the name of a candidate on the back...

  8. Common Misconception - check your policy document, or phone your insurance company for details - ask them to point out where in their T&C it actually says this!


    It's not, otherwise everyone would buy Fiat panda's, get policies on them and drive ferrari's round covered third party...

    The Ferrari must have an Insurance policy held against it, by someone. Doesn't have to be the owner,just somebody...

  9. As above, get someone else to drive it.

    Get it registered in your name, and then anyone else with fully comp can drive it back for you.

    Not always. The car NEEDS to have a policy taken out on it, by someone, for someone else to drive it off their own insurance with 3rd party cover.

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